a companion to 30 in 30

My ears and whiskers!

To sassynyc:

Thanks! I aims to please. Well, and to flirt. As for stamina, we'll see how I do in the marathon to come.

To sara crewe:

I am indeed late, but under the wire.

My network connexion at the office went tango-uniform, so I had to get done with work quickly and then get to a backup venue to compose and post.

I sure wish I could get affordable internet access out here in the toolies...

Anyway, "Hi!"

as always it was good for me and fun, even posting really bad things that are supposed poems. it keeps my mind working though, in that weird poetic way. i don't wanna lose it, so i use it.
thanks for all your support and congrats bj. your poems have so much thick and likeable content. you know, we began this venture together just minutes apart. that is weird.
as always it was good for me and fun, even posting really bad things that are supposed poems. it keeps my mind working though, in that weird poetic way. i don't wanna lose it, so i use it.
thanks for all your support and congrats bj. your poems have so much thick and likeable content. you know, we began this venture together just minutes apart. that is weird.

Weird indeed, but appropriate. You helped inspire me every day, and so perhaps it was no coincidence.

Thanks, all. It was a horrible ordeal as always, but perhaps someday it will have been worth it.

And Tz, I'd adust your statement. You say, "you have to write something every day," which is true. But given the venue and the slim potential that people are actually watching me, you have to edit that to say, "you have to try to write something that doesn't suck, every day."

meh. whether or not any one thing worked, the ordeal is good. I'm actually getting used to it.

*pain freak*

as always it was good for me and fun, even posting really bad things that are supposed poems. it keeps my mind working though, in that weird poetic way. i don't wanna lose it, so i use it.
thanks for all your support and congrats bj. your poems have so much thick and likeable content. you know, we began this venture together just minutes apart. that is weird.
How many is it now you poetry writing machine?! This is no small feat, 4. A lot of poets are not made of sterner stuff like you. Congratulations on another 30/30 completion.

Thanks, all. It was a horrible ordeal as always, but perhaps someday it will have been worth it.
Congrats! I should point out to you, bijou that I borrowed this challenge idea from a LiveJournal community. Trust me, 30/30 was abbreivated. They did 100/100!
Trust me, 30/30 was abbreivated. They did 100/100!

Good God.

And yet.

There's a piece of me that says,"ooo challenge."

Then there is a bigger piece of me that says, "Hey Moron! That's over three months. Are you freakin' insane?!!!"
Good God.

And yet.

There's a piece of me that says,"ooo challenge."

Then there is a bigger piece of me that says, "Hey Moron! That's over three months. Are you freakin' insane?!!!"
I tried writing a poem-a-day starting in 2006, I believe. I think it was heart surgery that knocked me out but it was fun while it lasted.
I tried writing a poem-a-day starting in 2006, I believe. I think it was heart surgery that knocked me out but it was fun while it lasted.

That would be very cool to try, Champie.

I have days where I can count the time I have to myself in seconds. You guys would end up with 365 different versions of

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm tired of me
and so are you.

Well, you wouldn't be able to smell anything if those people upstream would stop dumping in our "river of rue".
I should point out to you, bijou that I borrowed this challenge idea from a LiveJournal community. Trust me, 30/30 was abbreivated. They did 100/100!

Crikey! I'd sooner face a Ford than do that! What kind of plonker signs up for that kind of effort?

That makes extreme cycling look like a jaunt in the park. Urk? Gulp!?!

champagne1982, nice work and thanks for taking the plunge. I was not looking forward to going it alone for another fortnight and more.

Crikey! I'd sooner face a Ford than do that! What kind of plonker signs up for that kind of effort?

That makes extreme cycling look like a jaunt in the park. Urk? Gulp!?!

champagne1982, nice work and thanks for taking the plunge. I was not looking forward to going it alone for another fortnight and more.

Thank you, your Snoodiness. 30 in 30 is not a challenge to embark upon alone. When you start the challenge you have to look scowly faces at other people to shame them into joining in...

C'mon, you lurkers! Join me and the furry guy in a boisterous month of poesy...

(Likely won't work, but it'll make the buggers laugh... I hear them snickering over there in the corner already).
Thank you, your Snoodiness. 30 in 30 is not a challenge to embark upon alone. When you start the challenge you have to look scowly faces at other people to shame them into joining in...

C'mon, you lurkers! Join me and the furry guy in a boisterous month of poesy...

(Likely won't work, but it'll make the buggers laugh... I hear them snickering over there in the corner already).

I have no shame.

Go Champie!!

*goes to look up the word plonker*

Great job on a very good run, bijou and 4degrees. Very engaging poems you wrote there. You'll have lots to polish up. :rose:
Thank you, your Snoodiness. 30 in 30 is not a challenge to embark upon alone. When you start the challenge you have to look scowly faces at other people to shame them into joining in...

C'mon, you lurkers! Join me and the furry guy in a boisterous month of poesy...

(Likely won't work, but it'll make the buggers laugh... I hear them snickering over there in the corner already).

heh. I believe the Fantastic Four and I are the only ones who can rightfully bow out of that particular dare right now. Everyone else better be shuffling their feet.

I have no shame.

Go Champie!!

*goes to look up the word plonker*

Lemme know what you find out. That Snood is almost as good as UYS at introducing me to new slang.

Hey Snoodenator,

I have comments on today's poem (which I liked) . Are you a take your comments in pubic person or you want 'em sent to you privately or you want me to swallow 'em?

Just checkin'.

Miller Time

Nuthin' like an ode to a drunken night of regret to warm the poetic cockles of my heart. I had a good cackle with this one. I love the fuck-it-I-got-no-regrets tone of the poem.
hey neo thank you so much for the encouraging words of stroke-like nature. i always love that y'know.:rose:

fantastic four? hahaha werd, bj.:rose:
Hey Snoodenator,
Are you a take your comments in pubic person or you want 'em sent to you privately or you want me to swallow 'em?

Odd that you're asking. What's up?

Feel free to private message me, post here or whatever.

Last edited:
Odd that you're asking. What's up?

Feel free to private message me, post here or whatever.


Oh, no biggie, just had some suggestions and I didn't know if you were into that kinda thing or not so I was checkin'.

Some people just like to write and they don't want to think about stuff they might want to edit at some point
I'd like to shout out to 'dora... :) nice to have you for company, m'dear and you're off to a good start, too. Liked your poem.
Oh, no biggie, just had some suggestions and I didn't know if you were into that kinda thing or not so I was checkin'.

Yes indeed, let me know your suggestions and ideas.

I love to listen and refine myself, and do truly believe that the day we stop learning is the day we start dying.


Yes indeed, let me know your suggestions and ideas.

I love to listen and refine myself, and do truly believe that the day we stop learning is the day we start dying.



Okey dokey.

Now I gotta go write down what I was thinkin'.
