AH Fantasies: An AH chain story

Favorite Music and food? Music: I like lots of stuff. I'm not too particular. I do like classic rock, alternative, hmmm... what else... acoustic guitar around a campfire is nice. :) I adore Sarah McLachlan, Jewel, Tori Amos, Alanis Morissette. I really like Celtic/Gaelic folk music.

Food: I'll try most anything at least once. Thai food is one of my favorite ethnic cuisines.

Favourite Literature and Films Movies:I like romantic comedies, some drama, some action. A little bit of everything.

Books: I probably read mod-fiction and/or romance the most, though I do try to pepper my reading list with classics and non-fiction.

Expletives most often used? damn/damn it

Do you smoke? What? I only smoke in Amsterdam, and it's not often that I'm there. :cool:

Do you drink alcohol? Yes. Margaritas are my favorite. I like white wine before red, but will drink either.

Favourite pastime? Outdoor activities. Reading. Playing online. Handcrafts like crocheting, altered art, scrapbooking, sewing. Cooking and/or baking. Playing with my dog.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? I like thighs. I like tall, rough-and-tumble men (not city-slckers.) I love kisses on the neck while being held from behind. I, um, like the thought of semi-forced sex (with eventual capitulation.) I also like sex outdoors.

What are your priorities in life? Maintaining balance with all my interests/activities.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes) To travel extensively.

Optimist or pessimist: Why? Both. Some situations call for some sunshine, others call for a heaping dose of reality.

Introvert or extrovert: Why? INTROVERT. I'm not only shy, I'm protective of my privacy.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:
Skilled at learning languages, learning music (piano) puzzles, codes, blending in with my surroundings, putting others at ease.

Unskilled at keeping my emotions in check.

What are your mannerisms? I bite my lip or "hold my tongue right" when I'm deep in thought. I tuck one leg up under me when sitting. When receiving a compliment, I usually make a joke about myself.

Describe yourself in 3 words: grounded, contemplative, honest

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: Scheherazade said: beautiful, enigmatic, awaiting-corruption

How do perceive a crisis and change? I usually do well in a crisis. I manage to remain level-headed. I don't do so well with change; it usually takes me a while to adapt.
McKenna said:
Use me! (I feel so dirty saying that! :D )

Height: 5'5"
Hair: Long, reddish brown
Eyes: Green/blue
Weight: Hahahahahahahahhaha, yeah right.
Persona: Wholesome Granola Girl :devil: :D

Crim, I'll take Chapter 32 if no one else has been signed up for it! :) I may need a reminder later in the year, however. :eek:

Sure thing. :)
I was asked to provide this information for the use of the authors. If there's something else that an individual needs to know then they can PM me.

