a companion to 30 in 30

so now you lot, 'fess up: who's writing these the same as they would their 'live writes'?

own hand sneaks up

Yeah, until later in the week, at least when I get my tarmac poem and borrowed song lyric together.

Although, even then, they'll be mostly live writes, just the way things tend to be these days.

so now you lot, 'fess up: who's writing these the same as they would their 'live writes'?

own hand sneaks up

The thing stopping me from joining is exactly that. When I write, I have no idea what I am doing. :eek:

todski, your latest - man, like being hit over the head with a brick bat. that almost bit my own flesh and blood part - scary. it's the honesty of the write, the lack of 'victimhood', the taking and shaping of ones own destiny as an adult - these things you convey that make it work so well, for me at least. it might well be entirely 'the truth', but what matters more here is that it becomes the poem's own truth.

I agree. The forthright way you laid things down made it intense. No pretense, just truth. And the turning point there, of biting one's own flesh and blood... a very relatable feeling.
ha, knew i wasn't alone . . . don't know if it's lazy but i like to think it's a bouncing off one another, muses sparking like jump cables :D if it gets us writing, or keeps us writing, it can't be all bad.

Tsotha - write. just write. then look back and do the thinking. :cool: you'll see your subconscious has been doing the work already, but your conscious brain might pick up on a few things to make it better.
The thing stopping me from joining is exactly that. When I write, I have no idea what I am doing. :eek:

I agree. The forthright way you laid things down made it intense. No pretense, just truth. And the turning point there, of biting one's own flesh and blood... a very relatable feeling.

thank you tsotha and butters for the comments, I plan to make some on the current poems over the coming days as well.

from what I have seen of your live writes here Tsotha they are pretty good, the only way to get better is to practice the writing, read other poems find what you like, comment so you can clarify it, then write some more, I have no freaking clue either!
neo - your 1-3 hurts. old news or current or all a poem's voice? :rose:.
It's current news for the family. Thank you for the comment. Kind of still in shock/numb or something. Really hate it when friends and family get older and sicker.

Besides that I think it's awesome you commented on everyone's poems. It's an undertaking on its own! On your question whether if participants treat 30 in 30 as a live write, I'd say yes for myself. It's what I did the past attempts of the challenge. Eventually you'll write a poem about lack of poems. :rose:

To all those who have joined the challenge, welcome! It's a great way to kick off the 30 Poems in 30 Days revival thread.
Good luck!
It's current news for the family. Thank you for the comment. Kind of still in shock/numb or something. Really hate it when friends and family get older and sicker.

Besides that I think it's awesome you commented on everyone's poems. It's an undertaking on its own! On your question whether if participants treat 30 in 30 as a live write, I'd say yes for myself. It's what I did the past attempts of the challenge. Eventually you'll write a poem about lack of poems. :rose:

To all those who have joined the challenge, welcome! It's a great way to kick off the 30 Poems in 30 Days revival thread.
Good luck!
sorry to hear that, neo. :rose:

i don't get on and comment enough, not nearly. sometimes feedback's all a poet needs - to know people have read and they're not writing into a void. sometimes the void's enough, but not for long, not usually.
so now you lot, 'fess up: who's writing these the same as they would their 'live writes'?

own hand sneaks up
Sola'! Thank you for commenting on the stuff I'm definitely producing like my passion poems.
Pretty much everything I post comes as a live write, apart from my 1-2 (the images and links were edited to make sure none were broken), the words didn't change, nor did the lyric choice.

It's good to have the kick-in-the-pants inspiration of the 30 in 30, makes me answer all of my outstanding challenges. ;) I finally composed a red-head. LOL. We'll see if you can all keep prodding my muse.

Thanks for your poem offerings to His Ebilness - Neobolical. You do get some gems from your live writing and I enjoy reading them. Like gm I think your first is wonderful. Such a refreshing take on a well-worn subject. Brava!
My writes are all live. Most of my writes at Lit are anyway. I might go back to change things but that first post is a live write.

I'm going to try not to worry so much about posting complete poems because I'm trying to get bits together for a long piece about Dexter Gordon. We'll see. But if something else wants to be written on a given day, I'll do that. :cool:

butters thanks for all the feedback you are giving. You are a very giving girl. :)
My writes are all live. Most of my writes at Lit are anyway. I might go back to change things but that first post is :)

Way to make a guy feel inadequate ;) I guess you can't unlearn the talent mingled with experience :)

Consider this a blanket quote to all of you
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Way to make a guy feel inadequate ;) I guess you can't unlearn the talent mingled with experience :)

Hey we're all on the same road. I see first drafts that need work and how am I ever going to get the pieces to fit together? I'm hoping the music will carry me there but this thread has beaten me down before. :D
Sola'! Thank you for commenting on the stuff I'm definitely producing like my passion poems.
Pretty much everything I post comes as a live write, apart from my 1-2 (the images and links were edited to make sure none were broken), the words didn't change, nor did the lyric choice.

