a companion to 30 in 30

Remec is your poem a coincidence?!!!

Of course not, that was a live write after reading your interchange. Gotta love the power of found poetry, yeah? ;)

Thanks to all involved, btw...I meant to do that earlier. Appreciate the reminder. :kiss::rose:

Women are intoxicating.

plus they come in as many different flavours, variants, tastes and bodies perfect comparisons, some leave you with a contact hangover and that ever asked question, what the hell was I thinking!
Of course not, that was a live write after reading your interchange. Gotta love the power of found poetry, yeah? ;)

Thanks to all involved, btw...I meant to do that earlier. Appreciate the reminder. :kiss::rose:


Haaaaaaaaaa! I thought not!

plus they come in as many different flavours, variants, tastes and bodies perfect comparisons, some leave you with a contact hangover and that ever asked question, what the hell was I thinking!

Works both ways ..........
plus they come in as many different flavours, variants, tastes and bodies perfect comparisons, some leave you with a contact hangover and that ever asked question, what the hell was I thinking!
I was thinking of saying they go down smoothly, but that seemed to be pressing the envelope, even for me.
The Last Last

I often wonder if
the last time
was the last time.

I once read a parenting book in which the author lamented those "lasts" that you can't recall. It prompted me to go back and try.
I was thinking of saying they go down smoothly, but that seemed to be pressing the envelope, even for me.

Yes, Well some of us Tzara fans have envelopes in need of...pressing.

(who said that?!)
I was thinking of saying they go down smoothly, but that seemed to be pressing the envelope, even for me.

"A woman is like a beer. They look good, they smell good, you'd step over your own mother just to get one...."
- Homer Simpson
I once read a parenting book in which the author lamented those "lasts" that you can't recall. It prompted me to go back and try.

Interesting, but chances are I didn't read that parenting book. I'm a very bad student sometimes.