a companion to 30 in 30

Well, if we want to be truly pedantic, technically it would only be megachiroptera which would be closely related to primates, and they wouldn't be descended from true primates, much less from monkeys in specific, but rather would be a sister taxon to primates—so they'd be more like flying lemurs, although descending from a more basal ancestor still.

In any case, the evolution of highly specialised behaviour such as flight in an identical means in two separate groups of mammals in a relatively short span of time is not especially parsimonious; besides which, genetic studies support do not support a particularly close relationship between megachiroptera and primates, or a distant relationship between megachiroptera and microchiroptera (and thus bat paraphyly).

It is a fun theory though.

Not so much a theory as a partial, simplified hypothesis. As for types of primate, I was simplifying as most humans don't even distinguish between apes and monkeys, let alone other primates.

That said, you are absolutely correct.

Further, I do believe that I'm quite thoroughly in love with you.

Thanks! Coming from one such as yourself, that's high praise indeed.


Aw, ty... but really, my poetry is crap. I'm learning and improving everyday. But, I don't deserve any special consideration... not yet, anyway.

May I just bring up something about villanelles? The best villanelles play with the meaning of the repeated lines. I fail to do this quite often, but I am working on it. For example, in my villanelle "The True Treasure", the repeated lines are "Pink folds cradle the treasure" and "my mind soaking in pleasure." In the poem, I began with the pink folds referring to pussy, but later as my brain. Though, I am not sure the switch comes across clearly, that was what was attempted.

Without a change in meaning, we are just repeating the same sentiment, which can come across as preachy or boring. And trust me, I have many preachy villanelles.

as usual and for us,
the usual is fine.​
damn the pressure! the last line is gag inducing...ah well, t'is my offering for this night.

And Tzara, you may call me Frank. Initially, I would have said "just Frank" would do, but I have observed your sense of humor and could not envision a life in this forum being known as "Just Frank".
Am I really that bad?

I know. Probably. Sorry.

Rude, I suppose, but I'm rambunctious, Goddamit!

Kind of.

Anyway, back to basics. Frank, dude! Good to know you. Doing well so far.

I, uh, kind of liked your ending, actually. Am not poet, though, so my judgment is flawed.

You have, though, stiff competition today from SB's Flying Love Monkeys, who (I think) no one can compete with. No man, anyway. ;))

My kiss to the newlyweds, in any case.

Psst, Frank! 28 to go, man. ;)
PandyG that was such a too sweet piece yesterday - mmmmm

"and I know you are not just pressing
these words like coins to be spent
on another lover
tomorrow or even
later the same

Man, that's good!
Aw, SafeBet thank you! I have been vicariously enjoying your love through your poetry and really enjoyed that ass-kicking poem's spirit. I like the idea of fighting back with love. Powerful stuff. :)

Oh and Welcome, Frank. Excellent start! *raises eyebrows in that "I'm impressed" way while golfclapping*

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SB, I'm feeling the overall concept of your poem today. You've got the whole 'never say die' thing, down. I have no doubt, you're gonna be ok, no matter what it feels like right now. :rose:
Can’t Rape the Willing

Come on you mother fuckers – strip me bare:
right here on your altar of bigotry.
Cruelly mutilate my mother’s breasts,
doing your best to ensure I’ll never enjoy
succoring my children again.

Come on you mother fuckers – mind fuck me:
try and gang rape me into suborned obedience.
Screw with my head deep and hard,
with long savage strokes of hate
until you spew your vitriolic jizz of intolerance.

Come on you mother fuckers – see the results:
of picking the wrong victim.
Be shocked by my lustful smile,
as your impotent seed falls
on ground made infertile by love.

Come on you mother fuckers – do me harder:
as I lift my hips to meet your thrusts.
Your hate isn’t prepared for me,
when I wrap what I now call family
around your pitiful frame and hump back at you.

Come on you mother fuckers – don’t stop now:
your heart ain’t no match for mine.
I grab you hair and crush your lips with my passion for life;
slip you the tongue of happiness
and joyously scream in orgasmic freedom.

Come on you mother fuckers – who's next?

