Ahhh those lovely,"I am your Master" emails...

...sorry, for some reason I got distracted... can't imagine why!

Starts thinking seriously about that "I am your Master" e-mail...
wow...see, i didn't think you actually would put your tits in the av...nice effect though...lol
time to change it back
it was to prove my point

Nice effect, and nice tits for that matter. (Well, the one of them I can see anyway.)

I'm sure I'd be making much more sense if there were more blood available for my brain...
well, you so you know, i liked the tit AV...you have my vote for leaving it/putting it back up....:D
tell you what, i'll put it back up... if no one revolts in the next 24 hours, i'll give it a few weeks
tell you what, i'll put it back up... if no one revolts in the next 24 hours, i'll give it a few weeks
ok...I don't think there will be any revolting though
SkylineBlue said:
what have you done that you have no blood in your brain?

Whew. Back to normal now!

Oh nothing, nothing... just inadvertendly saw something...
if someone insults my boobage, you get the blame hurtme

just so you know
I'll kick thier ass...or maybe they could kick mine...but that wouldn't be nearly as effective i don't think...regardless i iwll work out some form of punsihment...
hurtme said:
I'll kick thier ass...or maybe they could kick mine...but that wouldn't be nearly as effective i don't think...regardless i iwll work out some form of punsihment...

this thread is suffering some serious hijacking - i'd apologize, but i'd be false, i'm enjoying myself

<basks in all her now naked glory>
<rolls eyes>

glad you're pleased, i like giving pleasure, if calling you weird gives you pleasure, i'd be happy to comply

<gives a very submissive smile>

<hopes, freverently, for a "i am your master email"


<prepares to drop to here knees>