a companion to 30 in 30

Thank you. Yes, the radif is frequently a truly thorny problem.

By the way, that was my first; I'd always avoided trying because I thought it impossible to do passably. Live and learn - skip the second part.

As for Wed-nes-day (Woden's Day) I do indeed say that, as differentiated from Wends-day.
I am Northwestern American accent, so I can almost hear it. I'd pronounce the word (or I think I pronounce the word--hearing oneself is difficult) something like "Wed(some little slurry thing transitioning to)nes day." So, more or less on the edge about whether it is two syllables or three.

Kind of how I pronounce "poem." I'm always trying to decide whether it is one syllable or two. For me, that's kind of up in the air.
I also pronounce walk and wok dissimilarly, and I only pronounce karaoke carry-oakie in order to disparage that pronunciation, which I feel is as odious as nuke-u-lar.
I would agree (again, trying to listen to myself) that "walk" and "wok" are different, though not by much.

I do not say, "carry-okie," though. Actually, I try to pronounce "karaoke" as little as possible. :cool:
FYI, it's pronounced CAr-ROOk-fOrd-KElp, with the R in rook pronounced with the upper lip near the lower teeth and sped up to become almost a soft D, as in Spanish or Portuguese. All syllables are the same length, and none are stressed.

All I can say to this is Thank God I don't have any Japanese clients before whom I have to slaughter "Sweet Caroline" or, worse, "Let's Get Lost." :)
The Nine of Disks...
You look like you are made of leather

and leather looks good on me.
I like this series, Dora. I probably haven't said. I dont know the symbolism of the tarot, nor am I much up on slang, but the end of this is absofuckinglutely killer. Smoking.

What? Is the Nine of Disks about groping or something? :)

What I particularly like is that it is the female voice (assuming you have written the poem in your voice) taking charge of the metaphor: "leather looks good on me."

As Champers said earlier, there is a lot of excellent stuff going down in this thread right now.

Thanks, poets.
August 30 Pack

but still the blueprint rests
tangled in the double helix
of chromosomal instances

Gorgeous, Champagne.

Snood, you are in love, clearly. Quite warming to read your work.

Lady, Purrrrrrr :cathappy: You are yummy, and this comes through in your poems.

Tzara, Master of the Terzanelle, you are in your flow. (SET will be envious.)

Keep up the good work, lady S, (loving the new avie too)

What good company you all are. Quite inspiring.
... "Wed(some little slurry thing transitioning to)nes day." So, more or less on the edge about whether it is two syllables or three ... how I pronounce "poem." I'm always trying to decide whether it is one syllable or two. For me, that's kind of up in the air ...

That's a wonderful freedom. Since the poetry one creates is usually experienced by others and is not usually being recited by the author, one can choose the number of syllables as needed.

After all, Wednesday can always be deliberately shortened by the use of an apostrophe, so were I you I'd make the default three syllables to keep my options open.

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I like this series, Dora. I probably haven't said. I dont know the symbolism of the tarot, nor am I much up on slang, but the end of this is absofuckinglutely killer. Smoking.

What? Is the Nine of Disks about groping or something? :)

What I particularly like is that it is the female voice (assuming you have written the poem in your voice) taking charge of the metaphor: "leather looks good on me."

As Champers said earlier, there is a lot of excellent stuff going down in this thread right now.

Thanks, poets.

Thank you, Tzara. The poem is written from the idea that a person can be money (in the slang sense) and about someone whom I might call that. :)
I am pleased you are liking the series. I'm drawing a card from my deck each day to write from.

Yeah there really is a lot of inspiring work happening over in 30/30. It's a good pack. Let's keep it going.
Thank you, Tzara. The poem is written from the idea that a person can be money (in the slang sense) and about someone whom I might call that. :)
I am pleased you are liking the series. I'm drawing a card from my deck each day to write from.

Yeah there really is a lot of inspiring work happening over in 30/30. It's a good pack. Let's keep it going.

What they said, Dora. Good, good stuff.