I think this is an incredible piece
it gives the fierce impression of true vitality
I am truely happy that you have found your true family and found happiness with your wife and children, congratulations.
Aw, SafeBet thank you! I have been vicariously enjoying your love through your poetry and really enjoyed that ass-kicking poem's spirit. I like the idea of fighting back with love. Powerful stuff. :)

Oh and Welcome, Frank. Excellent start! *raises eyebrows in that "I'm impressed" way while golfclapping*


I thank you, while admiring your own stellar work. Found myself thinking about this all day.
Snood's finished now his thirty run
In admirable fashion.
Could we perhaps, temp thirty-one?
Don't ask, don't get Snood's passion.

Hey. I've an idea. Just start again. ;)
I am on vacation in Tennessee for the week. I am still doing my 30 in 30 challenge. Last night, I was tempted to not follow through with it, but I am more than half-way. So, even though I can't post my poems on every day that I write them, I'm still going to write them everyday.
I am on vacation in Tennessee for the week. I am still doing my 30 in 30 challenge. Last night, I was tempted to not follow through with it, but I am more than half-way. So, even though I can't post my poems on every day that I write them, I'm still going to write them everyday.

LadyS, my vote is for special dispensation for the week. Post them when you can, I say! It will be like a box of crackerjacks every morning when we open PF&D! We'll never know what prize We'll find!
... I can't do it, I've tried. I think it is the inner child in me rebelling. I forget, that is the truth. and by the time I remember to write one, I will have done a couple, or more, on the passion thread, am tempted to move one, but don't because that would be cheating, right? ...

Actually, no. It has to've been written by you within the previous day and you must submit at least one per day.

F'rinstance, I've used 30/30 stuff in both the smackdown and villanelle threads.

You can't use something from last year, but if it's new then re-use is O.K. in 30/30.

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LadyS, my vote is for special dispensation for the week. Post them when you can, I say! It will be like a box of crackerjacks every morning when we open PF&D! We'll never know what prize We'll find!

And here I pecked one in on a borrowed cel 'phone? Had I only known!!!

Happy 30 Snood. I saw you working hard in there and writing some fine poems.

Yay! another 30/30 superstar poet![/COLOR]

Congrats oh hairy one. Excellent debut month on the 30/30.

Congrats, Snoody, you made it!
An impressive run, if I do say so....and I do.

Thanks! It was most enjoyable, if exhausting. I'll likely indulge in this insanity again, "real soon now."

Snood's finished now his thirty run
In admirable fashion.
Could we perhaps, temp thirty-one?

Thanks, and maybe. We'll see.

And here I pecked one in on a borrowed cel 'phone? Had I only known!!!


That's cuz you ate your own cell phone! Don't be putting that crap on us Buster!

This is just my opinion, but I hate to see people getting stressed when with a :rose::rose::rose: LITTLE FLIPPING KINDNESS :rose::rose::rose: we can make it easier for our friends and they can enjoy their vacations. (Oh, my! did I just say that? :devil:)

(Shit, wait a minute! I did'nt get a vacation this year - on second thought scew'em! Lousy no good vacationing, slackers...)
But, SB the point of this challenge is to complete it as per neo's first post of the rules on his thread. It's no problem to fail if you can't post the poems each day. Just start from 2-1 and try for thirty in a row again.

People can write poems any day and post them wherever they like on this forum but unless you work at this one and post a fresh poem every day, you haven't been successful at the 30 poems in 30 days challenge. It shouldn't diminish the effort of the poet who continues with the discipline of writing a poem each day but it also shouldn't be triumphed as a public success on this thread unless each participant tries to comply.

We are our own judges in this and all we have is our personal morality and integrity to keep us honest about how well we stick to the guidelines of the challenge rules.

ETA: If we bent the rules on when poems are written and posted, this may as well turn into any other poem thread. The challenge exists because of the time constraints... (know what I mean?)

No fault no foul...
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But, SB the point of this challenge is to complete it as per neo's first post of the rules on his thread. It's no problem to fail if you can't post the poems each day. Just start from 2-1 and try for thirty in a row again.


We are our own judges in this and all we have is our personal morality and integrity to keep us honest about how well we stick to the guidelines of the challenge rules.

ETA: If we bent the rules on when poems are written and posted, this may as well turn into any other poem thread. The challenge exists because of the time constraints... (know what I mean?)

No fault no foul ...

Lady, I'd recommend that you find someone you really trust, call them with a poem every day and have them post it.

After all, I doubt that there are rules about who actually touches the keys...

Sassy, that was a beautiful poem today. You didn't make me hot (for a change) but I feel real mellow after reading that - then, followed it up with GB crooning - Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm!