A new challenge

Lauren Hynde said:
Usually, one stanza per poet, and after it's done there is a small workshop period to make sure the poem flows well as seamlessly as possible. The person who posted the first stanza, the one who originated it all, has the final editorial word.

Go browse The Poets' Collaboration Thread for a bit and you'll see. :)

I'm so out of it--every time you say workshop, I feel like one of Santa's elves. And there's a goat in the workshop!

And Ice all I can say is it sounds like you'll need a *much* larger flat. It is four people total, right? It started sounding exponential.


:( I'm sorry I was off on la-la land and missed this collab effort... maybe next time if I'm not la-la-ing around.

- neo
WickedEve said:
Yes, T, I'm serious about the goat! lol
Shouldn't I stick this? I think I should. I'm trembling with excitement. :)

My god--you really did want to do this for the stickies didn't you?

and neo--you sound like annie hall--well but masculine. lol.
Angeline said:
My god--you really did want to do this for the stickies didn't you?

and neo--you sound like annie hall--well but masculine. lol.

Please get some drops for those eyes.

Both my boys are newly cured and damn I am begging you girl I will do anything-- to not have to look at that sight.....

Please, please get some drops.

I will pay for the prescription.

Lauren Hynde said:

And Tess, we'll need a title for the collection, and it is your idea, so... start thinking about that. ;)

I hereby christen this endeavour "Sign Language" - may the gods smile on all who take part, the writers and the readers.

Tess :rose:
I apologize Tristesse, I don't think I could do a very good job here.
Neo, Icing, Fool or whomever is available...Leo is open
Dang Echos, that is a silly reason to back out, I have a strong feeling that I don't know whatI am doing hmmm I don't even know what a scorpio is--- I am doing some research.....


where to go where to go

echo, you will do fine
please dont take offense, look at the list of great and known poets up there. EVERYONE...I will stumble and stick out like a sore thumb.
echoes_s said:
please dont take offense, look at the list of great and known poets up there. EVERYONE...I will stumble and stick out like a sore thumb.

BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!


stage fright??

I have 6 pages so far on Leo, how the hell are you supposed to put in one stanza and make this a smooth transition?


LOL Tristesse....witch ;)

I am listening to a commercial on erectile disfunction right now, is this the same thing except for poetry? :confused:
Two things...

First... Echoessss, I know what you can do... you can do this.

second... I am a little lost. Now that I told echoes she can do it, I need to know what we are doing...

Are we to work up one stanza on our sign,

or work up a poem with our sign in the title? (any style/form?)

Sorry I got confused, but I was away from the computer and couldn't keep up with the thread...

jim :)
um judging by the amount you already have written, I think that it is something like the warning that if you have an erection for over 6 hours, you should call your doctor....

six pages???

dang girl


put the pages in a blender on frappe
and then pull out the first 3 shreds
and call it a poem

that is what I plan to do
um judging by the amount you already have written, I think that it is something like the warning that if you have an erection for over 6 hours, you should call your doctor....

six pages???

dang girl


put the pages in a blender on frappe
and then pull out the first 3 shreds
and call it a poem

that is what I plan to do
Re: Two things...

jthserra said:
First... Echoessss, I know what you can do... you can do this.

second... I am a little lost. Now that I told echoes she can do it, I need to know what we are doing...

Are we to work up one stanza on our sign,

or work up a poem with our sign in the title? (any style/form?)

Sorry I got confused, but I was away from the computer and couldn't keep up with the thread...

jim :)

jim, yours will be a complete poem about your chosen sign. All the twelve poems will be collected in here on the 5th to be posted by The Poets in the Nes Poems.
echoes_s said:

stage fright??

I have 6 pages so far on Leo, how the hell are you supposed to put in one stanza and make this a smooth transition?


LOL Tristesse....witch ;)

I am listening to a commercial on erectile disfunction right now, is this the same thing except for poetry? :confused:

Can you decide echoes? I put a [for rent] sign up for leo - but I REALLY want you to do it, pleeeeeeease!

:)<<<<<<<hopeful smile.
Re: Re: Two things...

Tristesse said:
jim, yours will be a complete poem about your chosen sign. All the twelve poems will be collected in here on the 5th to be posted by The Poets in the Nes Poems.

Thanks... I picked up some of the talk of single stanzas and got confused. I am still scratching my head a bit on the poem, but hopefully I'll figure something out.

jim :)
OMG Anna! lol, you got me roaring like a bloody lioness now!

ok Tristesse...but if I screw up Leo or the poem, I tried to warned you, I am worried here, I saw the ratings on the other poems and the poems themselves

is it to be a whole poem or one stanza please?
Ah, I think I have it now by jove. We write the poem, title it
Sign Language it has to have our sign in it, post it here by the 5th, then the Poets take over from and work with them!

Amazing what happens when one actually uses a brain cell or two

psst, Tristesse, I love it when you curse at me :heart:

i think i need to get some sleep :)