all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Man Ray said:
Is it the right thing to say...?
"Glad to see you back my love! Now kindly take off your clothes..."
Would it be acceptable to say...?
"I've missed you so much! Now quickly get on all fours..."
Is it polite to declare...?
"Time without you was so dull! Now slowly spread your legs for me..."
And can I finally state...?
"I love you my darling! Now fucking brace yourself, I'm coming home..."


it is right
skip the words
the kindly quickly slowly
just do it do it do it
he clamps wedding bands
to lobes and peaks,
folds and cartilidge
anywhereyou could pinch skin

tongues the loop
fingers the silver
see it send dimaonds in teh spotlight

searches between folds counting the promises made
with metal

clicks his teeth
gentle rminders
of pull and presence

baby I am not going anywhere
Back atcha

Man Ray said:
Is it the right thing to say...?
"Glad to see you back my love! Now kindly take off your clothes..."
Would it be acceptable to say...?
"I've missed you so much! Now quickly get on all fours..."
Is it polite to declare...?
"Time without you was so dull! Now slowly spread your legs for me..."
And can I finally state...?
"I love you my darling! Now fucking brace yourself, I'm coming home..."


Is it the right thing to shyly comply?
Would you find it acceptable
if I nibbled your ribs?
On all fours I need applause
to give me confidence of course
Spreading legs in this position
is quite a tricky proposition
but you're fucking home and
ain't love grand?

clingy webbed top, slides

down cherry, kissed skin.
puddling down the carpet

below. pink thong rides high,

on saw horse hips. Fidgety
fingers, fumble. wantonly

grasping halo of soft, feathery
hair. mounting hunger unleashed

upon utopias peaks. razzling
raspberries suckled by beseeching

bites. twiddling twist, jerks
close. cosmic tortious tornado

uniting sonic bodies of heated
morphical mounds. smokey haze

smolders volcanic combustion
released. heaven, on earth.
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Touch me

Dangerous blue eyes
burn into my soul,
hypnotize me
enhancing my arousal

tongue licks
delicious lips
moist and succulent

my body quivers in
a firery frenzy,
under your spell

your scent intoxicating
smothers me in lust,
hot shivers
down my spine

feather light touches
torment my skin,
arches my back
in cupids bow

touch me

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climb into a velvet pouch with me pull the cords like
a diamond collection
rattle me with your polish, pressing
emrald cut imprints
into my skin
nose to nose, neck wrapped with the cord
we find a fit
sliding digits and limbs inside the tight tuck fabric

taking turns with the exhale
to make room for chest to chest breath.

I flex you contract
until again, we meld
when the cord loosens, neither moves to wriggle free
chin over shoulder I do not even attempt
to find
my own fingers
thumbnail sketches
the river and its edges
and speculative
prepositions like
air conditioned,

the silver
sits on my lap
with other things to do
something slips out
and falls just so
as if designed
to please the most
discerning eye
looking down
or back I seem
to remember it happens
once in a while
but the pieces blow
apart with the slightest
breeze like brittle burnt paper
and it's too late to write it
speaking in numbers
feeling with tongues
close moderation makes
coccooned intent
weeks worth of
built up passion
to build upon
relaying a fixation
letting words rain down
abstraction seems to be
the road to success
n some artsy parts
and if i just say
i love you,
in a easy to understand way
its meaningless
as it should be, to anyone other
than you
every passion spent
every leaf blown
leauge of my own
every goddamn papercut sized
minute whisper of desire
every look from the corner
of my slitted baby blues
along with the rock in my throat
and the knot in my gut
these things not in vain
so long as you see
this devotion
insurmountable yet
gone about subtly
i know you can hear me
you get, me, dontcha?
cause i got you.
unlace that corset
baby breathe, be free

self-repression only hurts you
it doesn't do a thing to me
don't hold back

be naked with the lights on
no inhibitions

let tension be finger strain
white knuckle
don't hold back

go ahead
claw my sheets
neonurotic said:
unlace that corset
baby breathe, be free

self-repression only hurts you
it doesn't do a thing to me
don't hold back

be naked with the lights on
no inhibitions

let tension be finger strain
white knuckle
don't hold back

go ahead
claw my sheets
Cut those strings and set free
the pain that's bound my freedom.
Expose the ridges left on soft skin,
repression should never hold a heart
so tight that lungs cannot breathe.

Release me from this too tight garment
that others wear willingly.
Their desire speaks louder
in a whisper than all the screaming
I have done as empty passion
claws the sheets
an tightens the stays.
remains of this day
letting it flow
down and out
from my arm, this
mediocre medium
making plasma colored art
buzz in my fragility
putting it forth from
fingertips to brush
from brush to canvas
lose myself just for a minute
taking this out on
whoever happens along
feel this shit motherfucker
feel it for me,
and take it away
just wrap me like a mummy
and tell me its true freedom
use the blue duct tape
and bind me to my poison
all i want
is a kiss from your lips
as the smell of pine and
rain consume and cloud
my misfiring mind
a prayer for the mortally wounded
said through a jaw clentched
heavy tight with hate
is nothing but a
wasted though, a wasted moment
precious self preservation
begins lacking reason
the answer feels like lies
fading into a movie backdrop life
closer to closure
in my exoskeletal charade.
Pas de Deux

