a companion to 30 in 30

Thanks, SB. I'm trying to feel my words again. Been a little out of it, but I'm easing back in slowly. What better way to do that, than with a tune, right?

Reunion is gorgeously honest and I would say, brilliant.

Hell, I am going to try this again, if I can get my poor little poet motor running.

Thank you, NJ. Nothing like family to keep one honest. I really appreciate your compliment. I hope you hop in, NJ. I like reading your poems, but sometimes miss them for a bit because I can't keep up with all the threads here. I feel like a bear in a salmon run most days, so much deliciousness passing me by. ;)
Lady, I'd recommend that you find someone you really trust, call them with a poem every day and have them post it.

After all, I doubt that there are rules about who actually touches the keys...


It's alright. I'll just start over when I return from vacation. It's not like anything is stopping me from restarting the challenge next week.
Damn Sass - this is disgusting - now I want a pair of your dirty damn drawers! LOL

Hot poem as usual girl - you never break stride - you just change lanes!
Damn Sass - this is disgusting - now I want a pair of your dirty damn drawers! LOL

Hot poem as usual girl - you never break stride - you just change lanes!
Oh, ya. I agree on the heat level of Sassy's panty sniffing poem.

Where's my bucket of ice tea?
Damn Sass - this is disgusting - now I want a pair of your dirty damn drawers! LOL

Hot poem as usual girl - you never break stride - you just change lanes!

Oh, ya. I agree on the heat level of Sassy's panty sniffing poem.

Where's my bucket of ice tea?

Y'all make a sassy chick blush. ;)

Neo, your iced tea is by the door.

SB.......you make me cackle, as usual. And no, you stalker.....you can't have my drawers. :p You will not have Amy looking for me, to kick my ass!

:kiss: :rose:
cigar bar jazz
ribbons around pint glasses
and lifts brows in the gentle ascent
of a One Note Samba
until we are all of us dancing
with the open air, with night
wearing our best selves
from coat hanger shoulders

even the clouds are high
above this scuffed sky
in which our faces float
and I begin to believe
you don't have to look down
to know where your feet are

Dora, that is one beautiful poem. thank you.
Sassy, I love you! Can't help but love somebody who can write:

"You taste like poetry, I have yet to scribe
When next, I write beautiful
I want to write you"

That is the most beautiful prose I've seen you write. Deep bows.
Dora, I love the jazzy vibe you create with your latest. I hear the music in it. And I can, not only see, but smell the cigar smoke. :rose:

Remec, "My Love" is a beauty. Mellifluous. It makes me think of the Duke Ellington classic, Do Nothing 'Til you Hear From Me
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Sassy, I love you! Can't help but love somebody who can write:

"You taste like poetry, I have yet to scribe
When next, I write beautiful
I want to write you"

That is the most beautiful prose I've seen you write. Deep bows.

Thank you kindly, ma'am. :eek:

I'm digging your spin on cotradictions in today's poem. The willing victim.......toppy victim, at that. :devil:
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SB and Sassy, thank you both so much for your kind compliments. I've been enjoying your writing also (More Than You Know) hehe. It is nice to groove on your positive energies and delightful images. I liked how you were using the inverse of the expected in your Victory poem, SB. Nice concept. And Sassy, your strong ear has helped you craft sensuous lines of smooth flowing diction.

It is a pleasure sharing the thread with you gals.

Also Tzara, Your inclement is splendid.

And Remec, you're taking a leaf from SET, with the triolet, I see. :D

Oh and Clock1 welcome! I think you're already off to a productive run.
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SassyNYC said:
"Navigating these dark corridors, is hardly for the faint of heart."

Maybe so, but there sure are some wonderful treasures to be found in there! :rose:
Hello all-

First of all, my apologies for my prolonged absence. I just caught up in 30/30 and there is some frighteningly good work going on in there.

Comments on various pieces will follow when I've time - presuming that anyone cares for my tuppence.

It's my own fault for saying "I do data recovery;" now I've the need to prove it on my own beloved notebook. Ah, well... just another day in IT paradise.

Anyway, I do look forward to again inflicting my prose on you poor bastards.

Snood don't be mean and don't be Rude
I think your prose is very goo'd!
Dearest T-zed, I enjoyed your poem about Percival and the legend surrounding his grail search. In fact, thinking about Wagnerian opera gave me some good memories of our family's jaunts around Germany... in particular Ludwig's blue grotto at Linderhof castle, where many of Wagner's operas were command performances.

What a life. So much time and artistry spent on such frivolity. Of course, other princes were building fortresses annnd cathedrals. Money spawns futile monuments I guess.
Dearest T-zed, I enjoyed your poem about Percival and the legend surrounding his grail search. In fact, thinking about Wagnerian opera gave me some good memories of our family's jaunts around Germany... in particular Ludwig's blue grotto at Linderhof castle, where many of Wagner's operas were command performances.

What a life. So much time and artistry spent on such frivolity. Of course, other princes were building fortresses annnd cathedrals. Money spawns futile monuments I guess.

That's an excellent line.

Good one for an STC challenge or something, maybe.

I'm a big fan of Mad Ludwig myself. Batshit crazy or no, you gotta have some admiration for someone that dedicated to his own aesthetic. And fat, hovering cherubs have always amused me. Can't have too many of them in the decor.

Oh yeah and the poem is gorgeous. But that's to be expected.

Dearest T-zed, I enjoyed your poem about Percival and the legend surrounding his grail search. In fact, thinking about Wagnerian opera gave me some good memories of our family's jaunts around Germany... in particular Ludwig's blue grotto at Linderhof castle, where many of Wagner's operas were command performances.

What a life. So much time and artistry spent on such frivolity. Of course, other princes were building fortresses annnd cathedrals. Money spawns futile monuments I guess.
Hey, thanks Champie. I'm always a little nervy about using allusion (though I guess not that much, since I do it all the time), but I always hope people can get something from the poem even if they don't recognize the source. It always makes me happy, though, to have someone see through to what I was referring to, too.

Especially, 'cuz here I tweaked the plot a bit for personal reasons. :cool:

One of the interesting things to me about Parsifal is that Wagner specified that it only be performed at the Bayreuth Festspielhaus. So, I guess he felt that if you can't make it there to Germany, well, tough shit.


(And he was. Like a major asshole. Wrote great music, though.)

unpredictablebijou said:
Oh yeah and the poem is gorgeous. But that's to be expected.
I love you too. :)
That's an excellent line.

Good one for an STC challenge or something, maybe.

I'm a big fan of Mad Ludwig myself. Batshit crazy or no, you gotta have some admiration for someone that dedicated to his own aesthetic. And fat, hovering cherubs have always amused me. Can't have too many of them in the decor.

Oh yeah and the poem is gorgeous. But that's to be expected.

Isn't that a cool thing though? Damp and cold inside, and spooky dark. I could imagine the Valkyries swooping down from the heights, though and all those heaving bosoms of the court ladies in their scooped decolletage and gawdy hairstyles.
Remec said:
There will be no poem in any form,
or even unbounded by any norm,
A simple rhyme will have to do,
as I am struggling with the flu.

Sorry to hear about your case of the flu
Wish there was something we could all do.
So here's some virtual chicken soup
with hopes that you will soon recoop. :rose:
Thank you, SB. Close proximity to the finish line is fucking with me. Running out of steam.

*chanting and ringing chimes*

4 more days. om
4 more days. om
4 more days. om
4 more days. om

Remec, feel better soon. :rose: