all of a sudden passion suddenly

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is what I wanna be
with you.
hold you tight
cuff you up
nails wrap
slow welts marked.

make you come
undone, whiplashed
pussy whipped.
make you mine
for all time.

come running
to me
from a whispered
tongue darts
mouths meet
while strumming bodies
miss not
a beat.

paralyzed with passion
dread filled heart, knowing
you are not
without me.

feel me
as you
dreaming of us
when moonlight

bone breaking
screams rising up,
feeling us
our cups.

sharp slamming heat
hetro heathens.
worshiping bodies
at the alter of lust.

love comes calling
as it oft does
long simmering pots
as pudding fills
no fuzz.

and silky
smooth, we two
gliding like yo-yo's
to astronomical

naughty, yes
I am
gonna be,
with you
with me,


not what I wanted,
it did its own thing ... lol
I wonder if she knows
I see her.
That I know
what she is up to.
yet, I sit,
shouldn't I
She has become
my enemy,
but ... well
I always liked her.

I do see.
I watch
and wait
still I wait
to see what
shall she do next?
What if I
her, what then?

He is mine, as sure as the sun
will rise tomorrow,
and I sit by
as she moves in
on him
sashaying her wicked lil
his way, telling him how
wonderfull he is,
giving him
the eye ... I see you

waiting, watching
is not me, this
is the other gurl
tha one who
always waits
finishes last ...
razors, shred
lies told
how long
before it all

feelings involved
fires blazing
desire surges
as sins
come out
from hiding

no more please
tell me no more
lock me out
no more

eyes filling
tears, no more fucking
hold me
believe in me
in us
only us ...

how many ways
can you fill a person?
I sit n ponder
... filled with love and awe.
such wonderful place to be
in my life.
turned n spun around
a 360 in mid air, the crowd
goes wild.
sharing with you
making believe
that our one day
is here.
honored to be
challenged to be
to show the world
can make it.
to show
all my love.
crowded room,
eyes meet
and I
... meant to be
yes, I do think so.
sharing this moment
flowering of love
right that exact
in time,
when it opens.
petals pollinated, now
slowly open
yet again,
by you ...

it was christmas morning
and I woke up before the children
to see what you had written
it was christmas morning
I found jesus on the crucifix
lifelike fleshtone polymer
only your doctor will know

and there was something there,
dropped in the snow
a note you had written to no one in particualr
and yet I responded with thanks,

it was christmas morning and I loved you already
she was the first to know
you some on these days
I am reminded that these things transcend
age and light and matter

she captured you
and disguised your voice
over photographs
there was a young boy
and he looked like you
he pushed her hair from her face
like the elderly couple
she wears a diaper
and watches the birds scatter for imagined crumbs
the wind blows the hair into her eyes
she sees the birds scatter for imaginary crumbs
and the boy pushes the hair from her eyes

you come to me
these days where all transcends
rises over impossibility
the boy saw you stream down the storm drain
I know he saw you, the way he chased the water
and watched it fall
and fall and disappear but still it kept coming
still it kept coming
I am fearless...

I do not care
I will go in

delve deep into the darkness
dive fearlessly into the depths

I seek the treasure
I want the prize

delicious scents guide my search
desperate urgency drives me on

I see my goal
I taste sweet victory

delirious moans are my reward
dewy delights under the duvet

I love bedroom snorkelling
I love sticky smiles
semi silent
passion slips in
on cautious tip toes
while it all begins, again
make me again
make me into you
for just long enough to
see your world
through those lovely
true blues
thaw of spring remains
and keeps warm far into
the seasons freeze
even when you are not
with me here,
you are still in me
and i'll keep still,
haha i'll try, baby, but
you know me....this passion
spills out like an overful latte
burns me, too,
a lasting inner calcine
a perminant hot fixture
right here.
meditating upon white walls
finding I'd fled my mind
floating not unlike a mote of dust
to and fro, with slightest breeze
to settle upon objects
time enough for eternity
somewhere, somehow...I've lost the thread
departed on the breeze
misplaced myself...forgotten where I left him
gargantuan(such an ugly word) struggle
I call my mind back...
to sit and...meditate upon white walls
Wishing I could type
that words would spill forth
like liquid ambrosia
revealing the secrets of my heart

Wishing this silence wasn't suffocating
choking off any inspiration Imay have possessed
leaving me lost
struggling to find myself in the dark

Hands searching everywhere for me
touching my flesh, probing deeply
I moan in pleasure
but remain forever hidden from myself
holding back
forgetting tha release
letting go is so hard
for her.

oft times i see her
spying around
forgetting the getting
of her words.

hook eye syndrome,
them in.
wanting to see
that line cast out.

let it flow
to tha wind.
words shimmering
through tha air,
only to stop mid
sentence to see
...are they watching?

do they see these words,
do they even care?

a ghostly image
in tha night
pale n drawn
hunched over
tracking down,
her lost words.

satiny black hair
2 huckled holes on neck
long cape waving.

is an enigma
there one moment
gone ... tha next.


a writer i see that comes online and is gone, with tha blinking of an eye. she amazes me with her poetry and inspires me with her commentary. love watching her work. just a thought ~

Beauty quakes in envy,
Youth wishes for her smile,
dancing merrily upon the breeze
her words tease and beguile.

Inspiration overflows,
awing us with her power,
so here is this, a Birthday poem,
to honour her special hour.