She rises with the day, night's lid
unclasped and lifted with music

turned on a metal barrel. Turning
en pointe her raised hand pressed

into my fingerpad, her smile painted
across my cheek she sings

of breakfast and swimming pools
and dollhouse adventures with tiny boys

that never cross their fingers
when they promise their love

will last beyond this dance, past
the glittering trove of jewels

at her feet. The patient heart
hears her song through the silent

box, and waits bedside
for the wealth of tomorrow.
Prima Ballerina

Her leather soles are wet
with exertion, ribbons twisted
tight about her calves. Her white-hot

performance glares
through the sweat of love made
of muscle and cramped toes. Laced

lust creeps up her spine, knotted
fist-sized ball of hair pulls her lips
to mine where tongues lash

in frenzied batterie. A heel-strike
rhythm drives a dance staged
for no audience but me.
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Twenty pairs of pointe shoes stashed
in a plastic bag attic, twenty years

of love shoved beneath a bureau
of crinoline and clipped spotlights,

frozen swans awaiting an arrow
from an absent prince. The applause

is lost in fiberglass batting, the footlights
dimed to a hundred-watt bulb. She pirouettes

on her heel to face the music
of a life in teaching, the bells

that count each day in soft shoes
and familiar beds. But her smile lifts

like a curtain for the small voice at her skirt:
Mommy, can I dance?
As Inspired By A ::fly's AV

I want to grip the corner
of that towel and wrap
it round the barre
spin you in an aerial twist
and dip beneath the arabesque
and admire the statuesque
height of your nudity.
C'mon baby, leap for me.
Monsieur Kiernan said choose
a spot on the far wall, focus
your eyes, don't ever lose
focus, first position steps
into fourth, turn on the ball
of your foot, set your heel back
and pirouette to first.

Let your arms be branches, spin
into each turn as though wind
were pushing you in circles, just
lean into the moment. Your muscles
have been trained to carry you

to flight, your heart has been trained
to beat for a reason centered
across the room, so you throw
your head back, breathe and dance.
champagne1982 said:
As Inspired By A ::fly's AV

I want to grip the corner
of that towel and wrap
it round the barre
spin you in an aerial twist
and dip beneath the arabesque
and admire the statuesque
height of your nudity.
C'mon baby, leap for me.
Statue turned
to the height of stone, twisted
fingers at the barre. My dance
is rock
and roll, dipping deep
in the well of invitation.
For you...

how do you do it?
raise my spirits with mere words
make the world better with your joy
replace sadness with fun and laughter

how do you do it?
by simply being you
by being the bestest girl
by just being a friend I love

Man Ray said:
how do you do it?
raise my spirits with mere words
make the world better with your joy
replace sadness with fun and laughter

how do you do it?
by simply being you
by being the bestest girl
by just being a friend I love


Nice, Man Ray

Isn't it wonderful,
the door that swings
both ways? Laughter
breeds laughter, joy given
gets two-fold
in return. I too am blest
with friendship and love
I value above all knowing
it grows daily.

:rose: Have a wonderful summer.
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what is this?
all i taste is a pizza with all
the toppings

every slice has pepperoni
extra cheese
even the anchovies
were left off this pie

it's lukewarm, in my gut
sets like greasy goo
i could scrape it off the roof
of my mouth
save it for later

half-baked or raw
this moment's special
i'd rather my own
There's a rose in a glass vase,
a houseful of wildflowers,
blues and black-eyed sues bend

the night taking its ease, curtains
shut and still the breeze is open
mouthed, swallowing the heat
of days expired in fresh air.

The dark is everywhere,
the dark is full of peace.
Words sing past an hourglass
guitar. The night is singing
notes that twang and sparkle.

Stars fall beneath the pines,
weather on the deck is fine.
The rose says I love you.

The floor squeaks, the flowers
grow, crabapples on branches
dipped low into our hands.
a day as sweet as the warm syrup on my french toast
you know I still want you, stretched like elastic
pull me over you like a sock
no one ever says that
fits like a sock

I want to be the clean weave cotton
I want to be the toes that wiggle
inside of you
we can hide in an old soft shoe
laced tightly
shhhhh not a sound
I want to be fearless
to spell out and yell out
and spill out my feelings

I want to breathe heavy into your ear across a continent
my lust climbing mountains of rock
and valleys of death
great lakes and endless prairie
to reach you
move you
make you stutter and speak in your maiden tongue
as you have never yet spoken the words
you want to say to me
but they run through the blood of your birth
Poets and lovers pass their
language down generations,
they will whisper my name to you,
they will teach you words never spoken
or recorded.

I want to live this fantasy with you
to not feel the longing that walks with limitation
toe to shadow,
I want you to absorb what I have to give
without feeling a thirst for more

when I crash into you from the highwire
one body will bounce back
half the height
all of the momentum

I want to roll down the hill with you,
without crowns or brown paper,
knees unstained, ankles unsprained
dizzy and seven years old
and at the bottom of the hill
we are sixteen
flushed, dizzy, out of breath
a pause before the kiss
we wonder where nine years have gone
rolling down that hill

tie me a bouquet of purple flowers
by their soft green stems
I will teach you how to whistle through the grass

and we will rest on the plateau
longing neither to climb
or fall

there is no need for anything
nothing to screen the sun
or cover the cold
you are my first lover
I have forgotten how to hunger or thirst
I kiss your knees,
the scars have disappeared
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