a companion to 30 in 30

Hey, my friend, I'm not quitting completely, just need to get my stuff together here. The move from Florida has been harder on me in a practicality sense, and I find that I just don't have the time to give this cool challenge the thought it deserves. I'm not afraid to be bad, but I'm also not into simply dashing something off just to make the deadline. I did that too many times when I worked in broadcasting, and I came to not like it very much. It's a pride thing. I will be back, I will compete in this challenge again, and I will complete it. Just can't do it right now. Not leaving Lit, not not (don't you just love double negatives?) writing, just can't make the deadlines right now. Too much pressure, what with all the other stuff going on...new schools for girls, new job for both AA and me, house to demolish and reconstruct, those sorts of things.
But thanks for the kick in the pants.
Well, I know about moves. My last one was 17 years ago and I still have things in boxes. (Note to self: Consider throwing those things out.) As for demolishing my house, I'm always afraid the next earthquake will do that for me.

We'll miss you, though. Those microwaved meals we've been getting in the Bistro lately seem to lack something. No, not binding agents. Flavor, maybe.
Well, I know about moves. My last one was 17 years ago and I still have things in boxes. (Note to self: Consider throwing those things out.) As for demolishing my house, I'm always afraid the next earthquake will do that for me.

We'll miss you, though. Those microwaved meals we've been getting in the Bistro lately seem to lack something. No, not binding agents. Flavor, maybe.

Hey, I'm not leaving, just taking a break from the 30/30. No microwaved meals in the Bistro...Thought I'd put up some enchiladas. Check there in a while...
True Treasure

Pink folds cradle the treasure.
Entry you would never foist.
My mind soaking in pleasure.

In slow, painstaking leisure,
your fingers trace and part moist
pink folds cradle the treasure.

“Your tongue commands swift and sure
against sensitive skin,” voiced
my mind soaking in pleasure.

Resistance to want unsure-
distrust you carefully hoist.
Pink folds cradle the treasure-
my mind soaking in pleasure.

Okay, so this was going to be a villanelle, until I got stuck. I'm reworking it now.

LadyStFB, I don't care what this was suppose to have been.... it IS one uber erotic poem...Thanks.
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LadyStFB, I don't care what this was suppose to have been.... it IS one uber erotic poem...Thanks.

Thank you. I did like how it turned out, but I felt challenged to rework it into an erotic villanelle- which I submitted. So, the villanelle form of this poem will post soon.

Uh, hello.

I am here as a kind of substitute, or avatar, for Tzara, whose system big-time crashed. He kind of shoved some idea at me and said, imperiously, in that way you perhaps are all familiar with: Just make me look less stupid, fer Gawd's sake. That verse I posted isn't even clever enough to be a Pet Rock!

Which meant, since he is busily trying to repair his computer, something like Write something at least marginally better than that shit I posted earlier on the 30/30.

Earn your keep, for God's sake!

I was hurt by this, I must admit. I mean, I usually lurk in the background, whispering into his ear well-meant advice like No, dumbshit, a villanelle has nineteen lines! And you've completely fucked up the rhymes!

But, you know, I can't help but love him. He is me, after all, though not so formal.

And so I offer this as substitute for his dreadful poem today:
A Triolet That Is Not About Chess,
Though the Naïve May Think It Is

Though we make three, we mate in four.
Combinatorics say it's so.
My love is simple. I adore
the three we make. Meet we in four
distinct positions (some, hardcore)
though none yet have been filled with Whoa!
Still, we are three and meet in four.
Combinatorics make love so.
May all of you live long, prosper, and finish this hellish challenge. :)

I often wondered what sort of a table you are. Dining room? Kitchen? Coffee? Maybe you're a night table, that would be more appropriate for here. As long as you're not an end table. I wouldn't like that at all. Funny though, I always picture you more as a desk.

Nice triolet. I like all your numbers.

I really must insist that you refrain from posting you poetry until after 5:30 PST.

Amy doesn't get home till then, and it is just too cruel of you to get me that worked up without an outlet for all of the erotic energy your poetry evokes. Even then, she isn't going to make it more than a step into the house before, I'm attacking her! Whew!

Thank you for your kind consideration.


P.S. And no, using 'Bob' the vibe while I wait, is NOT an acceptable alternative (nods to Angeline for the idea of naming him, BTW)
Dear SassyNYC,

Please refer to the below listed request to LadyStFB. It applies to you as well!
(Especially with the song playing in the background. Oh, damn!)