Mind if I ask which deck you're using? I'm kind of a fiend, obviously. The Crowley Thoth is pretty intense and different from most others (I call it my "pit bull" deck) but his ideas were very purposeful; it's a better researched deck than most.

I agree, bijou. It is the only deck I have ever used. I am using the Thoth. Thank you for reading and commenting.
Love Poem, Written in Jejune

There was never any way I could have asked
for your sudden love.
I had to craft, with but the charm
of steady, dull attention my only tool,
a sturdy cabinet, its surface polished smooth.

And though it's stale to say
that this cabinet holds my heart,
it does. Oh, and it holds some other thing
kept carefully in dark for you—
another, not-so-limpid, part..

Fine poem. Good use of symbolism.

A query: Qijue is the twenty-eight syllable variant of jueju. What's jejune? I do not recognise the form.

Fine poem. Good use of symbolism.

A query: Qijue is the twenty-eight syllable variant of jueju. What's jejune? I do not recognise the form.

Thank you.

I'm afraid you've encountered my idiosyncratic (and not very funny) sense of humor. Jejune means "juvenile" or "puerile," among other things. So the title is meant to be something like "Love Poem, Written in Jejune (Style)". Because I can be rather mushily romantic, it's also supposed to mock me stuttering nervously while declaiming my Love: "Love Poem, Written in J-june".

I know. Private jokes. :rolleyes:

The word was recently being discussed on another thread.

My own sense of humour has been said to resemble a beautiful bird, in that they are both pretty fowl.

Ms. Sassy, I have really been enjoying your audio link poems. And the pictures, as well. Of course, your superior taste in music helps.

Dora, today's poem was smoking hot, and not because your skin caught on fire when your aesthetician (is that what you call someone who does waxing?) yanked off another strip. May I simply comment yeowtch!?

Chef Z, your sonneteering tempts me to try one again. But then I think Yeah, well, he cooks, too. You know he's better than you at that, why be lured in over your head on this rhyminess thing? Well done, sir.

Champster, that last one was, um, smoooth. Heh heh. :eek:

LadyS, your facillity with the villanelle shames my clumsy attempts at the form and gives me a fine excuse to retreat to my clumsy free verse. Rock on. It is a lovely form and you execute it well.

Snood, you are the man. I think. Well, you're the Snood, anyway. I like your exploratory bent. It's always fun to see what you'll come up with.

I don't recall the last time we had so many poets working through this thread at one time. It's kind of cool, actually. Thanks, y'all.
Ms. Sassy, I have really been enjoying your audio link poems. And the pictures, as well. Of course, your superior taste in music helps.

Dora, today's poem was smoking hot, and not because your skin caught on fire when your aesthetician (is that what you call someone who does waxing?) yanked off another strip. May I simply comment yeowtch!?

Chef Z, your sonneteering tempts me to try one again. But then I think Yeah, well, he cooks, too. You know he's better than you at that, why be lured in over your head on this rhyminess thing? Well done, sir.

Champster, that last one was, um, smoooth. Heh heh. :eek:

LadyS, your facillity with the villanelle shames my clumsy attempts at the form and gives me a fine excuse to retreat to my clumsy free verse. Rock on. It is a lovely form and you execute it well.

Snood, you are the man. I think. Well, you're the Snood, anyway. I like your exploratory bent. It's always fun to see what you'll come up with.

I don't recall the last time we had so many poets working through this thread at one time. It's kind of cool, actually. Thanks, y'all.

What he said.

And particularly: Dora: DAaaaaaaamn. Damn, girl. My screen has smoke stains.

Holy hookahs, Batman! This place is HOT!

I am honoured (and not a little humbled) to hang about in this forum. You all are phenomenal writers, and I enjoy your work immensly.

Also, I'm learning a lot about What People Like.

Further, your critiques, advice and compliments serve me well.

Thanks, people.

LadyS, your facillity with the villanelle shames my clumsy attempts at the form and gives me a fine excuse to retreat to my clumsy free verse. Rock on. It is a lovely form and you execute it well.


