a companion to 30 in 30

Beware of the casual ellipses. It indicates
an assumption that one continues indefinitely in either direction.
It says
even though you have thoughts and talking and other things going on
I am still there in the air, stenching it up with my
cloying . . .

I mean . . .

isn't that annoying?

hehehe yes, pretty annoying.... I tend to use them (and too often)

It is kind of a lazy habit and now I will think of this rhyme every time I am tempted.......
hehehe yes, pretty annoying.... I tend to use them (and too often)

It is kind of a lazy habit and now I will think of this rhyme every time I am tempted.......

They are my punctuational nemesis. I use them far too often (especially in chatrooms). I noticed myself doing it recently and realized that it kind of keeps my words hanging in the air overlapping everyone else's. I wrote the poem as a resolve to end my effing sentences. Then I am free to fully listen to others.

Wow. Punctuational is a real word!
thanks poets, achild--you all really kept me going. reading all the great poems posted these last 30 days has been wonderful.
this was my 17th try, but i think i've only made it all the way to 30 twelve times.
its a great excersize. i'll do it again sometime soon.
keep laying it down, poets!

love curt

nice job, Curt.

you have great stamina.
thanks you both, rainman and gin. i'm glad that thread was created or i might go months without even trying.
it greases me. in such a good way.
Well, here goes nothing. I've never run a marathon before. We'll see how much stamina I have:


A yellow disc ascends in morning sky,
Illuminating earthbound waves. And sands
Glitter brightly, sparkling crystals. High
Above the shore a sea bird searches, lands
And gathers hard-found sustenance, she must
Achieve another day of life. Her goal:
Survival of the progeny. They trust
And wait success, else lives become the toll
Of nature's cruel, inevitable rush
Toward outcomes man is pow'rless to affect.
No wisdom, no technology can push
The march from natural change. But some reflect
On what our species does to block the road,
On arrogance, which is our moral load.

What a gorgeous sonnet! You're off to a wonderful start. I don't know if you're planning to write 30 sonnets--though I'm guessing you can after seeing the ease with which you wrote those Higgeldy-Piggeldy poems. However, if you do, you'll have a chapbook done in a month. :)
Well I fucked up... truthfully I can't believe I faked it for 22 days! It really did help me to write though for the first time in a long long time, so I appreciate the thread and for the encouragement. Fuckity fuck. I think that what I wrote is 99.9% crap and have decided to put my efforts on editing for now.

You go, Anschul! Keep it up Pandora! A_Child and Yoron!
What a gorgeous sonnet! You're off to a wonderful start. I don't know if you're planning to write 30 sonnets--though I'm guessing you can after seeing the ease with which you wrote those Higgeldy-Piggeldy poems. However, if you do, you'll have a chapbook done in a month. :)

It never hurts to try. But I reserve the right to stick some Higgeldy Piggeldy thing in if I run dry one day. You ought to see the plan I've drawn up to accomplish the thing. Very unpoetic. But thanks for the compliment. I liked it a lot. I don't think they'll all be that good. I just hope they don't get too self-indulgent. This kind of challenge can force one inside. And it can get pretty ugly in there. Yuck.
Well I fucked up... truthfully I can't believe I faked it for 22 days! It really did help me to write though for the first time in a long long time, so I appreciate the thread and for the encouragement. Fuckity fuck. I think that what I wrote is 99.9% crap and have decided to put my efforts on editing for now.

You go, Anschul! Keep it up Pandora! A_Child and Yoron!

Hey, don't feel bad! That 30/30 thread is fucking daunting. It has chewed me up and spit me out more than once. Thirty day of unremitting first draft poetry is hard! And you've got better excuses than anyone else here. Lol.

It never hurts to try. But I reserve the right to stick some Higgeldy Piggeldy thing in if I run dry one day. You ought to see the plan I've drawn up to accomplish the thing. Very unpoetic. But thanks for the compliment. I liked it a lot. I don't think they'll all be that good. I just hope they don't get too self-indulgent. This kind of challenge can force one inside. And it can get pretty ugly in there. Yuck.

If it makes you feel any better, I've written sonnets about disco zombies and "nothing" under the pressure of challenges here. And er no, they weren't good sonnets. The concept of "placeholder poem" is not alien to anyone who participates in that thread.