Favorite Music and food?
My tastes in both these areas are fairly eclectic. There is no form of music I've ever encountered that I absolutely hated. There is even the occasional rap song that I like. I have examples of just about every type of music that you can imagine, from ABBA to Weird Al, traditional Andean music to Traditional Celtic, stuff from the 20s all the way up to modern bands. I would have to say, though, that if I were forced to choose one type of music to listen to it would have to be the music from the 60s. The hippy stuff. :D If I had to do the same for food I'd go with...well, I really don't think I could limit myself to one type of food, that would become so damned boring. I think my fav is Chinese though.
Favourite Literature and Films Books:
Liturature...as in genre? that would be SciFi/Fantasy. I enjoy most genres, but most of my reading is done in SciFi/Fantasy. I like most types of movies, though I'm not so into the Martial Arts movies/actors. I thought Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was seriously boring. lol However, I do enjoy action movies. I love Vin Disel, for instance. I'd say my fav three authors, in on particular order, are Robert A. Heinlein, Anne Rice and Mercedes Lackey.
Expletives most often used?
Fuck, in its infinite flexibility. LMAO I especially like "Jesus Fuck!" I'm also very partial to the British expletives. I also tend to be inventive. An example would be, “Jesus jumping naked through a swam of mosquitoes on a pogo stick!” :D
Do you smoke? What? How much?
Yes…Marlboro Kings…Way too much.
Do you drink alcohol? What? How much?
Yes…Vodka straight, my two favorite mixed drinks would be, Tom Collins (surprise, surprise *snerk*) and Salty Dogs. I only drink on weekends, and have a rather high…ehhem…tolerance.
Favourite pastime?
Not sure what to say for this one. I’m rather unathletic, so if it’s sedentary I probably like doing it. Video games, writing, movies, chatting with my friends, monkeying with pics, ect…
Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?
I’m concluding this means sexual since the word “fetishes” was used. It would be a lot easier to tell you what I don’t like. lol Scat, golden showers, blood (when it’s not involving a “real” vampire) hard core BDSM. Pretty much anything that would be considered extreme, I think. If anyone has any questions on specifics just PM me and I’ll be happy to help.
What are your priorities in life?
Finding and maintaining contentment.
If granted one wish, what would it be?
If someone really needs an honest answer to this they can PM me. The answer to this question is a little too personal to broadcast to the world outside of a story. I wouldn’t mind someone using this information within the framework of a tale, but this is different somehow. I’m not sure I know why, but it just is.
Optimist or pessimist: Why?
I’m an optimistic pessimist, or maybe it’s a pessimistic optimist, I’m not sure. I’ll illuminate for you. The glass is half-full, but it would be better if it was completely full. :D
Introvert or extrovert: Why?
That depends directly on the situation. I think I probably appear extroverted because I’ve spent a long time forcing myself to not be shy, to not let my shyness get the upper hand. I also have a tendency to be hermity. lol
Extremely skilled and unskilled at:
I know two things about everything and everything about nothing. I am a good cook though.
What are your mannerisms?
I’m a jesting person. I would have been the class clown in school if I hadn’t been too shy back then to draw that sort of attention to myself. Laughter is the main lubricant in my life. As for physical mannerisms, I don’t know. I’ve just now noticed that I suck my bottom lip when I concentrate on something. I’m a body talker. I mean, I use my body to talk, if that makes sense.
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Cheeky, verbose, Abby Normal.
Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words:
I’ll get back to you on this one.

Ok, I've asked and joeys-game, who knows me better than anyone else except my mom, offered these words.

Loving, self-chastising and beautiful. :eek: I shall refrain from easing my discomfort at this by telling some sort of a joke. I wish to take these words as they are intended, and accept them because to do otherwise would be to denegrate the man who gave them to me. I will not do that. *:heart: for joey*
How do perceive a crisis and change?
A crisis is a situation that needs to have a solution found for it. I don’t like change. Sudden change, I should say. Even if I find I like the difference after I get used to it, I will hate the idea of the change and fight it until it becomes unavoidable. Then, it’s more a case of resigning myself to the inevitable.
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I need someone to describe me in three words.

There will be a prize for the one I pick. :devil:
Dampie said to post this here: :cathappy:

Favorite Music and food? I like all kinds of music, there's not much I'm opposed to: post punk, Brit pop, country, old punk and rock are my fave. As for food, I'll try anything, but Mexican and Italian are my faves.

Favourite Literature and Films Books: mysteries, thrillers, horror, historical romances, end-of-the-world scenarios.

Expletives most often used?"Oh, Fuck!" or "Somebody kill me!" and "Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Do you smoke? What? How much? NO. I have really bad allergies, so I can only even be around it in small doses.

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much? I love alcohol, but I don't drink a lot. When I do, it's either a good wine or gin and tonic

Favourite pastime? writing, making jewelry or watching gay porn

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? fucking people with strap-ons, being mean, tying people up, spanking people...that sort of thing.

What are your priorities in life? to try and have as much fun and as little drama as possible.

If granted one wish, what would it be? Money, baby

Optimist or pessimist: Why? I'm fairly pessimistic, I try never to be surprised when something bad happens. I've been fucked with too many times.

Introvert or extrovert: Why? Whatever the situation calls for.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: skills: pool, cooking, revenge, coersion, sewing, snarky comments.... unskills: singing, anything technical, not saying what everyone's thinking.

What are your mannerisms? eyerolling, strolling around, that "Oh, pleeze!" face, obscure references, looking annoyed. When I'm nervous, I will say the exact wrong thing that will offend everyone.

Describe yourself in 3 words: funny, awkward, calculating?

How do perceive a crisis and change? as something that will no doubt use up my valuable time!
neonurotic said:
I hope I can still get in on it.

