A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

Trilan smirks. "I prefer to think of myself as 'perfectly-sized', but I'm very grateful for the hoisting, Khadija."
Nuada scales the wall and keeping g low he reaches an arm down "ready whenyou are "
Bubbles rolls her eyes and mutters under her breath "not even with this group for a day and we are already playing 'toss-a-gnome'..."
She adjusts her gear. "Ready for the assist when you are..."
Nuada catches Bubbles hand and pulls her up to the top, he shows her the loop in the rope and lowers her to the other side, then reaches down for Trilan
Bubbles untangles herself from the rope and crouches down low to the ground - instantly looking out on alert to see if they have been spotted. She listens as her group soon join her still keeping an eye out for things.
Khadija scrambled up the wall, then, realizing her garb was perhaps a bit too conservative, removed her head scarf letting her thick, naturally curly, black hair tumble out. she shook it out into some semblance of order, then tied her scarf to her belt. She smiled at the trio "Lets see what we can see"

As they made their way through the garden, the gathering seemed tame enough if large. Attractive young people lounged about on divans or stood in small groups. Always there was some older, clearly richer person invited to whatever conversation was going on. Greta and a set of musicians were playing some music in one corner, not so loud as to disturb the goings on but to provide more of a backdrop. Those in attendance were dressed immodestly, but not scandalously so. A quick circuit of the grounds revealed more revelry in the house. There the party moved through mosaiced halls that spoke to wealth at every turn. Intricate mosaics adorned the walls and floors, expensive furniture, serving trays made of gold and silver and inlaid with precious gems, and cunningly wrought statuary filled the house. Inside the house immodesty had given way to licentiousness. In one corner, an older man with the badge of office of a high ranking constable sat with two women, watching them have sex on a couch. In another corner, a comely young man sucked the cock of another while assembled guests watched and commented. Two men shared a woman on a long dining room table while other couples played and fucked around them on chairs and in corners.

Throughout the house were similarly garbed handsome young men and women who seemed to serve as both wait-staff and also to some extent sexual playthings for the wealthy patrons of the party. As the group made their way through the house, they drew a few looks. Khadija stopped the group at one point to make it seem as if they were watching a powerful half-orc engaged in a threesome with two human girls. Not coincidentally, this gave the group a good vantage to view the staircase leading to the second level of the house. There they could see more people moving about, but at the top of the stairs were two armed men.
Trilan made it over the wall with Nuada and Khadija's help, and marveled at the display around him. Surely at least some of these people had no knowledge of any demonic connection, and were just innocently enjoying the wholesome pastime of sex. He hoped they were able to avoid coming into general conflict, so as to avoid putting such innocent souls in danger. He kept his eyes roaming up near the stairs, looking for places he could use some kind of illusion or other magic to draw the attention of the two guards away. In the meantime, he decided to try to get to the bottom of why one of his companions seemed to always be withdrawing from whatever they were doing.

"So, Bubbles," he asks the gnome. "What do you think of that orc's cock?"
Nuada summond one of the wait staff then turned to Khadija. "Would you care for a drink madam?" He enquired, setting the scene that the human was in charge. As he waited for an answer he checked over the room looking for anyone that seemed out of place or nervous.
Bubbles goes bright red and continues to look at the ground or anywhere that isn’t showing flesh.
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about Trilan” she stammers “But if it’s something you are interested in perhaps you should go and get a closer look…”
She quickly shuffles away before he could make any more comments. She finds a wait staff who is mostly clothed and enquired to the nearest bathroom before heading that way. Along the way she passes many more people entwined with each other but pays special attention to the layout and if anyone stands out of place. She pauses before entering the bathroom and looks back casually and looks up the stairs getting the perspective from a different angle before going into the bathroom. Once there she finds a stall and locks the door and sits. She doesn’t need to go but needs a moment to think. She was clearly not prepared for walking into this place. And now she is trying to see if she has a spell that may help out or if she should just keep her spells incase she needs to heal. Argh so many decisions. Also what the hell was with Trilans comment.. that was weird. Maybe he likes orc dicks and was trying to use her as a person to talk with about - it’s not like he could talk with another guy freely about it… hmmm all she knew for sure was he was weird. And coming from her that was saying something.
Nuada gives Trilan a withering look, "well done, could you not tell she is not comfortable around people , even less so around naked people. Sorry m'lady " says turning to Khadija " but she is painfully shy at times, with your leave I will go and find her" he bows slightly and goes off in search of Bubbles
Trilan starts to walk off after Bubbles, but stops when Nuada decides to do so. He'll let the elf give it a try, and if that didn't work, then he could always try to make Bubbles uncomfortable again. Keep doing that and something usually gives, in Trilan's experience. Instead, he considers the men upstairs.

