a companion to 30 in 30

Eluard said:
Hey, TRM — Life at the Right Hand of the Father was powerful stuff. I don't have a religious upbinging but it still resonated powerfully.

Eluard said:
I will just add that I'm not sure about the end of the first stanza — that created a hiccup for me and I had to go back and correct the rhythm of the reading.

thanks much for the thoughts, El.

i agree, it's still a bumpy ride -- needs a lot of work.
won't someone join Christian and me on the 30/30?

being with a vampire gets a little lonely, especially during the day.

and at night? well, let's say it can be a bit . . . disconcerting. :cool:
TheRainMan said:
won't someone join Christian and me on the 30/30?

being with a vampire gets a little lonely, especially during the day.

and at night? well, let's say it can be a bit . . . disconcerting. :cool:

Just get yourself some good sun lamps and turn them up high as soon as dusk hits. Oh, and eat garlic sausages for dinner and wash your hair in holy water.

I can't. I can't even remember what I did this morning let alone have the energy to write something. I need a thread where you have a week to write one poem.
Sara Crewe said:
. . .
I can't. I can't even remember what I did this morning let alone have the energy to write something. I need a thread where you have a week to write one poem.

so start one. :p

who says we can't have a 30 poems in 30 weeks thread?

slow and steady wins the race and all. :D
i might be able to join in if nobody minds me doing either a complete run of editing, or a mixture of edits and new poems.

i could do with the discipline of setting time each day to edit.

wildsweetone said:
i might be able to join in if nobody minds me doing either a complete run of editing, or a mixture of edits and new poems.

i could do with the discipline of setting time each day to edit.


nobody should mind anything in a joint like this.

if they do, screw 'em.

TheRainMan said:
won't someone join Christian and me on the 30/30?

being with a vampire gets a little lonely, especially during the day.

and at night? well, let's say it can be a bit . . . disconcerting. :cool:


Sorry, Omegaman
but it was really weirding out my regular writing to do the 30/30 thing. I'll carve some stakes for you if you need them, but Vampie seems friendly enough. Garlic supplements, that's the key.

TheRainMan said:
so start one. :p

who says we can't have a 30 poems in 30 weeks thread?

slow and steady wins the race and all. :D

Jesus. 30 weeks? I could be dead in 30 weeks. That's like another lifetime away. That's like agreeing to marry a thread.

You are exposing my issues. I am commitment-phobic and a thread swinger. A 1/1 thread seems to be more along my lines these days. The second 1 being of the week variety.

Besides, I think you and VD make a cute couple.
Good to see WSO on the 30/30 again. Some fine poetry being crafted there by her.

vampiredust said:
Good to see WSO on the 30/30 again. Some fine poetry being crafted there by her.


thanks Poet. :) i'm very much enjoying your poems too. i like how your style is evolving.

congratulations on another terrific 30/30, Christian. i'm one poem early, but i know you'll get it done -- you always do.

you're the man. keep it up, poet.

That first one is really good. And that's my (yeah, theoretical) selfsame grandpa speaking, which could be bad for you, like Luke, I am your father or something. Just sayin'. OK. Critical City: 1 is basically real good, 2 has a great title sequence and would play in suburban theatres, 3 has a couple good lines but is not you, doctor. Fix your damn embedded quotes, in any case.

Publish a book, hey? I'd buy one.
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Tzara said:

That first one is really good. And that's my (yeah, theoretical) selfsame grandpa speaking, which could be bad for you, like Luke, I am your father or something. Just sayin'. OK. Critical City: 1 is basically real good, 2 has a great title sequence and would play in suburban theatres, 3 has a couple good lines but is not you, doctor. Fix your damn embedded quotes, in any case.

Publish a book, hey? I'd buy one.

SHHHHH. That's still under construction.

RE: 30/30-1

I tried to write each stanza from the frame of mind of the person I was during the incidents in question (The linear version of the poem would run 231, by the by) or at least reflect a little, with 'voice'..... Yeah, it's overartsnob and I should clean it up, but I really like the rhyme with "we, (you and i and possibility)" though I'm not certain the parenthesis are necessary. Harrumph. I'll play with it.

Thank you.

You go Ross!

Today's poem is wonderful. It suspended my disbelief, put me back to long ago summers where my Raleigh authentic English racer was the most important thing in my world and any candy that wasn't chocolate tasted like a color (I liked red best). But the ending is eh (just the last few lines--pre that is stellar). I know it's a draft, maybe a first draft and you probably know this already, but I figure you want the feedback anyway. It needs a twist or a quirk or a something not banal. You know what I mean.

Your poems are going to be a bright spot in my day for another three weeks. Yipeee! :rose:
WildSweetOne, you're doing some stunning work on that thread. I hadn't started to try to catch up until today. Solid, gorgeous stuff. you go grrrl.

DeepAsleep said:
it had been at least two years
since London Bridge fell the fuck finally
down, and it would be another two
(or three) before
I started ignoring liars
in favor of threatening their pants
with fire

and it was summer, somewhere
between may's long division and august's
American History,
between a brand-new huffy &
Wile E. Coyote, ACME plans to dig
in the side of the hill next to my house.

Three months spelled out forever,
like eternity marched in rows of sunny days
& I measured the distance between here and infinity
by counting the number of banana freezie pops
I had to eat in order to get a new box
(so I could start on the blue ones, again.)

I picked mulberries so I wouldn't have to go back
inside & little league taught me
not to close my eyes when fear played
the shivered xylophone on my spine.

The 4th of July was my summer mountain.
I raced up the side as fast as a
new bike could take me,
rocking the handlebars back and forth
like steep summer hills were the reason
I had to wait so long for one night
when i could point at the sky and say,
"This is how I feel, look,
this is my heart beating,
you can see it, tonight."

I could still see August and school nights clearly
on the far side of forever,
past that first kiss & the way she tasted,
past the days spent unbraiding firecrackers
until the silver tips of my fingers could've
snapped sparks from hot summer concrete.

summer takes months to climb -
looking down the side, at the lawns you'll mow
and the fireflies you'll trap
(fireworks in glass jars)
we sometimes find that heaven is finite

mountains don't rise up in June, anymore,
but I've still got a pocketful of mulberries &
a freezer full of freezypops
that taste like a color, not a fruit.
as long as I know a girl
who will lean over my handlebars and
kiss me on a dare
it'll always be summer,
That, was really something. Very vivid in a totally non-intrusive way.
Liar said:
But there's no stopping your left foot from tapping a bee dance story far removed from the sweet venom pouring out of your mouth.
First, I'm gonna waggle my nectar map all over the floor then, fall down in a swoon. Fabulous line!