A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

Nuada walks slowly enough so as not to make bubbles stumble, seemingly oblivious to the bound half naked female behind him he stops and chats with different groups "Yes its good here, yes she is quite cute, no you can't I hate to share my toys and I have other plans for her" he gets drink and goes over to where Greta and the band are playing. Stands with a wry smile at Greta's expression before wandering around the groups of people at seemingly at random as he make his way back to Trilan and Khadija. He stops a short way off and admires her technique , "Good wrist speed, looks like you are well versed pole work." He stoops and picks Bubbles up and sits her next to Trilan.
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Settling in on the bench, Khadija skillfully wrapped her hand around Trilan's shaft. She looked around to see if anyone was watching, loosely dragging her fingers along his cock "Gods above this thing is disproportionate. how do you not pass out when it gets hard?" She snorted a laugh, then cradled his balls, running her thumb around each before sliding her hand back up. She kept her fingers wrapped around his shaft, still loose, dragging them up to brush against his fat head then back down. When Nuada brought the tied up Bubbles she arched an eyebrow but then gave a small smile "we can trade if you want, I can spank your slave girl and you can jerk off the wizard." She winked at Nuada, then leaned down and sucked the head of Trilan's cock into her mouth a moment, swirling her tongue around it "I'd pay to watch you suck this abnormally sized dick" She laughed brightly, then started stroking the gnome a little faster.
Nuada laughed. "Whilst I will do most things for gold, that is not one of them, still so many mysteries of the female form to untangle. Plus could not get it in." He leaned close to Bubbles and whispered "am going to play with your nipples so that we blend in more. It will feel strange at first." His fingers found he nipples and started to tease them. He kept his mouth close to her ear "you might want to squirm about and protest" his fingers soon had her nipples swollen and throbbing
Trilan meets Bubbles’ eye. “Well done, my friend! You look the part admirably.” He turns to Nuada. “Did you give her a signal, in case we go too far? I know we’re pushing her, and we need to, but she should have an out, at least with us.”

Then he has to clench his fists and hold his breath for a moment, because Khadija’s hands and mouth are too skilled on his cock. “Gods, woman! Were you this good before you found your god or is this one of their divine gifts?”
Nuada leaned in closer to Bubbles. "If you want it to stop say Barton bridge. That will make it stop." He reached one hand down and starts to tug on the croch rope as his other hand switched between her nipples. "I am a bad bad man" he continued "I think any god that would deny the pleasures of the flesh is not a god worth following. After all if the followers do not fuck where do the new followers come from" he dropped his head and sucked on one nipple whilst toying with the other
Bubbles gasps out and wriggles in protest. She turns to face Nuada and looks up at him… “you are a very bad man….” She cries out as his mouth finds her nipple. She continues to look down and watch him and softly says “I trust you and I understand… I will do what is needed for the mission”

She tries to pull away from him but is unable to go far due to the leash.

“Don’t go getting any ideas gnome…”
Nuada's mouth leaves Bubbles nipple. "Look around these people expect to see sex in all it different incarnations. Yes it is part of the mission but I would be lying if I said I was not enjoying it. Like I said I am a bad man. Would you rather I stop?"
Trilan laughs at Bubbles’ admonition. “This cock of mine will be here for you when you ask for it, dear Bubbles,” he says pointedly. “And until then I’m afraid it’s off limits.”

