a companion to 30 in 30

hm, hard to say. i just kind of have an unexplainable affection for preserved death.
and i only said squirrel to keep from really alarming anyone.
haha, thanks for humoring me. you are humoring me, right...?

nope. this is bonafide curiosity. i kinda got the part about the death fixation from the new av. i had to ask. carry on. :)
btw, too late....i was already alarmed when i saw the formaldehyde bit. i hear that coupled with "someone offered me...", you can bet this girlie does a double take. but, whatever floats your boat dear poet. you'll get no weird glances from me. i'm over it.....i think.
a very grumpy thank you. Damn 30 30 is taking my whole day and it's getting all entangled in the stuff I'm studying at the moment, and it's all getting all huge and taking most of my brain.

%&^*)*!!?%^*mumble mumble 30 in 30.
&***!!?!^$&%# mumble mumble Crowley.


which is precisely why i stick with the 5/5......even if i am doing it repeatedly.:eek:
4d, your poem is particularly dark today. i like it. you wear 'noir' well. :cool:

bj, are you doing more poems on the cards? i like the concept. even though i don't know much abouit them, with the pic included, i can absolutely follow your poems.
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4d, your poem is particularly dark today. i like it. you wear 'noir' well. :cool:

bj, are you doing more poems on the cards? i like the concept. even though i don't know much abouit them, with the pic included, i can absolutely follow your poems.

Excellent question; I don't really plan any of this, but apparently my muse-angels are completely fixated on this one card at the moment, because it's virtually all I've been able to write about for four or five days now.

I'm working from the Crowley Thoth Tarot, but not all the card art is available on line. I was lucky to find the Lovers Card. We'll see if the rice crispies make me work through the whole major arcana or if they leave me alone after this one...

I hadn't see this until today, Bijou


There is nothing
more real than this: the body dies
without you, after you are gone, in stages
and properly, returning to mushrooms
as it was in the beginning, becoming earth
slowly. We cover the journey in earth
as a courtesy. We draw the curtain
to give the flesh its privacy
as the small eaters do their gentle
necessary work. ..."

Thanks for sharing that moment. It mirrored my own which brings comfort and sadness which in the end means it's a good poem.

this is my very first shot at this thread, so don;t laugh too hard, ok? I'm trying ;) I never know what will "come out" when I force myself to write. I am usually an "instant" poet, if not inspired, my results usually suckity suck.
Laugh? I'm pleased. You're one of the poets I've been waiting for to read on 30/30. :rose:
NJ, it's so good to have your company in there. Truly. And a darn fine start, as well.

good luck and don't worry. Sucking in the 30/30 is allowed, but I hardly think it's something you have to be concerned about.

"I tend to disagree
there is no wasteland, no hollow men
only those who never try, who lend

nothing to posterity."

See? Two is worth writing for those lines alone:rose:

Keep going.:)

*says the chicky safely ensconced on the sidelines*
The snood — that was a very fine first poem from you. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Quoth Eluard:

- that was a very fine first poem from you. I'm looking forward to reading more.

Thank you; I shall attempt to not disappoint.
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Sez normal jean:

"I need h_sband repellent f0r my chair."

I like that. A lot.

Liked you latest, Snood.

I would say it's flawless, actually. I read poetry journals for about an hour yesterday and that was as good or better than most of what I read.
Um, thank you. Coming from one such as yourself, that means loads.

I like this place. Writing here is every bit as productive and rewarding as making pretzels out o' pipe, but much easier on the musculature.

Fondest wishes,

Snood, your September '79 poem has such great rhythm. It just tumbles off the tongue. Really enjoyed it.

NJ, your keyboard woes have mighty clever execution.
just 4 u.....emoticon sluts must stick together

4d, you're so close....one more day. (i loved #25 especially)
*waves pom-poms maniacally, as only a one-chick cheering squad can*

Bj, as Sara can tell you, when I am just knocked the fuck over by a poem, I go all duh-like, and am reduced to either monosyllabic responses, or utter speechlessness. Control : HOT
Pardon, I think I can conjure three whole syllables for this one:
It's clearly sexual, but not overdone. Less really is more.
I'm equally fond of Isoscelese, for different reasons. So rhythmic

I sit in awe of the stamina you folks have.
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Shucks, thank you.

I am really, really glad I'm almost done. This one is truly eating my brain. But if I'm very diligent, in about 12 years I'll have a series for Wicked Eve's thread.

*nurse arrives, spoons in some broth, takes blood pressure, shakes head, leaves.*

I will not be afraid to suck.
I will not be afraid to suck.
I do not fear the sucking.
Sucking, I do not fear.

*lays back on sickbed, mumbling deleriously*

Felicitations and congrats to BJ and Four-Dee on completing that 30 thing.

Wide ranging work, both of yous, and what is particularly fascinating about the 30/30 is that you have to do something every day. Every day. For a month.

So readers eventually get to see you pretty raw. (Or is that pretty, raw.)

Doesn't matter. It makes you write things you probably wouldn't write otherwise. Which makes it interesting.

Well done, both.

*sings, offkey* I'm just waiting on our Snood / Feelin' squirmy at Its mood / Eating up Its words as food / Waitin', waitin' on the Snood.
Congrats 30/30 peeps!

You were both interesting to read every day.

Go forth and lick your poetic wounds and rest your tired minds.

Or come get a drink in the Bistro!!



Snood's late. Well, he's not but I wanna see so that makes him pseudo-late.