You can use me and I'd like to give writing a try too.

Also, can you use more than one AHer? And I'd like to request OhMissScarlett to use. I've always wanted to dip her in butter and crack her legs open. ;)


Hair: Black, short on sides and longer on top.
Eyes: Blue.
I'm pierced and tattooed in various places.
Body Type: Athletic
Orientation: Bi


Favorite Music and food?
Eclectic tastes in music. From Chris Botti's horn and Massive Attack to Nirvana and Depeche Mode. For food, well, I'm Cajun and I like crawfish étouffée and I just wouldn't be me without my vanilla latté.

I'm a vegetarian, but not a strict one. I love cheese and seafood.

Favourite Literature and Films, Books:
I grew up on Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I write poetry and read a lot of work from local poets.

I'm also eclectic in films, From Martin Scorsese to director/writer, M. Night Shyamalan's, The Village and The Lady in the Water. Then I like stupid B horror flicks, Darkness Falls, Hostel, etc…

Expletives most often used?
I love that word.

Do you smoke?

Do you drink alcohol?

Favourite pastime?
Running hiking and photography.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?
Right now, I have none. Heh, go figure, it's true though.

What are your priorities in life?
The care and happiness of my family.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes)
I have mostly what I ever wanted, but do wish for other's happiness without struggle.

Optimist or pessimist: Why?
Both, but more optimistic, I think, however I'm more perceived by others as a whiney pessimistic. I think happy thoughts and, and, and I smile, really, I do!

Introvert or extrovert: Why?
Introvert. I'm shy.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:
Skilled: Jack of all trades,
Unskilled: master at none.

What are your mannerisms?
Although, I'm very fidgety due to restlessness and too much damn caffeine consumption, I give the appearance as cool and collected.

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Good bad boy.

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words:
Warm, quiet, and sexy.

How do perceive a crisis and change?
I like change if it's for the better, but I'm full of worry and anxious along the way. I seem to pull it together in a crisis, although there is high anxiety until everything is resolved.

I did this somewhere, but didn't have all the questions, so here goes again.

Favorite Music and food? -- Blues, Funk, Motown, Rock, Classical

Favourite Literature and Films Books: -- Sci-Fi books Anne Mcaffrey & Raymond Feist

Expletives most often used? Fuck

Do you smoke? What? How much? No

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much? Moderately, mostly beer with the occasional Long Island Ice Tea or Margarita
Favourite pastime? -- Playing guitar or bass with bands

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? -- Dom

What are your priorities in life? -- My daughter

If granted one wish, what would it be? -- More time with Kiten (and a threesome wouldn't be bad either :D )

Optimist or pessimist: Why? Optimist...Too many good things in life to be down.

Introvert or extrovert: Why? Both, it depends on the circumstance. Around people I don't know, I'm often quiet, but with my friends or on stage, I'm very outgoing (maybe a touch over the top).

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: Playing, martial arts, electronics, computers.....unskilled at anything manual (don't ask me to assemble kids toys :eek: )

What are your mannerisms? -- Sweaty & twitchy (kidding)

Describe yourself in 3 words: -- Friendly, loyal, surprising

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: -- dependable...honest...protective

How do perceive a crisis and change?[/b] -- Takes me a little bit to adjust to change. I'm very calm in a crisis.
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Do the parts have to follow on from the previous story?

Fem gave me an idea. :D
kendo1 said:
Do the parts have to follow on from the previous story?

Fem gave me an idea. :D
u give me LOTS of ideas darlin :devil:

no they dont follow at all
kendo1 said:
I want the flake afterwards!

Evening, McK. :rose:

A used flake?! There's no such thing! You may have to lick the remains from my tongue. :devil:
Ok, since it seems a lot of people have jumped in after the ball got rolling (myself included) can someone go back and retate the full concept, including any posiible limitations, for our stories?
deathlynx said:
Ok, since it seems a lot of people have jumped in after the ball got rolling (myself included) can someone go back and retate the full concept, including any posiible limitations, for our stories?

It's very open ended. The title pretty much says it all... AH Fantasies. That's the only theme. The fantasy of yourself with others in the list or not using yourself but pairing others from the list. The only limitation would be one specified by person being used (Ie, no incest, golden showers, etc.)