a companion to 30 in 30

Ouch. Well, here it is and the reason I'm nicked-named Neobolical. You'll have to start a second attempt. (Don't hate me, I'm with Champy and I'm just as greedy for Desejo-poems too.)

Maybe you can post a shorty poem via smartphone?

*ducks and runs.

I might make it, depending on my layover in Europe and whether there is Internet access in the airport. Not a chance of access At my final stop. It's ok, I realized I was being unfair after I posted it and thought of champy's situation.
I might make it, depending on my layover in Europe and whether there is Internet access in the airport. Not a chance of access At my final stop. It's ok, I realized I was being unfair after I posted it and thought of champy's situation.
Now don't you feel all oooo guilty for a perfectly honest request about a really tough and disappointing situation. I remember T-zed (I'm pretty sure) had to go on a journey and posted his poemies via proxy or something like that. You can look at it as an opportunity to write while you're away and post us some journey poems in a single bulk post when you get back starting your new run. It does get a bit addicting too, this daily writing, and that can be so good to feel. Bon voyage on your run around Europe. I miss several places that we visited regularly while we were posted there. .. So, if in Germany, head over to Augsburg, by Munich and watch the kayakers and Canadian-style boat paddlers on the Eis Kanal for a time. It was very fun to jeer at the other kayakers in our group from the bridges. If in Austria, spend some time at a café in the Tuxertal valley and admire the glacier at Hintertux. Good beer and a unique ski experience (especially in the summer). Should you be near the Alsace region in France, have a beer at the park beside Europa amusement park. (Say this aloud and think you're a 3-year-old hearing this and then imagine my difficulties when I tried to correct his naming it "My Ropa Park".) LOL. If you're not near any of these places, I sincerely hope you have many opportunities to make your own favourite places. All the best!
champagne your last one physically hurt me to read, my thoughts are with you and yours and I hope, I really hope that it turns for the better!!!!
champagne your last one physically hurt me to read, my thoughts are with you and yours and I hope, I really hope that it turns for the better!!!!
todski, I write some of these poems as part of my post-crisis cleansing ritual. This actually covered that period between the 3rd and 23rd of last month when my time compressed and it actually only felt like a week had passed. We did have a weekend respite at home on the 13th and 14th. I went back to work only to meet my hubby back at the local hospital to learn that it was another ambulance trip to Edmonton for us and stayed for another week. He's finally home and we're taking one day at a time in his recovery.

If you read I Watched A Nail Hang you will see this process in action yet again as I exposed the period I spent in the hospital with my son as they struggled to save his doomed arm that had been torn apart in a MVA back in July 2007.

So, I vent this way. It helps keep me going when strength of purpose is not enough and instead, I need to find strength of mind...
Now don't you feel all oooo guilty for a perfectly honest request about a really tough and disappointing situation. I remember T-zed (I'm pretty sure) had to go on a journey and posted his poemies via proxy or something like that. You can look at it as an opportunity to write while you're away and post us some journey poems in a single bulk post when you get back starting your new run. It does get a bit addicting too, this daily writing, and that can be so good to feel. Bon voyage on your run around Europe. I miss several places that we visited regularly while we were posted there. .. So, if in Germany, head over to Augsburg, by Munich and watch the kayakers and Canadian-style boat paddlers on the Eis Kanal for a time. It was very fun to jeer at the other kayakers in our group from the bridges. If in Austria, spend some time at a café in the Tuxertal valley and admire the glacier at Hintertux. Good beer and a unique ski experience (especially in the summer). Should you be near the Alsace region in France, have a beer at the park beside Europa amusement park. (Say this aloud and think you're a 3-year-old hearing this and then imagine my difficulties when I tried to correct his naming it "My Ropa Park".) LOL. If you're not near any of these places, I sincerely hope you have many opportunities to make your own favourite places. All the best!

I wish! I will be in Europe for a few days on the way home. The rest of the trip is work..in Africa.
1. Tony Danza
in a suit of fine organza
ridin' out for another stanza
in the remake of Bonanza.

2. Next rhyme, Ponderosa?

The vast expanse of Ponderosa
is large as Chiang Kai-shek’s Formosa,
a lovely place to sip mimosas,
talk Cubs’ baseball with Sammy Sosa,
lament the Via Dolorosa,
converse, with fluency, in Xhosa
of anorexia nervosa,
and histamines (my drenched mucosa).
Tzara likes to warp my rules. He would be a horrible subbie. ;)

Hmm proxy posting. I'm just trying to think of a way to avoid "I forgot to post on time" and only used when a participant cannot post so it needs to be planned.

I think that would be alright as long as the post was:
1) the participant needs to notify absence prior in companion thread in no less than 24-hours.
2) the poem must have never been posted before.
3) formatted properly and stating post is for the participant.
4) limited proxy posts, max 2 in that attempt, any more you start another attempt.
5) the proxy isn't someone currently participating in the challenge.

If those rules are followed then I will accept proxy post(s) for the challenge and I will make an addendum to the 30 Poems in 30 Days opening post.
The vast expanse of Ponderosa
is large as Chiang Kai-shek’s Formosa,
a lovely place to sip mimosas,
talk Cubs’ baseball with Sammy Sosa,
lament the Via Dolorosa,
converse, with fluency, in Xhosa
of anorexia nervosa,
and histamines (my drenched mucosa).

Dude. Gar-rossa! :D
Welcome to the nuthouse, Annie. (I just realized how terribly politically incorrect that is, LOL) I'm not changing it though! Good luck on your poetic 30 in 30 run. Twenty-nine to go! I was reading back and discovered that IMO most of mine are, at best, sock drawer material. That's how it goes. Don't be afraid of posting dross, just post something each day. There's the occasional nugget that turns up and then you feel ok about sloughing out the slag. :)
champy, yours just reminded me that's another thing i have to do this week. it's way overdue - the boys don't seem to understand about covering stuff, they just stick it in and never mind the bits that end up hanging off the walls! :eek:
Well, I must be mad twice over then, since I missed yesterday (laid down for a nap shortly after noon, woke once to use the restroom, grab a drink, and something for a headache...next thing I knew my alarm was waking me for work :eek:) and am about to restart...

Here we go! hehehe

Well, I must be mad twice over then, since I missed yesterday (laid down for a nap shortly after noon, woke once to use the restroom, grab a drink, and something for a headache...next thing I knew my alarm was waking me for work :eek:) and am about to restart...

Here we go! hehehe


You have my heartfelt sympathies. I don't know that I'd have the stamina. :eek:

I think of this as amassing a bunch of writing some of which can be kept or revised and much, like Champ says, can go straight to the sock drawer. Still it's good because the more I write the more chances I take and things I try--my poem may fall on its face but if I figure out something new well, that's progress.
I don't know... Champ has some pretty special socks if you ask me.
Agreed with Angeline though - I think there are a lot of poems here that merit being taken out of the sock drawer and put into the "polish the silver" pile.
Has anyone else noticed that all of Tzara's beverages are female?

Why does "candy is dandy but liquor is quicker" come to mind??? hmmm.