a companion to 30 in 30

"24 in 24"? As in fresh poem every hour for a day? *throwing out the first sick thing that came to mind* :rolleyes:


I thought he was gonna say 365 in 365! Neo, my dear man, we always suspect the worst of you lol. When you started the original 30/30 thread I starting calling you Neobolical. Remember? :D
I thought he was gonna say 365 in 365! Neo, my dear man, we always suspect the worst of you lol. When you started the original 30/30 thread I starting calling you Neobolical. Remember? :D

Ha no! Or I would've created Neobolical back then. ;p
And she calls me a bitch in her newest attempt. (@ Ange :kiss:) At least we have more players, Desejo joined as well.

Welcome to poet hell month, Desejo!

Yeah well you know I'll bitch all month and thank you at the end. If I make it.

Welcome Desejo! Great poem with such a distinctive voice. You and Tzara are drinking and it's only your first poem. :D

Hey where'd Neobolical go? (I remember your blues name, too.) :kiss:
This is soooo exciting. We're all on the poetry Titanic together! And the band is playing!

One of your best, butters, among the many wonderful poems you've written. I usually get suspicious when a line ends in a definite article and the sonics don't jive in the line for me, but the momentary pause I heard in my mind's ear followed by geometry of love; worked so well.

All the words fit with each other, and that last couplet was wonderful.

One of your best, butters, among the many wonderful poems you've written. I usually get suspicious when a line ends in a definite article and the sonics don't jive in the line for me, but the momentary pause I heard in my mind's ear followed by geometry of love; worked so well.

All the words fit with each other, and that last couplet was wonderful.
not quite sure what to say but thankyou :eek: :rose:

that thread's throwing up some crackers! tomorrow i'll drop some comments into here about them. it's promising to shape up to an amazing thread :cool:
Tzara: if we are going to play 30 days of drinking, you need to coach me in posting images. It doesn't work for me!
Tzara: if we are going to play 30 days of drinking, you need to coach me in posting images. It doesn't work for me!
It's easy. You find an image on the Internet that isn't too big (those 1200 x 1100 pixel things are not friendly). Snag the URL to it. Then you post it between the {img}and the {/img} tags (replace the curly braces with the square braces).

So, for example, I Googled "arak," went to images, and found a 640 x 370 image. Not so big as to be (one hopes) annoying, but not too small, either. You scoop the URL to the image, and place it between the tags to get this:


You want more detail on this, quote this post and look at the tags.

I'm also being alphabetical, which is going to be a problem at certain letters. I run out at 26. I'm hoping I might be able to skate with the Norwegian alphabet (which adds the letters æ, ø, and å) and then do a summary starting "30."

But I'm in no way sure this is going to work.

But I'll sample strange ethnic alcoholic drinks with you anytime.

Desejo: I'm not sure why your picture did not render in your post. You seem to have used the tags correctly.

Computers. They're a puzzle.

That's like all I can offer. Well, other than a personal consultation about the failure of your tags to be recognized. The Tzara In Depth Coaching Session really works on those elements of your poetry that could perhaps make you a published author!

Perhaps you're not open enough? You may need to share more of yourself to make your poetry rock.

I promise to work with you on making your emotional experience more open. We'll drill you on poesy and poetic topics daily, if not more often. Drilling down on poetry is a specialty of ours.

It really is.

I think, over time, we might get you to a point you might submit to some serious journals. You just need to work with us.

Please query for cost.
You're going to start hurting my feelings. :(
*looks for Neobolical the ebilness

Awww shucks. Here's a peace offering. And you know it's true. I really do. :kiss:

Hey you should hear some of my nicknames for EE. (Or maybe not. :eek: )

Desejo, maybe try just clicking on the image icon. You'll get a box that has an http:// in it. Delete that and paste in the url from the image you chose and click ok. That should work, too. If not, I am stymied.
This is soooo exciting. We're all on the poetry Titanic together! And the band is playing!
not that i mind the blue
but i'll be sitting there in the lifeboat if any of you survivors wish to hop in:
damned water's too chilly and no buns for the bergs!

Tzara: if we are going to play 30 days of drinking, you need to coach me in posting images. It doesn't work for me!
ya'll gonna get soooo smashed! or pickled. either way, verwee verwee drunk :eek:
todski, your latest - man, like being hit over the head with a brick bat. that almost bit my own flesh and blood part - scary. it's the honesty of the write, the lack of 'victimhood', the taking and shaping of ones own destiny as an adult - these things you convey that make it work so well, for me at least. it might well be entirely 'the truth', but what matters more here is that it becomes the poem's own truth.
tzara and desejo - you've bitten off quite a chunk if you plan on them being all cocktails/alcohol - kudos! i look forward to seeing them unwind across the month :rose:

remec: there's something appealingly gentled about your 'unsettled'. that 'trickle/ashen dam' thing is to blame/praise for that i think. nice use of an image :rose:

neo - i hope you get to decompress or grow gills :rose:

carrie: thankyou for releasing the reader at the end, allowing us to breathe after such a tight-chested write. oh, and your title? genesis of breath - very very nice.
rem - your 2nd... all hinges on those final two lines for me. very visual, and tactile, sweet use of that small thing just about all of us must recognise and understand on a metaphorical level.

angie - your 2nd - i like seeing how you are all playing off eachother, with water, stones (always the stones, lol), and the development of a personality through and despite the dark days.

tess, there's very often a tactile quality about your writes - that whole rubber-band snapping at your hand thing, and all the cool silvery smooth/spatial connotations of a mirror. lucky you about the firm chin :D
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champers - your 1-2. man *blows out cheeks* read and re-read it; for all it conveys, the 2 things that linger after the read (for me) are the words 'in a hurricane space' (yeah, i know that's not exactly as they appear, but that's their echo residing now in my head) and 'the image blew across the cheek/of the marksman' . . . they linger. they... haunt.

tods, your first in this: those end lines are a killer in the best possible way.

neo - your 1-3 hurts. old news or current or all a poem's voice? :rose:

desejo: arak. fabulous. really. the last three lines are so complete they could probably stand alone in their own right, if readers had the background knowledge. as things stand, you generously give us the understanding.
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so now you lot, 'fess up: who's writing these the same as they would their 'live writes'?

own hand sneaks up