A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

Bubbles screams out as a wave of pleasure washes over her. Her body shakes as she cums hard and she gushes over him. She instantly starts sobbing softly a mix of confusion, release, pleasure and buries her head into his leg trying to hide her reaction to everyone.
Nuada leans forward to hug her as she cum and squirts. He holds her tight whispering how proud he is of her how she is so brave and that she is a good girl. He keeps hold of her as she trembles and sobs.
Nuada let's Bubbles down and wanders over to find out what had been discovered. "So what's the plan" he asks as he get close to the pair.
Bubbles wobbles as her legs adjust and leans against Nuada for support while recovering and trying to find out the next step.
He picks her up. "You ok princess" he asks "sorry should have checked you were ready to move"
“I’ll be fine… you can put me down. People don’t need to see me being carried around like a child…”
"Ok if your sure you are ok to walk" he puts her down and wonders for the 1st time what the 4 of them can do to resolve the situition.
Bubbles looks over at the group and speaks in a hushed tone to avoid being overheard “please tell me that we provided enough of a distraction that you were able to find out where we need to go? Even better would be if you told me that you had also come up with a plan to get where we need to go….”
Trilan looks at the ladder and the lack of any kind of check at the entrance. "We may be able to just waltz up there and get the lay of the land before we act, but we may not. My suggestion is to just go up ready to fight. I'll go first--the way they're not checking people here means they won't just start swinging as soon as I pop my head up. Then, if we have a chance to take a breath and regroup, we take it. If not, I put as many people to sleep as I can and we mop up the rest." He looks the other three in the eyes. "How does that sound?"
Nuada grins "Sounds like a plan. But one thing we do need to know is what is going on up there. Also can any one banish demons or dispell an evil consecration? "
Khadija nods "you're small and may escape notice. I don't suppose your wizard bag of tricks includes invisibility?" She worried her lip, her hand rested on her scimitar for now, but the illusion that the trio were there at Nuada's beck and call, what with him torturing the poor Bubbles, seemed to be holding. The maxim that acting like you belong somewhere is 90 percent of people leaving you be seemed to be in full effect. Khadija rested her hand on the wizard's shoulder a moment, practically stooping to do it "I'll go to the bottom of the ladder with you, but if we can draw the curtain and you can disappear that's best."
Nuada says "that works for me. Are we all ready?" He re does the rope on Bubbles to leave her hands free.
“I’m afraid not,” Trilan admits. “I was always more combat-focused.” He nods to Nuada. “I’m ready, though.” He starts walking toward the ladder
The quartet made their way to the ladder, and Trilan was able, with some difficulty, to scramble up rungs made for human legs. The climb was longer than expected, leading to a small attic space. All around the air was thick with a pungent incense that made his head swim. It dulled the senses and made him feel light, fuzzy, like nothing on earth could be wrong. All around him were figures writing in the ecstasy of orgy. On an altar a lovely young woman was bound, and an older woman was intoning in a cacophonous language he knew to be abyssal.
Nuada said "Khadija you go up next then me then Bubbles. But I get the feeling we will want to come back with more numbers. Juat because we did not see many guards does not mean there are not."
Bubbles takes a moment to calm herself and prepare for the climb ahead. She knew full well that they may be going into combat and needed to be ready and able to concentrate. She mentally started to prepare spells in her mind if needed.
Nuada drops the backpack and removes his cloak, puts on some studded leather glove. A cold thousand yard stare takes over his face as he readies himself for combat
Bubbles picks up her backpack and takes a drink out of her flask before moving towards the ladder
Trilan starts making his way towards the altar, readying his sleep spell and on the lookout for anything that he might need to react to
Nuada looks at Bubbles "when you get to the top check behind you we will try to claim and area but fuck knows what we will find up there."
As the priestess intoned and gestured, the group could see a wealthy older man slowly morphing into a younger, fitter version of himself as the person tied to the altar visibly aged. The ritual seemed to be transferring youth and beauty from the captive to the celebrant in some fashion. Throug the drug fogged haze of incense, however, the copulating mass on the floor did not seem to note the presence of the four.
The instant Trilan sees the magical effect take place, the aging of the woman on the altar that he’s been watching, he pulls some powdered rhubarb leaf and the stomach of an adder out of his component pouch, his hands glowing with green energies, and an acid arrow fires toward the priestess.
Nuada draws his rapier and a long dagger checking all sides for physical threats