a companion to 30 in 30

Ah, another one...not too far out of sight...

(Hmm...do I want to attempt 30in30 again?)

I can't find things I am looking for, though I found them before

I found the dirty 30 in 30
I posted and now I can't find it
I will try here
but this is frustrating to me
ok try again
if you want to help me out
you might want to email me
as I can't find things twice
if I do I can't find my stuff
Empty dead souls
hollow eyes
A daily dying

Cold and distant
an amber in my heart
the breath of life
a loving thing this rape

falling always
one half

wrenched out my heart
with a Masters plan
everything is so blurred
what is/was wrong, is right

unsettled peace
wet thighs
empty thoughts
that leads me there
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that is one of my first poems in 20 years
1 of 30 titled raped again

Empty dead souls
hollow eyes
A daily dying

Cold and distant
an ember in my heart
the breath of life
a loving thing this rape

falling always
one half

wrenched out my heart
with a Masters plan
everything is so blurred
what is/was wrong, is right

unsettled peace
wet thighs
empty thoughts
that leads me there
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that is one of my first poems in 20 years
sorry about the double entry
the moderator can delete the first on if desireable
no title and spelling error
This is what I get for writing an innocent poem about a girl putting lipstick on:

Why I Bother

My lips seal tightly around the end
cheeks fall in concave dimples
as tongue teases the siphon
into the vacuum of my throat.

Lipstick cherry stains where my mouth
rests at the end of my palate.
Suck it! Your whispers prove the value
of that pretty ring drawn around
the circumference of your cock...

Eat me. :p

I get champy blowing me.
Just wanted to say thanks to braver souls than I, Neo and 4. I am enjoying your steps toward thirty.
I'm glad I'm doing it, Katie. It's been quite awhile since I last tried it, and it does feel good. Thanks for saying so :)
I'm almost done, yea!
The dude that thought of 30/30 challenge is a real sadistic freak.
Good job, Neo. Interesting work. Take a couple cool-down laps and hit the showers.
Spooky! Too bad they don't have a Literotica contest for poetry in Halloween. I don't know why I am so facinated with zombies lately. This includes movies, writing, art and horror anime. Yes, there is a category for horror anime.

Nice 4, I like the mood and word choices.

zombie-boy's narrow bony face
felt smooth and cold but
not like the casing of a bullet
something more akin to
a gourd i might've plucked
from a late autumn patch
shivers imperious and wanton
bubbled down the ridges of
backbone as a hard angled jaw
pressed against soft windpipe
breathless, nearly, but uttering
were you not already dead
you would be, come sunrise
Thank you Tzara. I stopped counting my rounds, and am really seeing it as an important tool to just keep a writer lubed. Meaning myself, but hey if I happen to lube another in the process it's all good. You keep it up with your mighty fine writes, too.
No joke, it really is exhausting. I think I'm still recovering for my 30 in 30 tour.
Um, judging by that avatar, I think what's really wrung you out, Neo, is those obsessive ab crunches you're doing.

Have a couple beers and pick up a thin layer of belly fat. It'll help with that stress thing. :rolleyes:

More seriously, I'd more or less agree with Curt that the 30/30 is less slog than perseverence, or inspiration--it almost seems to get easier for me to write another poem (however bad the poem might turn out to be) the more poems I write.

The biggest problem with the challenge for me is that I have days where even finding a few minutes to write a poem is a problem. A start work at 5:00 AM, end at 9:00 PM day leaves little time to write something, even a bad something.

I thank my poetic gods that I can almost always be bad very quickly. :)
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