And if you need comic relief, check out that Hard Day's Night link I put in the Bistro thread. I bet it'll make you laugh as much as it did me. :D
Hey, don't feel bad! That 30/30 thread is fucking daunting. It has chewed me up and spit me out more than once. Thirty day of unremitting first draft poetry is hard! And you've got better excuses than anyone else here. Lol.

If it makes you feel any better, I've written sonnets about disco zombies and "nothing" under the pressure of challenges here. And er no, they weren't good sonnets. The concept of "placeholder poem" is not alien to anyone who participates in that thread.

And if you need comic relief, check out that Hard Day's Night link I put in the Bistro thread. I bet it'll make you laugh as much as it did me. :D

I saw the link, and it is absolutely a hoot. I think you and I may find it funnier than many others around here, but I almost fell off my chair. I did heed your warning to put down my drink. Tenks Gott (as my grandmother used to say).
Hey Anschul. Your sonnets have been an inspiration. Hope you don't hate me for being a copycat. I don't think there is any way I would manage 30 of them, though. Good luck!
Hey Anschul. Your sonnets have been an inspiration. Hope you don't hate me for being a copycat. I don't think there is any way I would manage 30 of them, though. Good luck!

Hi darlin', I don't hate you for being a copycat, I hate you because your sonnet is so good. Wow!
You are very very kind, Anschul. I appreciate it. I think it is a bit awkward in places but maybe with some elbow grease.

Your first one has such an ease that it really sets the bar high. It's been a long time since I have written a sonnet. :)
Anschul, your third sonnet today is awesome. Quite amazing, man.

pandora, your 27 sonnet is incredible too. Didn't notice at first that it was a sonnet — which is a great compliment to your skills.

Looks like we've got a sonnet dance-off going here! *Quick, someone play MJ's Thriller*
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Anschul, your third sonnet today is awesome. Quite amazing, man.

pandora, your 27 sonnet is incredible too. Didn't notice at first that it was a sonnet — which is a great compliment to your skills.

Looks like we've got a sonnet dance-off going here! *Quick, someone play MJ's Thriller*

Thanks, Blicero, Pandora's is wonderful, too. I prefer not to think of this as a smackdown. She's awfully good.


This was just too good to pass up!
Don't you all speak my name in vain. :D

Don't be poet whimps. 4degrees has managed to complete 12 cycles of 30/30. He's a monster!

Keep at it all. Write, write, write.

And you are right Anschul, not all poems in the challenge are gems, but they can certainly be polished into them.
Don't you all speak my name in vain. :D

Don't be poet whimps. 4degrees has managed to complete 12 cycles of 30/30. He's a monster!

Keep at it all. Write, write, write.

And you are right Anschul, not all poems in the challenge are gems, but they can certainly be polished into them.

Thank you, Neo. That's what I think I plan to do with Anna's new Spring Cleaning challenge.
Woah, PG! Pretty amazing (and slightly disturbing!) finish to the 30.30. It reminds me of something but I can't think what. ;)

Anyhow, well done! So how do you feel now that you've finished?
Like a bath in vodka and milk with rose petals floating on top. mmm ok maybe I'll drink the vodka and milk and spread the rose petals on the bed. :)

Thank you, Eluard. That was grueling but good for me, I think.
Like a bath in vodka and milk with rose petals floating on top. mmm ok maybe I'll drink the vodka and milk and spread the rose petals on the bed. :)

Thank you, Eluard. That was grueling but good for me, I think.

Well you did a great job with some wonderful poems (many!) — and of a variety that you haven't posted before. That sounds like a serious stretching — which can't be a bad thing.
Congrats to the glitter girl

Your poems put me in your box. It's sexy and scary. I like the slip you give from the real to the impossible like the first touch of tongue between a lovers lips. Good times
Thank you, AChild. I really enjoy reading your poems also. You slip some deep (thoughts? tongue?) in there sometimes. Or at least, you are deeply imaginative. ;)

Thank you for sharing a bit of the ride with me. :rose:
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congratulations pandors. i knew you'd do it.
keep doing you achild. i see such great writing from you in that thread.
forced poetry,
like a shallow circle
of filth
standing in the middle
absorbing transmental
disdain and disgust
and fuck
from across a vast map
of poetland.