"I've got an idea." Turning to Khadija, he unbuckles his belt and loosens his coat, eventually managing to expose his chest and dangling cock. He starts tugging at her leathers. "We need to fit in a little better. Let's at least get a tit or two of yours out, something to look like we're just trying to find a quiet little place to fuck."
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Nuada snags a drink from a tray and take sip, he asking around he tracks Bubbles to the bathroom, he wanders in reasoning if people are fucking on the tables then a man in a female bathroom would not be shocking, "Bubbles come on he can be a bit of dick at times, so for that matter can I, come out and we will go and find a quiet place to chat whilst they do what ever" he takes another drink " I know your in here"
"A tit or two?" the woman arched her eyebrow with a wry grin "I'm not a temple prostitute." She smirked to show her modesty was not inviolate. "I'm also a woman of the desert. I'm already practically naked letting you see my hair. Signal enough I'm sure." She looked upstairs "IF I had to guess, I'd say that's where anything interesting is." She looked about for Bubbles and Nuada "it would have been nice for your friends to have stuck with us. The girl looks like she's afraid she will be trampled to death at all times though. Too gentle for this world" She laughed "I'll tell you what though, you're correct in that its best we be seen frolicing. Why don't you sit on that bench a moment?" She leaned over. flicking her tongue down into his ear "and I'll give you a handjob to start. Right where everyone can see."
Trilan nods. “That’s a good start; look like we belong.” He interlaces his fingers in hers and tugs her gently toward the bench. “You have lovely hair, too. I can just imagine it getting those desert men all wound up.” He keeps his eyes up, looking for more of the lay of the land here.
Bubbles lets out an audible groan
"why cant you leave me alone? ARGH You are so frustrating!"
She flings open the door and looks out at the elf and sighs.
"Look from what I have seen we need to get up to the top level past the guards. I don't know what your capabilities are as a group. I'm guessing you could sneak past with a bit of a distraction.... not sure what the gnome can do but he seems to think himself as some form of... Im not even going to say it. Its not worth it. Khadija I have no idea what her speciality is but I feel like she can kick some serious ass if needed. I can make a distraction - not sure how much it would get them to leave the room but I can try. I'm actually not even sure why you brought be along you know I am only good at healing and I am pretty sure "sexual exhaustion" isn't something I can heal..."
He squats down to look her in eye.
"Yes I can be. You wanted to come along to help rescue that woman" he spoke in a low voice " we may have to fight , I prefer not to , if we fight we want a healer. That would be you. We should get back , do not let Trilan get to you, I do not mind the flesh on display. But then I am a bit of a deviant. Now I get that you are not happy with situation, but we are here to do a job. Now please take the robe of and stow in in your pack. I wonder what they have gotten up to or even found out. You saw the guards at the top of the stairs, we have to find a way past them" he pauses and looks her in the eye "You want to help save the woman, we have to get past the guards, if I were bringing their goddess a tasty morsel, say a virgin gnome cleric, ripe for the picking. All that life force. Could you walk proudly back in there in your pants, being lead by your master on a rope? for the good of the mission? to help save the woman and bring an end to this evil?"
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“Wait… I have to take my robe off… I don’t know I can do that! I’m only wearing my undergarments under this!”
"Bubbles there are women walking round naked out there, women and men fucking and getting fucked all over the place, Your master has chosen to offer you as a virgin sacrifice to curry favor with their goddess. Leave your undergarments on and put the robe in your pack. I will fashion the noose to not tighten. I wont let anybody touch you. They will know not to mess with another mans toys. Helping the woman in what ever way you can that is what this is."
“I…. But…” she lets out a soft sigh of defeat knowing that he is right.
“Can you at least turn around?”
"Gonna be kinda of hard to tie you up from behind. I do not want to perv at you, you are doing this to help us rescue the woman. I have tied lots of women up before, consensually of course, and the sexier I make the rope work the more convincing the lie will be."
She nods as she feels her cheeks get hot with embarrassment. She closes her eyes as she pulls her robe up over her head revealing a white thigh-length undershirt. Under that you can just make out the outline of a white form fitting bra. She turns and bends over to put her robe in her pack the shirt rides up and reveals that she is wearing white panties also.
"and the undershirt and bra , the sexier you look the easier it will be to use you as a distraction for the guard. I know its new and embarrassing and if there was another way... but we have to get past the guards with the minimum of fuss" he pulls out the silk rope from before , in the light it looks red he starts to uncoil it"
She goes to protest. But he was right. They had to make this work with as little fuss as possible. If they couldn’t sell this then it would turn violent and that would be very bad. So she wordlessly agrees and removes her shirt and her bra trying to cover herself as best as she can.
“Why couldn’t someone else do this? Khadjia is much more prettier for this role…”
"Khadjia is a paladin and a front line fighter, also I have not seen many gnomes , the more unusual and exotic the distraction the more people will look" He starts to wind the rope round her , he fashions loops and secures her hands behind her back "Look up Bubbles the body is nothing to be ashamed of", he fashions some knots and runs the rope up between her legs so the knots press on her clit, secures it then ties her breasts off leaving a few feet of rope to act as a leash. He picks up her pack "you look delightful come on " he turns and walks towards the door as Bubbles discovers what the crotch rope does
She goes to protest and pulls back on the lead a little but a quick tug has her stumbling through the door of the bathroom and back out into the open. She suddenly feels very naked and vulnerable and feels like everyone is staring at her. She keeps her head down as the heat spreads from her cheeks and down her neck.
Sometimes she wished she would sit and question her god. Like was this really the plan he had for her? To have her naked and paraded around like fresh meat. She continues to follow Nuada making sure to keep her head down and her eyes on his heels. Each step provides her with this sensation from the rope between her legs. And part of her thinks that this was done on purpose…. She goes to herself to get her revenge on him for what he has done to her tonight… she will not live this down.