a companion to 30 in 30

I'm just sayin', I absolutely LOVE your Summer1, On Touch. I was just sayin' that the other day, that my Shorthair's got the most incredibly soft ears in the world, even softer than my little M's butt. But barely.
Really, REALLY nice! I'll be readin' every day. Yay!

And BTW, I did 30 sonnets a couple of months ago. I'm thinkin' of going again, once I get into a regular pattern back here. Still house stuff to do, but still...

Go Carrie.
Go Dora.
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I'm just sayin', I absolutely LOVE your Summer1, On Touch. I was just sayin' that the other day, that my Shorthair's got the most incredibly soft ears in the world, even softer than my little M's butt. But barely.
Really, REALLY nice! I'll be readin' every day. Yay!

And BTW, I did 30 sonnets a couple of months ago. I'm thinkin' of going again, once I get into a regular pattern back here. Still house stuff to do, but still...

Go Carrie.
Go Dora.
Thanks, for your pompomminess ;) cheffy. I think my head cheerleader deserves a hug.

The Snood is gifting us with quality poems in there, too. It's really good company I'm keeping.

Go snoooo ood .. go doraaaa... yay!
Okay, I'm in. Anyone can feel free to comment or critique my work any time. My goal is growth afterall.

I'd like to shout out to 'dora... :) nice to have you for company, m'dear and you're off to a good start, too. Liked your poem.

Thank you! Well it will be wonderful to have you for company too. And thank you also, Snood. And Yay, Lady! Fun times. Now I just have to think of a poem. ;)
*gives bj the evil eye, over a row of empty martini glasses*

I hope...*hiccup*...you're happy. :p

*walks out, kicking self*

PG, looks like we're roomies again. :)
Well, well... The Snood is now a rose amidst thorns... Welcome to the 30/30 thread ladies. It's good to have company!
Great to see you hop in, Sassy, and Tzara! Tzara if you make it to 30, I will SO buy you a round at the Bistro and drink to your honor. (I hope I make it, too. It's just good to be writing again. I was a bit blocked 'till I borrowed Bijou's tarot idea.)

I am enjoying each and every one of your poems, people.

Keep going.

You have fans.

*cues poet-fans to scream*

*awkward silence*

*hushed whispers*

Okay, they said they "scream' for you but they were feeling somewhat introverted and were not comfortable with a literal scream.
I am enjoying each and every one of your poems, people.

Keep going.

You have fans.

*cues poet-fans to scream*

*awkward silence*

*hushed whispers*

Okay, they said they "scream' for you but they were feeling somewhat introverted and were not comfortable with a literal scream.




And a lovely cheering section y'all are. Nice to come home to. I'm feeling less than poetic at the moment. The good mojo is appreciated.
Villanellious postings

I'm amazed that someone hasn't gotten on me about the preposition thing, even as a gag.

I love this place!

Elegant writing, Sassy. Especially the first strophe of this one.

Atone with viscous sips
of sanctity
Wash down evidence
of fallible human nature
until it is pressed
into repentance

This was trickier for me because I read viscous as vicious at first, and had to go back and work on imagining viscous sips which kinda grossed me out, hehe. I liked the comparisons you make in your metaphor until I reach the conclusion that repentance becomes offal. (But I may not be reading it right.) Anyway, a keeper for sure. Keep it up, grrrl.

Elegant writing, Sassy. Especially the first strophe of this one.

Atone with viscous sips
of sanctity
Wash down evidence
of fallible human nature
until it is pressed
into repentance

This was trickier for me because I read viscous as vicious at first, and had to go back and work on imagining viscous sips which kinda grossed me out, hehe. I liked the comparisons you make in your metaphor until I reach the conclusion that repentance becomes offal. (But I may not be reading it right.) Anyway, a keeper for sure. Keep it up, grrrl.


Thanks Dora. You always find new twists on my poems. And they're usually more interesting than my actual meaning. :) Does sound kinda gross when you read it that way. Repentance was actually literal repentance. The poem is just a run through of communion. The 'viscous sips' refer to wine, that represents the blood of Christ in the ritual of communion. Seems pale by comparison, huh? :eek:

I'm glad there are so many of us on board. It's always more intersting with other people around to inspire you. Keeping my fingers crossed to meet the finish line.
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There is some stunning work going on in the 30 in 30 right now, and I mean everybody.

With Sara off nymphing around the continent for 2 weeks, I guess the head cheerleader slot is open, and I'll step up to fill it for the time being.

All double entendre intended, thank you.

Go go go!
Rah rah rah!
and so on.

Very nice ghazal, The Snood.

I love this 30 in 30 exercise since it gives us opportunity to try different formulae and deal with different subjects that we wouldn't normally tackle.

There's good stuff in that there thread folks.
Very nice ghazal, The Snood.

I love this 30 in 30 exercise since it gives us opportunity to try different formulae and deal with different subjects that we wouldn't normally tackle.

There's good stuff in that there thread folks.
I second Champie's opine. "Night" is a good choice for the monorhyme, because it doesn't become as irritating when used repetitively as some other words might.

Question, though: Do you pronounce "Wednesday" with three syllables? That seemed odd.

Nice poem, though. I should try a ghazal again. My first one was awful.
Very nice ghazal, The Snood.

Thanks - although I'll admit to some surprise that you say so.

It might very well be good, but I'm too frazzled to notice - pre-occupied as I am with my linguistic shortcomings.

While I've a fair command of English, it's my only language and for a ghazal a Persian dialect would be FAR better suited.

Back in the late seventies I had the dream of traveling to Syria or Iran and apprenticing myself to a smith for a year or two.

After all, what better way to learn than from a traditionalist in the place where steel was invented?

In addition, I suspect that I'd be better at deciphering beautiful squiggles and could properly pronounce رباعیات عمر خیام

Anyway, at least I'm free of the monkey for another twenty-four...

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Question, though: Do you pronounce "Wednesday" with three syllables? That seemed odd.

Thank you. Yes, the radif is frequently a truly thorny problem.

By the way, that was my first; I'd always avoided trying because I thought it impossible to do passably. Live and learn - skip the second part.

As for Wed-nes-day (Woden's Day) I do indeed say that, as differentiated from Wends-day.

I also pronounce walk and wok dissimilarly, and I only pronounce karaoke carry-oakie in order to disparage that pronunciation, which I feel is as odious as nuke-u-lar.

FYI, it's pronounced CAr-ROOk-fOrd-KElp, with the R in rook pronounced with the upper lip near the lower teeth and sped up to become almost a soft D, as in Spanish or Portuguese. All syllables are the same length, and none are stressed.

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Quoth LadynStFreknBed:

> Pussy Tamed

> As he caressed the curves of her,
> She yielded to his gentle touch.
> “I love you,” she said with a purr.


No WONDER you love villanelles - you hold complete and utter mastery of the form!

Presumably you will also place that gem in your own challenge thread.

Crikey! I may never again attempt one. ;p

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