A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

Her head tips back as she whimpers turn to moans. She tries to block it out but cant. Her body begins to tremble....
"Please..." she softly cries out... as her body and mind begins to give into the sensations....
"Please what princess, stop?" his thumb stops teasing her clit, he lets her trembling fade "please more " his thumb returns to its work faster and faster "Its going to happen princess, you should let it happen cum for me princess "
"I wont give into you! I know the moment you do you will toss me to the wolves!"
she looks around the room trying to see if they have gained the attention of any unsavoury types... but then again everyone in this place was an unsavoury type....
She mutters a silent prayer as the sensation takes over and no matter how hard she tries to focus or push away she cant... and gives in... Her cries turn to moans as her body trembles and grinds down on him... wetness soon flowing from her filling the room with a sweet aroma.
Her moans subside as she whimpers and cries into his shoulder. She tries to put on the brave front and whispers into his ear... "for the mission... I know... but I've never..."
He works on her clit as she come, his cock rigid as he feels her juices flow over his hand. he whispers in her ear "Its ok Bubbles, you have done amazingly well, we would not have got up her without you. I know is strange and to give up control to another takes a lot of trust. You take your time and catch your breath" he kisses her head as he holds her against him. moves his hand from between her lets and uses it to support her ass.
Bubbles closes her eyes and cuddles in trying to not mentally think about what just happened and to focus on the mission. Her breathing begins to even out even though her body has the occasional after orgasm shock…
She whispers softly into his ear “does anyone stand out? Did we gain the attention of the right people? Did we find what we were looking for or are we going to have to try something else? I’m just not sure detect good and evil is going to work in a place like this… and what if you light up as evil… you are a bad bad man afterall…”
Nuada says "Yes I am very bad man, I hope that we did attract the attention of the right people, I am not sure you could take another one of those" he giggles "Just fyi my cock is rock fucking hard now and my balls are aching for release. Let me know when you can stand unless you want another ride on my magic fingers"
Bubbles takes a moment to compose herself and steady her breathing. She knows she is going to have to do some much needed reflection on all of this later but somehow she feels different and somehow empowered knowing the compromising position of what she has done to his body… she hides her smile in his neck before whispering “okay I’m good… we can move…..”
AS the pair played, Khadija drew Trilan to the side and pointed up. "there's another level and there's access somewhere. I dont see another stair so it might be a secret. That or something is happening on the roof. But I can feel the undeniable pull of evil in that direction. This is all depraved and slowly soul sucking, but there's a large concentrated evil upstairs. A demonic presence or unhallowed altar. Keep an eye out for a place people seem to be coming and going from. We need access to that roof."
Trilan walks around the level they’re on, taking advantage of his short stature to hopefully go largely unnoticed. He pretends to watch the debauchery around him while actually watching for a path upward, or people who were taking a path upward.
Nuada leading Bubbles wanders over to stand with Khadija. "What is Trilan looking for?"
Bubbles leans against Nuada still trying to process what the fuck just happened but she uses this time to look around. Since she isnt interested in the acts going on around her she can focus more on people movement and where guards are positioned. But from the look of what is going on either this is it and its a bust or there is a hidden area somewhere and as much as she would like to think that this is just some weird ass sex den her gut tells her there is more to this place. So she focuses and looks around while mentally trying to think of if she has a spell prepared that may help...
He reaches down and absentmindedly starts to stroke her hair.
He looks round at the crowd of people.
Bubble looks up at Nuada and whispers “should I go and look for him or can I do anything to help? I feel like I should be helping more…”
"I don't think we should split up too much. We need to be ready to move if and when he finds something" he grabs a drink from a passing servant. He drinks a bit then empties and fills it from his flask. He squats down and hold its so bubbles can drink "it's water " he whispers
Nuada waits for Bubbles to finish then takes the glass off her. He sits in a chair and pulls her close. "It could take some time for him to find the entrance. In the meantime we had best blend in." He lifts her and lays her face down over his knees. "Open your legs" his hand slides between her legs and his fingers start to tease her clit, "Struggle all you want Bubbles this is happening" his fingers worked quickly and expertly on her clit, her breathing became ragged as he forced her towards her 2nd ever climax. She started to tense and moan as she grew rigid his fingers stopped , then started again as she relaxed, over and over he drove her to the very edge. "You only have to ask Bubbles and I will let you cum" he whispered as he drove her to the edge again.
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Bubbles cries out and moans with pleasure tossing and turning trying to fight it. As he stops her moans turn to whimpers...
"Why would you do this.... I am not going to ask..."
She cries out and tries to wriggle free
Nuada "I am doing it because I can, you only have to ask and I will let you climax" he drops his head and whispers "Have to show that I am bad bad man to all the people watching the more you struggle and fight the more I will show I am enjoying it" then louder "I can feel your body crying for release Bubbles why do you fight it" he sends her so close that the climax almost starts and then he stops his fingers moving "you know you want to climax, you know you want to push you over the edge" his fingers start moving again slowly driving her to edge again. A crowd has formed drawn by Bubbles moans and cries
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Bubbles struggles and tries to kick and hit him with her bound hands.
“You are a bad, bad man!!! I will NEVER give in and beg for you! Do your worst but know I will NEVER give in willingly to you! You are pure evil!!” She then bites down on his leg.
Nuada laughs as she Bites him, "Well princess" he drives her to the edge again then he spanks her ass cheeks hard stinging blows that leave a hand print, then he teases her clit again "I did tell you the bad girls get punished"
Bubbles screams out and fights harder trying to roll free. She even tries to get her hands free to try and fight back.
Her body and mind in an internal struggle. She likes it but she shouldn’t like it. What was wrong with her?!?

However being called a bad girl brings back memories of her past. Being told she was evil, a curse… bad.
“I’m not a bad girl… I’m good! I’ve dedicated my life to being good…. Please I’m not bad… I’ll be good…”
She lies still across his knee…
“Please… I’ll be good…”
Nuada drops his head and whispers "oh so nearly the words i need to hear" he drives her toward climax again "I know your a good girl Bubbles and I know your brave but I need you to say please let me cum thats all then i can push you over the edge" his fingers stop again.
Bubbles hesitates as she sees the crowd that has gathered around.
She says a silent prayer of forgiveness to her god before letting out a soft sigh. In a very small voice she gives into the feeling…
“Please Sir… let me… cum?”
She closes her eyes and buries her head into his leg. Her body already starting to slightly quiver in anticipation of what is coming. As much as she wants to fight it she knows she can’t and has to give into the sensations and to try to not think but simply feel and go with the flow….
He debates making her shout it, then decides against it.
His fingers start again on her clit , he is head still near her he whispers "good girl you make me so very very proud, now cum for me princess, soak my pant with your juices , show me how much you need this" quickly he gets to back to edge and then drives her over it his finggers a blur on her clit as she starts to shake and cum,
As the mismatched couple engages in their debauchery of dubious consent to which Bubbles seems more and more into, Khadija and Trilan survey the crowd. Where it seems there might be a small room, such as one might put their cloaks in or perhaps serve as a station for an upstairs butler, a few people seem to be coming and going from it to a degree that suggests that it instead houses some sort of way into another part of the house. As the duo get closer, they can see through a parted curtain that a ladder seemingly leads up to either an attic space or the roof.