all of a sudden passion suddenly

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unrelenting jones
thick as thieves
a thief, stealing time
too proud to beg
pride a mile wide
along with lines and lies
cause this too, is bs
stumble over an unknown shadow
my presence overgrown
homicidal kudzu chokehold
got me by the soul
attempt to squeeze the
you outta me
its just not happening
this space means less than nothing
imagined separation trying
to convince me how
far apart we are.
Haunting lyrics raise questions
of sanity,
love and loss.

"Why is everything so confusing?"
slowly shifts to darker dreams
recurring themes -
broken hearts oozing entrails of emotion,
sucking tears from eye sockets,
forcing out pain I didn't know I possessed.

"Feeling guilty, worried,
Waking from tormented sleep."
Unanswered question devour,
leave me spinning out of control,
unable to babble more than your name,
and my foolish, impossible, vows.

"I sleep, I wake, I try hard not to break"
Oh god, I think I may be failing,
where is someone to save me?
Where is my optimism now?

"I'm remembering a time
when it was alright to smile"
what I wouldn't give for those moments,
but I have nothing left
except empty words
echoing in an empty room
heard only by an empty heart...

Poem inspired in part by:
I'm With You - Avril Lavigne
The Weakness in Me - Melissa Etheridge
Am I Not Pretty Enough - Kasey Chambers
Strangers - Fisher
Operation Diazepam

Medicate a nation, all those women
who cannot sleep, give them a pill,
So they may not hear the sound of lives exploding.

Grandmothers’ eyes see horror, give her a pill
While the eyes of the world perceive
calm in the midst of war.

No prescription needed, but the market was hit
By a group of masked men, another roadside bomb,
give them a pill---- Children slaughtered,

insurgents To blame, give them a pill,
So they may tire of killing soldiers
sharing candy with children who remind them

That a nation medicated, pacified by rhetoric
Comfort compressed into milligrams.
Politicians, let us give them a pill.


in Baghdad, valium is about 20 cents a bottle.....
a nation of addicts is being created. is this NOT howmen have "tamed" their women for centuries? it is so very sad
I miss you enough
and my windows are real
I see you
feigning non-exsistence
like the cell phone bubble
like the anonymity of closing car doors
no one sees in
shrink yourself down from the responsibility
shoulders in
she cant miss me
she can't miss me
can she?
yes maybe I was expecting a cutesy collar
thin link shine
goes jingle clink like a bonsai poodle
faux leather pink and rhinestone
but you had something else in mind
yes it is easy
two minutes

carve out a chunk of wood
recess those screws, anchors,
so it lays flush
yes yes it is a distressed display box
whatelse would it bee
at this time I can do one two thre pigeons just like that
like buffalo bill and ee cummings
without the aim
or the aim

or the smile
damn those men had smiles
liek the smile of the blue moon
tipped on its side
Good doesn’t always truimph
Fairytales don’t come true
Despite everything we’ve been through
There’ll never be me & you

Life keeps on interfering
Getting in the way
Even though we love each other
There’s nothing left to say

We tried to make it work
Fought till we could no more
But now I must say farewell
And finally walk out that door

I’m sorry for what has to be done
God knows it will break my heart
For even though it’s the right thing
It will tear my world apart

I wish we had more time
That the end wasn’t near
I wish that we could overcome everything
Our love, our hate, our fear

I wish this world would make sense
It’s not fair that it’s so cruel
But above my only wish
Is that I never became Love’s fool...

Goodbye my love,
My one and only...

Inspired by Buffy - Season 2 finale (when she kills the man she loves, sending him to hell in order to save the world...) god do I love/hate that matter what, i can't help but cry when i see it...stupid, but true...
Vampiric_Mirage said:
Good doesn’t always truimph
Fairytales don’t come true
Despite everything we’ve been through
There’ll never be me & you

Life keeps on interfering
Getting in the way
Even though we love each other
There’s nothing left to say

We tried to make it work
Fought till we could no more
But now I must say farewell
And finally walk out that door

I’m sorry for what has to be done
God knows it will break my heart
For even though it’s the right thing
It will tear my world apart

I wish we had more time
That the end wasn’t near
I wish that we could overcome everything
Our love, our hate, our fear

I wish this world would make sense
It’s not fair that it’s so cruel
But above my only wish
Is that I never became Love’s fool...