He gently coils a lock of Khadija’s hair around his finger. “Now then, as much as I’m enjoying this, we mustn’t neglect the mission entirely. Those admitted past the sentries on the stairs are handing them a slip of paper. Anyone have any idea what it might be or how to get one?”
Nuada says "well if you can identify one of the people with a slip of paper perhaps I can lift it from them?"
Trilan thinks for a moment. “The problem there is that I don’t know whether or not they still have it,” he admits. “But there’s one of them.” Trilan subtly gestures toward one of the people he’s seen come back down.
Nuada glance in the direction that Trilan indicated. "Ok so now we have to separate them from the crowd. And hope they have the paper, and that the paper is not specific to them." His hands returnes to teasing Bubbles nipples. She could feel his cock stiffening thru his clothes as he leaned against her legs
Khadija kept up her light stroking, her hand wrapped softly around Trilan's shaft. "if there's a little commotion, would you be able to lift it in a crowd? the common pickpockets of this city can take the chain off your neck if they have even the slightest thing to capture your attention."
Trilan softly moans and tilts his head back in bliss before finding his voice. “A little commotion might be something I could manage, although I can’t guarantee I won’t get made for it.”
Bubbles tries to focus hard on breathing and continues to feel her cheeks burn.
What about something simple like Thaumaturgy? Could draw their attention away or an illusion?”
Nuada tugs hard on one of Bubbles nipples giving a little laugh as he did so. "Do we know where it got put?" He bends and sucks and licks the nipple he just tugged. "You are doing brilliantly Bubbles he whispered in her ear." He tongue flicked her ear "you will make some one a wonderful submissive with the right training. All the stress of being a healer can be left at the bedroom door and you can concentrate on having a good time"
Bubbles squeals and tries to pull away from him and falls forward off the seat and hard into her knees. She turns her head and glares at him.
“You… I am beginning to think you are as bad as the gnome!”
Nuada sighs, he picks her up and sits her back on the bench. "I am worse than the gnome" he whispers in her ear "I love having women tied up and at my mercy. He is all about the fucking, fucking is fun, but there is so much more to do. Now when the other two are ready we are going to try and get the piece of paper we need. Usually a submissive that has displeased her master would get spanked. Khadija has already offered to spank you but I do not think she would be gentle. I think that would be a wonderful sight you over her knee wriggling as she spanked your ass" he pauses for a second to savour the mental image "perhaps later."
Her eyes go wide at the thought.
“You wouldn’t… I’ll do what is required… within reason… plus we don’t need me using healing spells on myself for things that could be avoided.”
Nuada whispers in her ear. "Only bad girls get spanked, good girls who do what they told get rewarded, so are you going to be a good or a bad girl?" ask speaks his fingers trace circles round Bubbles nipples get closer and close to the pink little buds but not touching them
“I’ll be good…. Just tell me what needs to be done. The sooner we get this done the sooner it’s over with….”
She finally sneaks a glance at Trilans cock and begins to choke and cough not expecting it to be so un-proportional to his small frame. She had done her best to avoid looking at them while she was there and only had the pictures in her teaching as a reference point and this seemed… wrong. Perhaps he was suffering from some form of disease or curse that was affecting it… her shock was quickly overcome by medical and magical reasons. He must have used a spell or potion…
"well I know I would not be impressed to have a hand job ruined. So we wait till she brings him off, just have to hope she points it away from us when he cums, I do not need my clothes splashed with gnome babby batter" he looks pointedly at Khadija. "careful where you point that thing when it goes off. " he looks at Bubbles "I wont lie I do love playing with and teasing tits. So" he hands return to stimulating her nipples again
“Do we need to be here for the ummmm finale. Could we not make a ive on this mission… Who do we need to approach? Do we even have a plan or just a distract and swipe?”
"We move as a group , we get close there is a distraction , I stumble into them after tripping over my own feet whilst looking at the distraction, Trilan and Khadija start arguing loudly him lusting after the gnome whilst the daughter of the sands was pleasing his cock or sum such
, swear a little drunkenly apologize, straighten their clothing and away we go. Hopefully my pickpocketing has not got too rusty, so best keep my hands and fingers warmed up"
“And what am I to do while being the centre of accusation? Or am I still being lead by you on this leash while you do your thing?”

Bubbles squirms slightly in her seat at the sensations she tries to fight…
"well a semi naked female is always a draw for the eye. You know the more you squirm the worse the feeling will get - that is the evil of the crotch rope. No plan survives first contact with the enemy, so we try and see what happens and react accordingly" he lets her nipples go for second and messes with the ropes round her wrists, "you should leave your hands where they are but the ropes are loose so you will be able to get your hands out without any trouble." his fingers move back to teasing her nipples. " so now a big test, can you leave your hands where they are now you know you can move them"