A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

She instantly jerks then slightly wanting to smack him away but remembers she isn’t supposed to so she leaves them where they need to be and grits her teeth instead.
Trilan smiles watching their exchange. “Nearly.” He turns to Khadija. “As much as I hate to be left wanting, I think our ruse will work a bit better if you leave my cock stiff and wanting.” He looks out into the crowd and takes Khadija’s hand. “Come with me. It’ll help if you can keep lightly stroking me.” He looks for a wealthy-looking woman, hopefully wearing something expensive.
Nuada turns back to Bubbles "See I told you I was worse than him", he lifts her down and snags several glasses of wine from the passing servant. He drinks one , then starts to drink another before coughing and spilling wine down his tunic, " For fuck sake clumsy of me I know" sounding more than a little drunk "he looks at Trilan and nods" before weaving slowly towards the target glass in one hand and rope in the other
Khadija laughs "you're going to overcomplicate this aren't you, when I could just really give Bubbles here a good hard spanking" She leans down again, sucking all of Trilan's cock, taking it into her throat before pulling off "well whatever you have in mind do it before Nuada's quarry disappears. We need that paper." ALternatively we could follow someone leaving i suppose."
Trilan dod his best to position himself and Khadija favorably, knowing he had to get closer than he would’ve liked, and with a whisper and a waggle of his fingers, a magical cumshot was summoned into existence on his target’s chest. Hopefully that was a good enough distraction.
Bubbles gets pulled and lead around keeping her head bowed down to the ground trying to avoid eye contact with people. She feels the tugs of the rope as he leads her and she tries to follow along occasionally stumbling over her feet or running into a person that has gotten between them both not noticing the leash until the last moment. Bubbles apologising before feeling the tug once more sending her on her way.
Nuada gets near to the target and stops to take another drink, swaying slightly he turns to look down at Bubbles , "do try and keep up" he turns back to start walking and catches his own heel and starts to stumble forwards
Trilan casts a spell, and as expected a woman's dress is coated in cum. Rather than be offended she seems more amused by it than anything, but her raucous laughter provides Nuada with the opening that he is looking for. he is able to deftly snatch the paper from a nearby man's belt, and tuck it into his own pouches. Pass secured the four again meet up, with some in the crowd congratulating Trilan on a good jest.
Trilan smiles sheepishly. “Well I was hoping no one would notice I did that. But, I suppose no one minding is a fair substitute. What does it say, Nuada?”
“Yeah what does it say? Do we need a password or phrase or something like that to get in or is it going to be more difficult… also if the gnome was just going to distract like that why the hell did you convince me to get into this compromising position? I could have happily sat on the bench instead of being stripped and bound!”
She punches Nuada with her bound hands.

((So I did try and reply to this last night before sleep and this is what I woke up to…

Can C C. C C C C C C. C C. C. C C C C C C. C C. C C. Xu. C As Nuada stumbles forward it pulls on the rope and pulls Bubbles into the centre of a group of gentleman kjjtalkingJ.
She looks up st then blushing…. “ I am so sorry. Is all my fault dktbryu

Clearly I was tired but really wanting to participate… in the end sleep won. 😢. ))
Nuada looks at Bubbles, "I wanted options , if the cum splat had not distracted him them I had a naked bound gnome I could drunkenly trip over and whilst he was looking at the naked gnome I could pick his pockets, But the cum splat worked and you were fucking brilliant. But we can not have the illusion spoiled now." He sits in a chair and drags Bubbles over his knee
"Remember I said bad girls get punished? Khadija would you like to help me punish this bad girl?"
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She glares at Nuada before going to talk away only to realise she can’t get far being bound and on a leash.
“Gods I cannot wait for this to be over with… You are enjoying this way too much.”
Nuada's hand rubbed Bubbles ass thru her panties, "Yes , you are right I am enjoying this, what is not to like, I have a trussed up gnome that I am about to spank. Now if you say I am sorry for being a bad girl daddy I wont spank you ...very hard, if you do not say it then Well lets say the glow from your ass will keep us all warm"
“You wouldn’t dare… “
She continues to hold eye contact glaring at him. Bubbles was angry and has not felt this way in a very very long time. Her fingers itched to get revenge through magical means but she knew that had a mission that was more important. So she held off… for now at least.
Nuada's hand left Bubbles ass and raised up a few feet, he held Bubbles gaze, "Really?"
“Remember the mission and while we are here… also I can defend myself when needed… I’m not totally defenceless you know…”
His hand speeds towards her ass. It lands with a feather light touch. He sniggers
Trilan, noticing that he had not heard Bubbles say anything resembling 'Barton bridge', begins to suspect that this sort of rough, dominant treatment is what pulls her cart, as it were. He walks around in front of her, and cups her cheek with his hand. "What a beautiful little slut you make, Bubbles. I knew you had it in you."
Bubbles attempts to push Trilan away from her and backs away from him only to feel Nuada behind her. Her eyes go wide as she realises the predicament she is in and looks up to Khadija for help…
Khadija smirked down at bubbles "say the magic words and they will leave you alone" she pats her scimitar "I guarantee it. but until then" She reaches down and brushes Bubble's cheek "You should let yourself enjoy the pleasures that you wouldn't ordinarily." She grinned and shifted her stance a bit "and I thank you for taking the attention off me. Now, lovely Bubbles, don't be sassy or the boys will spank you before the share you" Her tone is teasing, "So you know, as soon as you say the words you can get up, but till then. you know. maybe figure some things out about yourself."
Bubbles softly whimpers but stands still and looks down at the ground...
"so the note..."
Nuada shows the group the symbol on the paper. "Lets move to the foot of the stairs"
Bubbles begins to move towards the stairs but she quickly is pulled back by the rope . She lets out a soft sigh and looks up at Nuada
Trilan smiles, and bumps Bubbles by the hip. “That’s a good pet. So obedient.” His lips are turned up in a smirk.