P.S. Is this the 'happy pussy' smilie? :cathappy:

P.P.S. If you keep it up I'm going to need a cat smilie that bursts into flames!
Dear SassyNYC,

Please refer to the below listed request to LadyStFB. It applies to you as well!
(Especially with the song playing in the background. Oh, damn!)

P.S. Is this the 'happy pussy' smilie? :cathappy:

P.P.S. If you keep it up I'm going to need a cat smilie that bursts into flames!
I believe that is the 'happy pussy' smiley, indeed. :cattail: (this one is just plain innocent)

SB, you are a mess! I mean that affectionately. I just finished reading your comment to LadynS, and was laughing about it. I'm flattered to be in the horny ranks. And thanks for commenting on my poem today.
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I really must insist that you refrain from posting you poetry until after 5:30 PST.

Amy doesn't get home till then, and it is just too cruel of you to get me that worked up without an outlet for all of the erotic energy your poetry evokes. Even then, she isn't going to make it more than a step into the house before, I'm attacking her! Whew!

Thank you for your kind consideration.


P.S. And no, using 'Bob' the vibe while I wait, is NOT an acceptable alternative (nods to Angeline for the idea of naming him, BTW)

Thank you for reading my poetry. I'm glad you are enjoying my poems.

Well, my goal is to post my poems from 6:00 to 7:30 PM EST everyday. May I suggest that you refrain from reading them until Amy and you can read them together?

I usually don't write much erotic poetry, but I'm in the Survivor contest and I need to fill the erotic poetry category with 10 poems. I think I have about half. If you think my erotic poetry is erotic, you should read some of my stories- when Amy is home, of course!
OK. Time check.

  • Safe_Bet is up to 3. Nice one, today, SB. And that photo is pure happiness.
  • A big 30/30 welcome to The_Frank_Black! Um, do you go by Frank or by TFB? In any case, nice first poem. You now have a mere 29 to go! This: Behind her eyes there was thunder was a smoking line. Have a video. Chef will fix you a drink in the Bistro, if you like.
  • Snoodie, who is almost done, tosses out a fine villanelle. Very nice, but almost like thumbing his nose at the rest of us, I think. Perhap we should assign him a few penalty laps. ;)
  • LadyS approaches the half-way point with, oh, not a villanelle. Nice poem, though. "[F]ailed cement" is a great phrase.
  • Ms. Sass seems to be havin' some nostalgia moment. Either that or a You Can't Go Home Again thing. She's not playing my tunes, but I sure recognize the song.
  • And then Dora drops by with an elegant little poem that ends with the wonderful lines "signing in, shining my availability until you whisper / hello and hold out your fingers also made of whispers". Normally, I wouldn't like the repeat of "whisper," but I think here it works really well.
It's great fun hanging with you people! Tercet on, folks!
[*]LadyS approaches the half-way point with, oh, not a villanelle. Nice poem, though. "[F]ailed cement" is a great phrase.

Yes, occassionally I write poems that are not villanelles. In fact, my poem that just posted in today's new poems is a sonnet. so there! LOL

Thanks for the recap.
Ms. Sass seems to be havin' some nostalgia moment. Either that or a You Can't Go Home Again thing. She's not playing my tunes, but I sure recognize the song.

Just me, getting weepy and sentimental over the bygone Golden Age of hip hop. I'm fine now, really. :eek:
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SB, your happiness oozes off the screen. :D
You know, that's no good for electronics.
Must make a run for towels, before my keyboard short circuits.

Sassy, you are really working it with the hyperlinks. Great use of the medium.

Tzara, I need to send you an air conditioning bill, some of the hot stuff you've been writing. whew!

Ladies and Snood, keep up the excellent work. (Snood, seems like you've taken a leg from SET in your investigation of form. Lady, too.)

Snoodish- I really enjoyed "Dentelle de bonne fortune." The slave to form that lurks within wants to grip your hand and hold it to the keyboard until you force a perfect rhyme in the second stanza-- true to sonnet form. :eek: But, i certainly appreciate your poem as it is.
Dora, as usual, Tzara is right about everything, and particularly the lines he quoted of yours. Those had just caught my eye as well. Very nice work on that.

Everyone else too, of course, but that's what caught my eye most today.

SB, I am cackling....at HIGH decibles. Please tell me Amy takes vitamins. :D
If it was the Nikka Costa that did it, my apologies to Amy......or I'll accept her thanks, depending on what kind of day she's had. :cattail:

rock on, grrrl!
Snoodie, who is almost done, tosses out a fine villanelle. Very nice, but almost like thumbing his nose at the rest of us, I think. Perhap we should assign him a few penalty laps. ;)

Thou wouldst penalise me purely because I got lucky?