Thank you so much for your kind comments. I just love villanelle form. I want to play more with the meaning of the repeated lines though. I tried to do that with my last one.. with the beginning of the villanelle focused on the subject trying to delude others with the end focused on his belief in the delusion.
Dora, your latest makes the hair prickle on the back of my neck. Boy, am I glad I'm a man.
Thanks for the poems, various assorted Lit-Peeps!

That was a fun couple of pages to read in my moment out of the sun.
Thank you Tz, bj and Anschul. I think it's a little clunky yet, but it's getting there. And yes, my aesthetician is way, way cute. :) I :heart: her. In a totally clienty kind of way.

Question: does getting turned on during a waxing make me a bottom? :eek:

Anyway, for that poem I blame bj and her evol challenge. :rose:

Fantastically delicious and improved with more smilies per spoonful.
Ms. Sassy, I have really been enjoying your audio link poems. And the pictures, as well. Of course, your superior taste in music helps.

Why thank you, kind sir. :)
I've never done the 30/30 before. I figure I need something I'm insanely passionate about to keep me going a full month. Hence, I've moved in and commandeered the juke box. I've been trying to tell a story with each poem using the music and pictures as a backdrop. Hopefully, it's working.
You wonderful poets keep up the good work. I need to take a break...I'm just not feelin' it here, I think my heart's not in it right now. A lot of my writing (poetry and prose) is about my sense of place, and I'm really struggling with my sense of place. Without it, I find it difficult to feel anything. It's new here, and I'm still trying to find my comfort zone. I'll be back, better than ever. In the meantime, I'll keep cooking over there.
And I'll be reading every day.
You wonderful poets keep up the good work. I need to take a break...I'm just not feelin' it here, I think my heart's not in it right now. A lot of my writing (poetry and prose) is about my sense of place, and I'm really struggling with my sense of place. Without it, I find it difficult to feel anything. It's new here, and I'm still trying to find my comfort zone. I'll be back, better than ever. In the meantime, I'll keep cooking over there.
And I'll be reading every day.
Oh, Man. This one is shaping up to be Lit Poet Survivor or something.

You sure, Chef? Tzara's Rule, you know, is Do not be afraid to be bad. I'm bad all the time, not that you have probably noticed. :))) Don't you be afraid to be, bad, OK?

But if your heart ain't in yer poems, then godspeed on ya for something else.

Geez. We're shedding people like life rafts off the Titanic. Maybe I'd better count: Snoodie, LadyS, MissySass, Dora. Dora? Anybody seen Dora today?

(Shhh, shhh. No pressure, D. Just pointing out we's missing you. No, um, pressure. Not much pressure, anyway. Just do your thing, girl. Heh. Anyway. :))

Please? The raft is getting light.
Oh, Man. This one is shaping up to be Lit Poet Survivor or something.

You sure, Chef? Tzara's Rule, you know, is Do not be afraid to be bad. I'm bad all the time, not that you have probably noticed. :))) Don't you be afraid to be, bad, OK?

But if your heart ain't in yer poems, then godspeed on ya for something else.

Geez. We're shedding people like life rafts off the Titanic. Maybe I'd better count: Snoodie, LadyS, MissySass, Dora. Dora? Anybody seen Dora today?

(Shhh, shhh. No pressure, D. Just pointing out we's missing you. No, um, pressure. Not much pressure, anyway. Just do your thing, girl. Heh. Anyway. :))

Please? The raft is getting light.

Hey, my friend, I'm not quitting completely, just need to get my stuff together here. The move from Florida has been harder on me in a practicality sense, and I find that I just don't have the time to give this cool challenge the thought it deserves. I'm not afraid to be bad, but I'm also not into simply dashing something off just to make the deadline. I did that too many times when I worked in broadcasting, and I came to not like it very much. It's a pride thing. I will be back, I will compete in this challenge again, and I will complete it. Just can't do it right now. Not leaving Lit, not not (don't you just love double negatives?) writing, just can't make the deadlines right now. Too much pressure, what with all the other stuff going on...new schools for girls, new job for both AA and me, house to demolish and reconstruct, those sorts of things.
But thanks for the kick in the pants.