It's good to have the kick-in-the-pants inspiration of the 30 in 30, makes me answer all of my outstanding challenges. ;) I finally composed a red-head. LOL. We'll see if you can all keep prodding my muse.

Thanks for your poem offerings to His Ebilness - Neobolical. You do get some gems from your live writing and I enjoy reading them. Like gm I think your first is wonderful. Such a refreshing take on a well-worn subject. Brava!
it always makes me smile when you call me by that old name - that's going back a few years now, isn't it? crikey :eek: what is it? at least 6 years... lost count

i'm glad you all confessed because for ages i've felt like i was being lazy and there you all were furrowing away, bleeding sweat and tears to create something superb . . . ha, i feel sooo much better about it all now, lolol. will go check out your redhead after the strictly semi-finals results :rose: oh, and thankyou :eek:

My writes are all live. Most of my writes at Lit are anyway. I might go back to change things but that first post is a live write.

I'm going to try not to worry so much about posting complete poems because I'm trying to get bits together for a long piece about Dexter Gordon. We'll see. But if something else wants to be written on a given day, I'll do that. :cool:

butters thanks for all the feedback you are giving. You are a very giving girl. :)
hah *smiles*
it'll be fascinating to see what comes up over the course of the month. :rose:
Way to make a guy feel inadequate ;) I guess you can't unlearn the talent mingled with experience :)

Consider this a blanket quote to all of you
have some cake and shut ya trap. :kiss:
champs, you got a link for me? i'm having trouble finding it :)
ah, got it!

ha! red is the colour of
my true love's hai-r

good to see you got in a decent interior(exterior?) designer with taste :p
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Butters and Angeline: Thanks for the comments. Butters - I'm glad you like Arak. These are issues I think about a lot but don't write about much (ethnicity and race, not booze!).

Tzara - I managed to post a photo this time but it's stupid-large. Sorry. Y'all will just have to put up with my technical limits.

Tristesse: loved Mirror Image.
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well tsotha glad you joined the party

your 1-2 I really enjoyed, relatable, like waking up on a Monday morning, weekend gone in a haze of where the hell did that go,

this part here,

Prepare to plod through
'Cause carpe diem, baby.
Seize the day
Live the moment
Waste away
Every moment

the way you tied together two opposing thoughts,

plod through and
seize the day,

remind me of dragging your sorry ass out of bed and yelling internally to get the fuck up and go to work. trying to motivate the unmotivated :)
then the waste away every moment brings the crashing reality back in that you are just going to a mundane job that pays the bills, like there is so much better you could and should be doing with your life.

the comparison of being a robot or machine apt, maybe bordering a cliché but the final lines bring in a humanity driving off the curve you rebel, I smiled and though now there is something you would smile about on a mundane day before heading to work.

cocktails for three

you lay it all out in simplistic lines but it is still a punch in the guts, doing something like that and it backfiring that bad, fuck!

Angeline 1-3

the line break here is perfect to play on a double thought process,

to white and square and God
help those who don't fit there

forcing you to almost re-read the lines to interconnected god and help
square and there nice play on sound, it ties in thematically with darn that dream, this could almost be your opening stanza, which I think you may have alluded too, thank you for the intro into jazz :D

Sneaky cupid

has such a dream like quality to the lines makes sense since the first image to me was a bed lol

the arrow surprised me, great line as if awakening from a day dream to realize you have been smitten, made me smile.

This alcohol theme is making for thirsty work :D thank you all for the reads
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tsotha - glad you joined in!

your 1-1... a hot wince re the razors blades and fingertips. that hot slice and what surely results, metaphorical or not.

1-2? you're a floyd fan, then? time to welcome you to the machine - just don't get too comfortable ;)

tods - glad you liked it; the arrow? surprised the hell out of me, too :kiss:
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Neo: your 1-5 is powerful. It feels like you spat it out.

It's amazing how whenever something like this happens in America- which is all too often - the press finds a neighbor who says something inane like "he was a nice kid, a little shy". That just means that they didn't know him. People want to say something to the press, so they say that. Or something about the debating club. Not my observation - read the Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker for more about the "un-predictableness of violence" (not). It's well worth a read.

To me the most pathetic thing is that the press uses quotes like that for "news", instead of taking on an ethical role and educating the population - not just catering to it's perverse voyerism of violence obsession. One of the reasons I don't watch or read the so-called "news" anymore.
:D Thank you both.....in reality I'm just running out of creative steam....desperation. :heart:

well they say desperation's the mother of invention, and your last is definitely inventive! loved these phrases:

lady lustre’s
Moose hair mittens. Frog pool filter
Fanny whacker found off kilter
Mad on Monday,

fanny whacker? hahahahha
well they say desperation's the mother of invention, and your last is definitely inventive! loved these phrases:

lady lustre’s
Moose hair mittens. Frog pool filter
Fanny whacker found off kilter
Mad on Monday,

fanny whacker? hahahahha

Now now...I find fanny whacking nothing to laugh about. (More like something interesting to do...esp while mad on Monday.):devil:;)