Now, isn't this surprising news,
straight from the hallowed mews
of parlaiment in Ottawa?
The honourable members
have lost their confidence,
in light of Liberal malfeasance.

Do they droop as they despair?
Does the bounce fall from their hair?
It seems to me they never cared
exactly what the big boys did,
they could see themselves in the big,
comfy chair of power.

I think the not so honourables
should step outside the tower,
take a little look around and then
decide (or not) to shower
all the faithful with tax cuts
and dividends. Too late to
make amends, I'm thinkin' wishy-
washy attitudes over health care
funding was where they lost latitude
with the NDP.

Conservatives and Separatists
will each go their own way,
following a path leading left and right
through the dark legislative night
and astray. Too bad they won't
get lost and forget about
which side their bread is buttered
on and just be thankful they got fat
at all.
Behind the lights,
behind the curtains,
standing in shadows
This is where I find myself,
achieve serenity,
and can truly be me...
Set strike

Abandoned by everyone -
soft skinned actors can't sully themselves
for fear of splinters
or blistered hands.
I stare at mine,
seeing jagged nails,
patches of dried blood and missing flesh
from random cuts and scrapes,
strands of hair escape their confines
falling over sleep-blackened eyes
but unable to cover my euphoric smile.
lost in passing
longing and
quite as
infrared and
chock full of my meaning
ultra hot intense
glowing menacingly
an ember refusing
to cool

my swollen heart bleeds
tears for every inch,
every minute that
distance plays the villian
more than willing,
i am,
to go anywhere
for you.
The Storyteller

Spheres of light
Emerge from pages
Of folklore my mother
Once told me;
Reality twisting with
Fantasy in the words
Of a poet

Shamans are in every
Verse that you write,
Waiting to take you
To new stories not
Yet written
his spirit resides
inside me
highlighting my blindness
to a spherical cheekiness
no-one can see
just he ... I

beauty so fresh
elegance fine as wine to be sipped
from the petals of jubilation's
jubilee gorgeous, simply amazing.

his sleepy smile, takes my breath
utterly breathless
with just a glance into his
hypnotic green eyes, right where
i wanna be ... inside hi,
beside me

beauty is my love
love is Him, as I
forget nothing.
looking to the future
hinting at a world made
for us ... inside
and out ...

Okay, brain?
I want erotica
a multiorgasmic mind
fuck that twists my tongue
all over alliterary attraction
almost ridiculous in language
used to guage the power
of the thrusts he prods
me with.

Harder, longer, thicker
than my finger could ever be
but just as effective; gliding
past my ever-ready clit
and through the swollen
veils of my lippy slit.

Oh, damn! Brain?
You're slipping into cliche
smoother than a cock
slips inside a wet and ready
pussy. I thought I'd begged
you for a fresh mind fuck.

Pleading with my psyche
for a taste of glistening jism
off the round and velvet
head, topping a solid
shaft. Foolish cerebellum!

Where hides that wanton
that can call a pussy
cunt and claim that her's
is so ready to be fucked
it oozes lubrication?
Drippy cooze honey
sliding over the tightly puckered
asshole, pooling on the sheets.

Ah, brain.
I guess you and I
just aren't cut out for this.
Thoughts weigh
Heavy in my mind
As I walk alone on
This road

As the rain falls
All I can feel on
My skin is your touch

All I want right now
Is you
walking along the pier
the seals wave as they frolic
and bark. Yes, I see them, only
I have not. A dream of mine ...
just a dream.

thoughts weigh heavy
on these shoulders
that shake. For he is
and shall always be
all I hold dear.

calls and talks, I feel it,
not spoken, but feel it
all the same. he walks
along the pier
as I walk alone,
this broken heart
heading for the cliff.

the seals wave as they frolic
and bark. Yes, I see them, only
I have not. A dream of mine ...
a dream.​

Human Property

Genes become classified
Dehumanised, mechanised;
The human soul patented
By the ignorant
Every baby born becomes
Nothing more than a commodity
For exploitation
BY the unknown
an element of the unknown
courses through me
as I lay prone, blindfolded
face down,

I hear the sound
of metal being buckled
supple leather slipping
under leather loops

feel the shock,
of cool, thick liquid
running between my nether cheeks,
unable to speak

from the ball gag strapped
around my head, legs
spread, open awaiting
as the matress gives

and you kneel behind me,
feel the fleshy dome
of your silent invader
knocking at my gate

softly testing and taunting
encouraging my welcome
advancing inch by inch
until I envelope you

teasing me, you pull back
only to smack my cheeks
before you attack again
pushing in deeper

your hips grind hard,
I find myself in synch,
think to myself,
you know me well

my wants , my needs,
my wish to please you
as you take me
where I have never been

so exquisite,so alive
as you drive harder and faster
plastered to the sheets
the sweet excess of desire

spilling from me
as we fan our inner fire
share sides of ourselves
others would never dream of
My Words

My words are all
I have on me at the moment

My words
Unhook your bra and

My words
Make you groan
And writhe

My words
Make you laugh
And cry

My words
Make the sky

My words
Are an eternal
<------ Inspired by thee and this AV!

See my politically incorrect AV?
Do you think the man looks like me?
I think the lady has a likeness to thee,
so I'll contemplate you as that spankee?

Concerning my rather hot AV?
I'd like to state that I'm smiling with glee!
My imagination alive with thoughts of thee,
your so sweet sexy derriere across my knee!

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