I'd never heard of a villanelle 'til I got here, and that's only my second. After reading a couple by Lady I almost gave up on the form, so you know.

I'm glad that you like it, but I'm not thumbing my nose at anyone. I can't even reach my nose!

Snoodish- I really enjoyed "Dentelle de bonne fortune." The slave to form that lurks within wants to grip your hand and hold it to the keyboard until you force a perfect rhyme in the second stanza-- true to sonnet form. :eek: But, i certainly appreciate your poem as it is.

Yeah, I know. Still, it works.

I tend to prefer free verse to form (BBS-speak for not great at form) anyway; you're lucky to be getting sonnets at all.

Besides, it is a perfect rhyme. It's just not consonant. Neither is it assonant, nor resonant. It's Snoodonant!

Ah, Hell. Done, m'Lady.

Ladies and Snood, keep up the excellent work. (Snood, seems like you've taken a leg from SET in your investigation of form. Lady, too.)

And precisely who is SET, and where do I find work by him/her/it/xu?

Never mind - I figured it out.

I really have to write a flying monkey poem. I love flying monkeys. lol

While there is no good fossil record by which we may determine the provenance of bats, serological, immunological, behavioural, opthamological and most other evidence gleaned from study of current species suggests that they likely evolved from primates.

In other (and fewer) words, bats are flying monkeys!

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Snoodie, I saw your revision of the sonnet. Nicely done. Thank you for humoring my OCD inner critic. I try not to let him out much, but he was crying when he read your first draft. It was such a tease cuz it was SO close!

Also, that was a very lovely villanelle.

Just me, getting weepy and sentimental over the bygone Golden Age of hip hop. I'm fine now, really. :eek:
That's OK. I relate to that.

Well, except about that hip hop thing, of course. :rolleyes:

Pop music is a funny thing. It comes and foes, rather firecefully at times.

An entirely non-poetry related comment

While there is no good fossil record by which we may determine the provenance of bats, serological, immunological, behavioural, opthamological and most other evidence gleaned from study of current species suggests that they likely evolved from primates.

In other (and fewer) words, bats are flying monkeys!

Well, if we want to be truly pedantic, technically it would only be megachiroptera which would be closely related to primates, and they wouldn't be descended from true primates, much less from monkeys in specific, but rather would be a sister taxon to primates—so they'd be more like flying lemurs, although descending from a more basal ancestor still.

In any case, the evolution of highly specialised behaviour such as flight in an identical means in two separate groups of mammals in a relatively short span of time is not especially parsimonious; besides which, genetic studies support do not support a particularly close relationship between megachiroptera and primates, or a distant relationship between megachiroptera and microchiroptera (and thus bat paraphyly).

It is a fun theory though.
Well, if we want to be truly pedantic, technically it would only be megachiroptera which would be closely related to primates, and they wouldn't be descended from true primates, much less from monkeys in specific, but rather would be a sister taxon to primates—so they'd be more like flying lemurs, although descending from a more basal ancestor still.

In any case, the evolution of highly specialised behaviour such as flight in an identical means in two separate groups of mammals in a relatively short span of time is not especially parsimonious; besides which, genetic studies support do not support a particularly close relationship between megachiroptera and primates, or a distant relationship between megachiroptera and microchiroptera (and thus bat paraphyly).

It is a fun theory though.

I totally get the flying lemurs connection. Lemurs and bats; never thought about it but of course they're related. And frankly, lemurs kind of creep me out. Their eyes are so strange. I wonder if they're related to sloths. I saw this photo of a two-toed sloth recently and thought it was the most insane-looking animal I've ever seen. Those eyes!

I totally get the flying lemurs connection. Lemurs and bats; never thought about it but of course they're related. And frankly, lemurs kind of creep me out. Their eyes are so strange. I wonder if they're related to sloths. I saw this photo of a two-toed sloth recently and thought it was the most insane-looking animal I've ever seen. Those eyes!

Flying fox bats do look remarkably like lemurs with wings. And considering lemur means "soul of the dead" in Latin, I suspect you are not the only person to find them creepy.

That really is an insane-looking animal! Sloths are strange creatures. They're xenarthrans, which is a bizarre group that also includes anteaters and armadillos. As far as I know, xenarthrans are considered to be somewhat distant in relation from the rest of placental mammals.
Snoodie, I saw your revision of the sonnet. Nicely done. Thank you for humoring my OCD inner critic. I try not to let him out much, but he was crying when he read your first draft. It was such a tease cuz it was SO close!

Also, that was a very lovely villanelle.

Thanks! Coming from one such as yourself, that's high praise indeed.
