a companion to 30 in 30

Thank you Anschul, Curt and RainMan. I appreciate your support and inspiration. Now to get over to the spring cleaning thread to do some polishing.
AChild, this verse is gorgeous:

it is a brown not found in any frame
the black bars tell the story
the flames send fliers
scent on the wind

spoken like a man in love with his craft. i hear the volume climb in this verse.
your poems are getting louder all the time.:)

Anschul, The Dance is beautifully rhythmic. it has a smooth flow. (kinda hot too!) loved it. :rose:
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It's certainly a gratifying thing,
To bring a mighty challenge to its knees,
To chart an unknown course, make a brain sing
Some difficult tunes. The soul's mirror sees
The jump into this raging river as
A torrent conquered. The calendar keeps
Moving, leaden foot upon the gas,
And challenging the mind to make these leaps
Into the wake, pulled along, writing down
Word after word, line after line, until
The last day comes. But the finishers crown
Only themselves, completion is the thrill.
What difficulty lies ahead, the tough
Job left is dealing with this nasty stuff.

I crown thee King of the Sonnets!

Here's your crown. Ignore the cross near the bottom It used to beong to King Edward, but he's dead so he won't mind sharing. I bet he never wrote 30 sonnets, either!


cheers to you Cheffy! crack open a bottle of your favoriite tequila, and here are some roses
(i was going for a dozen, but they stopped me at 10)


I crown thee King of the Sonnets!

Here's your crown. Ignore the cross near the bottom It used to beong to King Edward, but he's dead so he won't mind sharing. I bet he never wrote 30 sonnets, either!




Congratulations Anschul! You did it!!! *clap clap clap*

And in high style.


cheers to you Cheffy! crack open a bottle of your favoriite tequila, and here are some roses.




I love all of you (and you too, UYS). No more sonnets for a while.
To Anschul

My hat is off cause it was blown away.:eek:

And you didn't think that you could do it.
My hat is off cause it was blown away.:eek:

And you didn't think that you could do it.

Thank you, my friend. I am in awe of your work, the Energizer Bunny of this thread. No matter what time I posted, no matter what time I looked here, you were the last one to post. You are really amazing. I'm just an amateur, trying to get better.
Holy Bejeezus, BJ, your summer poem is WOW. smokinghotgood. I need a mojito. Somehow those ideas are related.
shucks *shuffling feet* thanks.

and here I was hoping I could just sneak in there and do a 30 without anyone noticing.

Long as you're looking, though, I really wrote #2 and #3 as companions, or at least that's sort of how they felt to me. Got an opinion on whether they should go together?

anyway, thanks.
I think they are better apart. 2 is lovely but 3 is an explosion.

You're undoubtedly right.

I had a writing professor who used to accuse me of "revving my engines" for a while before I actually got to the meat of a piece. This was in fiction - he'd routinely cut the entire first page and the story would be suddenly much better. But I think I do that in poetry too. Perhaps the first half was partly just 'revving my engines."

thanks for the feedback, sweet.

unpredictablebijou said:
Do you think I enjoy
being the death goddess?
Well, I, for one, do not.

But I do have to congratulate you, BJ, for taking a tense personal situation and turning into a pretty damn good poem.

At least, I think that's what you're doing.

Good luck on the homefront. Your poems so far have been pretty uniformly good. Some better, some worse, of course. All pretty good. Some exceptional.

I thought today's was pretty exceptional. That smack upside my face says so.

You go, grrl.
may i just say, there is some kick ass poetry happening in the 30/30 as of late.

4d, your poems are short and sweet, but i usually walk away feeling like i sank my teeth into something substantial.

bj, i am hella impressed. not that that's something new, but girl, today your pen was smokin'! there's something to be said for suffering and art. they go together like february and skullies. chin up girlie....thursday'll be here before you know it. ;)
Thank you, both of you.

This run's been all over the map so far. But I want it on record that Tzara talked me into it. He virtually dared me. So complaints about any of my lower-quality stuff should be PM'd to him.

Perhaps the key to being a good poet is to suffer just enough to write well but not quite enough to pull a Sylvia Plath.

And T, by the way:

I cry too. Made the shop a little weird this afternoon while I was weeping to Liebestod and there were people trying to shop, but there ya go. It's why I'm unemployed.

thanks for the encouragement, sassynyc. its always good to know that my junk is read.

unpredictablebijou said:
But I want it on record that Tzara talked me into it.

that's funny, kinda. at least two dozen poets (and the people who love them) tried to persued me monitarily and even with an offer of a baby squirrel in a mason jar of formaldehyde if i would "please refrain from posting any more of your moronic, egocentric, and outright dumb attempts at poetry"
thanks for the encouragement, sassynyc. its always good to know that my junk is read.

that's funny, kinda. at least two dozen poets (and the people who love them) tried to persued me monitarily and even with an offer of a baby squirrel in a mason jar of formaldehyde if i would "please refrain from posting any more of your moronic, egocentric, and outright dumb attempts at poetry"

I like your stuff, Quattro — I'm on record as saying.
thanks for the encouragement, sassynyc. its always good to know that my junk is read.

that's funny, kinda. at least two dozen poets (and the people who love them) tried to persued me monitarily and even with an offer of a baby squirrel in a mason jar of formaldehyde if i would "please refrain from posting any more of your moronic, egocentric, and outright dumb attempts at poetry"

Poetry skills aside for a minute. I have to ask.....why was a squirrel in a jar of formaldehyde deemed an attractive offer to thwart your writing?
(Please tell me you're pre-med or studying to be a vet or something) :eek:
Poetry skills aside for a minute. I have to ask.....why was a squirrel in a jar of formaldehyde deemed an attractive offer to thwart your writing?
(Please tell me you're pre-med or studying to be a vet or something) :eek:

hm, hard to say. i just kind of have an unexplainable affection for preserved death.
and i only said squirrel to keep from really alarming anyone.
haha, thanks for humoring me. you are humoring me, right...?
bj, your poem today is some pretty great stuff. this jumped out at me especially:

Look closely: the twin holds
a bloody hammer; he is
how we kill ourselves
with judgment, with one another.

and your closing verse as well. some beautiful phrasing throughout. on a hot streak, are you?
bj, your poem today is some pretty great stuff. this jumped out at me especially:

Look closely: the twin holds
a bloody hammer; he is
how we kill ourselves
with judgment, with one another.

and your closing verse as well. some beautiful phrasing throughout. on a hot streak, are you?

a very grumpy thank you. Damn 30 30 is taking my whole day and it's getting all entangled in the stuff I'm studying at the moment, and it's all getting all huge and taking most of my brain.

%&^*)*!!?%^*mumble mumble 30 in 30.
&***!!?!^$&%# mumble mumble Crowley.
