a companion to 30 in 30

"You know, boys, a nuclear reactor is a lot like a woman. You just have to read the manual and press the right buttons."
—Homer Simpson

"Son, a woman is a lot like a... a refrigerator! They're about six feet tall, 300 pounds. They make ice, and um...."
-- Homer Simpson
"Son, a woman is a lot like a... a refrigerator! They're about six feet tall, 300 pounds. They make ice, and um...."
-- Homer Simpson
"I'm going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for TEN MINUTES. "
—Homer Simpson
"I'm going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for TEN MINUTES. "
—Homer Simpson
"I like to think that I'm a patient, tolerant woman and that there was no line that you could cross that would make me stop loving you. But last night you didn't just cross that line, you threw up on it!"
—Marg Simpson

as to my second aborted attempt at running a 30 in 30: RATS!!!
"I like to think that I'm a patient, tolerant woman and that there was no line that you could cross that would make me stop loving you. But last night you didn't just cross that line, you threw up on it!"
—Marg Simpson

as to my second aborted attempt at running a 30 in 30: RATS!!!

Marge, what's wrong? Are you hungry? Sleepy? Gassy? Gassy? Is it gas? It's gas, isn't it?
--Homer Simpson
"I like to think that I'm a patient, tolerant woman and that there was no line that you could cross that would make me stop loving you. But last night you didn't just cross that line, you threw up on it!"
—Marg Simpson

as to my second aborted attempt at running a 30 in 30: RATS!!!

I am not in the mood to write mine today...but I have no intention of starting over when I am so close!
Worst part for me is having to take whatever comes to mind and use it. I really should go for a theme like Tzara if I ever attempt this again.
Worst part for me is having to take whatever comes to mind and use it. I really should go for a theme like Tzara if I ever attempt this again.

Actually, I really liked your 1-26. Except for the title. I'm picky about titles (not that mine are always great).
Actually, I really liked your 1-26. Except for the title. I'm picky about titles (not that mine are always great).

I was going to say the same Tsotha. It's a good poem. Not sure about the title only because I don't know how it fits. I'm sure there is a reason.
Worst part for me is having to take whatever comes to mind and use it. I really should go for a theme like Tzara if I ever attempt this again.
Perhaps I should start a poet's advice column. Ask Tzara (About Prosody, Poetry, & Life). Cable syndication is not far off. :rolleyes:

Tsotha: A theme helps, but you still have to write something everyday. What really helps is a high personal tolerance for writing awfully bad poetry. "Sock drawer" stuff, as Champie said.

Writing is a lot about discipline. What's great about Neo's 30/30 is that you have to write a poem every day, regardless of inspiration, what's going on in your life, Internet connectivity problems, or whatever. It's a good habit to get into (writing every day, not necessarily writing a complete poem every day. Writing bad poetry is not a good habit to get into.)

I think it helps if you approach the challenge with a ready-made theme for the day. So, the periodic table of the elements, an alphabetical list of liqueurs. Liar (who is much missed), did one where he found a word in the dictionary every day.

The thing is, don't feel you have to be "inspired" every day. Just write something.

Or, to quote my personal poetry motto, Do not be afraid to be bad.™
Actually, I really liked your 1-26. Except for the title. I'm picky about titles (not that mine are always great).

Thanks, Desejo, and I agree. As a title, it stinks. :eek: The poem is following a theme with 1-25, but in the broadest of senses. There really was no need to link them together.

I was going to say the same Tsotha. It's a good poem. Not sure about the title only because I don't know how it fits. I'm sure there is a reason.

Thank you, and isn't there always a reason? :) But the title is leading, and perhaps limiting. Sometimes less is more...

Perhaps I should start a poet's advice column. Ask Tzara (About Prosody, Poetry, & Life). Cable syndication is not far off. :rolleyes:
The thing is, don't feel you have to be "inspired" every day. Just write something.

Or, to quote my personal poetry motto, Do not be afraid to be bad.™

Prosody, poetry and life? That's an impressive list of qualifications for advice. ;)

The challenge does work wonders. If it weren't for it, I doubt I would have written anything for the last few weeks (busy, busy). As for not being afraid to be bad... I'm not, haha. I put quite a few meant for the sock drawer in there.

Thank you all for the advice and comments, I appreciate it.
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definitely feel the difference between feeling i have to write compared to just writing because i can or want to. that thing about not getting into the habit of writing bad poetry - i'm falling into that hole. there are pieces, ideas, but it still feels forced which is stupid and i should be over it by now. it's no different to writing most days, if not every day, in live writes etc..., but just that concept of having to. argh. the only reason i've stuck with it is i'll be damned if i'm starting over from the beginning. my muse has always preferred to jump rather than be pushed. actually, never mind the muse, that's the way i feel about living.

having said all that, there's been a lot of stuff others have written that's given me real pleasure to read. Desejo's pieces have incorporated some stunning lines. Tzara's feel clever and dry, but i'm not feeling a real sense of connect despite enjoying the imagery - which speaks more about my own preferences than T's skills as a writer. I'm missing so much of the background references to Angelina's that all i can do is bop my head and click my fingers to her beat as the rest flies over my head.... *sigh* Everyone, so far, has produced stuff that's made me think - thinking's good. just getting pissed off with my own more than anything and can't wait to finish tomorrow.


Dun, dun, done! A 30 Poem in 30 Days challenge complete.


if it wasn't for the "fhew at the end, I would have read this as "it was a piece of cake" :D
congratulations on the finish, thanks for the re-do on the challenge, and for putting up some sterling poetry amidst the cat haipu's :)
And Tzara is done, too. Grats!

I'm still curious about that "Ginsberg American Sentence", though... :confused:
annie, that 1-6 of yours is strong! think you really caught hold of it and made it work for you.