A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

Trilan's dart splashes against the priestess, and the acid starts eating into her skin. Her scream is cut off as bubbles drops a silence on the crowd. The entire scene is now surreal, writhing undulating flesh in a pile of compulsive sex, fucking continuing as the celebrants remain oblivious to the ensuing combat. Emerging from the alcoves nearby, two men draw Kopeshes and ready shields, facing off against the party.
Bubbles takes a quick look around seeing what enemies are near and backs behind the party for cover.
“Well that’s going to keep the ritual quiet for a while. They can’t talk in my bubble… unless the ritual doesn’t need them to speak… but really what are the chances of that?!?”
Nuada shifts stance knees slightly bent dagger and rapier crossed and pointing towards the two men. "Trilan you got any more tricks up your sleeve or do I do the the old fashioned way"
Trilan starts to answer, then realizes Bubbles’ Silence spell has silenced him as well. He runs back towards the group, ducking between the writhing orgiists. He stops, flames beginning to lick at his fingers. “I’ll come up with something. For now, light ‘em up!” A bolt of flame shoots from his hand, striking the silenced priestess in the chest.
Nuada moved forward to I intercept the advancing guards. A quick side step and feint draw and he strikes out lighting quick cutting the guard.
Nuada's knife drew a line of crimson where a gap in the man's leathers left exposed flesh. A small spray of blood and the silenced cry of the man betrayed the existence of the wound. Trilan's bolt struck true, hitting the priestess full in the chest. Realizing her preidicament, she ran behind a curtain, discretion being the best part of valor. One of the swordsmen missed Nuada, but the second slid under his guard, slicing him with the edge of his blade and leaving a painful cut. Khadija moved in swiftly, her scimitar a blur. Golden radiance flickered across the blade and surged into the second swordsman as her blade flashed, slicing him open and leaving a terrible wound. He too cried out, but the oppressive silence of Bubbles spell stifled any sound of his misery.
Bubbles sees that Nuada has been injured and let’s put a soft cry of concern. She holds into her holy symbol and says a few words softly to herself before she feels the warmth flow through her… spreading from her chest and along her arm before leaving her fingertips. She watches as the wounds on Nuada begin to heal and she lefts out a soft sigh and readies herself for the next wave.
Nuada feels the healing take effect and presses the attack on the guard he cut before. The usual sounds of battle lost in silence.
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Trilan misses with his ray of frost, turning the curtains behind the pair into an icy mess. Nuada ducks under the guard of one of the two men, able to pierce the soft leather under his arm. The cut is not immediately deadly, but the man's face turns white as he knows tthat without healing it is inevitable. Nuada's hand is slick with arterial spray, and the surreal soundless fight continues. the wounded man stumbles back, fleeing for the curtain where Nuada is able to get in an attack on his back, finishing him off. Khadija's blade flashes again, disembowling the second warrior. The eerie silence continues, with the writhing drugged masses fucking on the floor. Bubbles sees a way clear to help the woman on the alter, if she so chooses.
Trilan immediately makes a motion with his hand, under his neck, to Bubbles. Hopefully she can understand his meaning in the chaos. Then, he takes off after the priestess, feet pounding on the wooden floor
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Bubbles looks at Trilan and gives him a questioning look clearly not understanding what he was trying to relay to her. She looks around and grips her holy symbol right before reaching out and letting the warmth leave her once more and flow towards the poor soul on the alter being sacrificed. She watches in dismay as it appears to do nothing to help the girl. Bubbles screams out in frustration and runs over to the alter and unties the girl trying to assess the situation now that she is more up close with her.
As the guard falls to the ground Nuada follows after Trilan. "Fuck knows what that bitch is up to in there" he thought. Nuada takes a second to stab the fallen guard in the neck on the basis thst it never hurts to make sure.
Bubbles is able to untie the woman, who seems woozy and definitely aged in some fashion but otherwise unharmed. Nuada and Trilan disappear behind the icy curtain with Khadija. There, beyond the bubble of silence they seem a statue of a woman with bat wings, but an alluring body. the priestess is kneeling at its feet, imploring her goddess as the triad gets closer.
Nada watched as the woman fallto the floor. Nods at Trilan the goes back through the curtsian to see how bubbles Is getting on
Trilan lets out a breath of cautious relief as his Sleep spell works, and the woman is unconscious. He frowns as Nuada leaves, having hoped the man knew more about knots and whatnot than Trilan himself knew, as trussing her up adequately was very important. Still, he was an industrious sort and more than willing to give it a go.
Trilan finished his gag-and-tie job, and used the rope to start dragging the priestess back toward the other three. He hoped that Khadija or Nuada could secure her better than he’d done.
Khadija assisted in tying the woman up, and it seemed she had some experience with it "Not the first time i've tied a woman" she smirked at Trilan, letting him have a moment of lascivious thought "as I said, my people are often in conflict with the main government. We take prisoners, they take prisoners. you know the drill" Still, something in her bearing suggested she knew her way around a pleasurable tie as well "The question is, how do we get her out of here eh?"
Nuada arives next to Bubbles. Looks at the woman then removes his cloak and offers it to her.
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Khadija looks like she's about to snap at Trilan, then considers a moment "that's... that's actually very clever." She smiles ruefully "I uh. Well. That never really occurred to me." She slid her blade back into its sheath "Cast the spell and i'll push her out, then i'll climb down the wall. Can you do the same? or will the lot of you need to make your way through the house do you think?"
Trilan nods. “I’ll try the climb. If worse comes to worst I can re-cast it on myself.” He readies himself to cast Feather Fall on the priestess as soon as she goes off the edge.
Bubbles helps to cover the woman up before helping support her (which is amusing since Bubbles only comes up to the womans waist in height - but its the thought that counts right?!?). She looks up at Nuada with a look of "what now?"
Nuada point to the curtained off room and supports the woman.
Bubbles helps and heads towards the curtained off room keeping a look out for any more potential trouble.
The woman floated gently to the ground, and Khadija climbed down the nearby drainpipe like she was born to it. She landed with a soft thud next to the body, then looked up to the others. gesturing. She looked around, the area of the yard they were in was isolated but it was hardly far from the partygoers outside. They had a very limited window if they were going to abscond with the priestess without any trouble.