Goodbye my love,
My one and only...

Inspired by Buffy - Season 2 finale (when she kills the man she loves, sending him to hell in order to save the world...) god do I love/hate that matter what, i can't help but cry when i see it...stupid, but true...

Fairytale world
with make
believe people
living only
to spear
a chance at
our dreams.

Helping us laugh,
making us cry
with emotions running
the gambit
of what we can see
and feel. Palm up,
fingers out reaching
wanting to touch
that mystical place.

Casting out it's lures
just to reel us in
to another place
and time. Capturing
the essence of
what could be
showing us how life
could have been.

Dreams being sown
across the world,
only to be ripped
asunder with the
fairytales end ...

The End

A Bottle Swallowed My Dad

Can't somebody help me?
A bottle just swallowed my Dad
He's stuck inside it, drowning
In a sea of honey and malt
Can't you see him?
He's slowly floating to the surface
Nearly dead by his own contempt
annaswirls is invisible
except her headache
you can tell it is there
by the absense of stars in the background
The wicked winds of circumstance may blow
The relentless rain of rigid rules might fall
The cold blizzards of parameters bury us
But never fear, I will always return to you
To the warmth and joy, the shelter of our love

a chain reaction just
waiting to happen
self musings like so much
auto erotisism, a schism
this concept is in itself,
a work of art
before i ever put it
into so many words
perspective is subjective
and nothing is original anymore
everything i imagine, has
all been done before
but i'll do it to death
burn down the fucking forest
with a borrowed match
strike that, i'm stricken with
some all consuming inane attraction
knowing it can't be known, to
this extent in which it becomes me
the unbecoming features begin
to glare loudly, and you start to
see me for what i really am
mindsick addict looking abroad
for my anctedote, my snake venom answer
bite me again and
cure me with a healing posion
half my mind awakens as
the other half drives off a cliff
and again i know a self separation
almost as awful as my
seperation from you.
This one is for Champagne1982, avec grande affection.

Yeah, yeah, I know the French isn't right. Could someone fix my syntax and grammar? Merci beaucoup, mes amis!
La chanson du rwandais mort

Nous nous lavons, les mains dans le sang--
.....dans le sang de nos pères
.....dans le sang de nos mères
.....dans le sang de mon frère
ou ma soeur, ma soeur.

Dans mon propre sang.

Dans mon propre sang, Roméo.
Dans mon propre sang.

Vous ne pouvez pas me sauver.
Vous ne pourriez pas me sauver.
Vous ne devez pas blâmer.

Je suis mort.
Nous sommes morts.
Nous sommes le mort.

Ce n'est pas votre défaut.
Personne ne doit blâmer.
Tout doit blâmer.

Nous sommes le mort.
Personne ne doit blâmer.
Chacun doit être blâmé.

Mais il est trop tard.
Nous sommes tous morts.

Nous sommes le mort.
Nous sommes le mort.

Nous sommes morts.

Et pardon, nous rappeler.
Le sommeil et rappeler.

Vous coupable! Tout coupable!
Pour gagner notre rémission,
rappelez-nous. Sommeil et rêve de nous!


Nous sommes les morts.
Nous sommes vos morts.​
In any case--thank you, Champ, for your thought-provoking poem!
For you...

Like a sunrise on a promising Spring morn,
a rouge breasted robin singing on a fence,
a delicate flower opening to greet the day,
a floating butterfly dancing in the sunlight,
you do have a true and passionate beauty.

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it is not yet Winter, yet here I sit
thinking of Spring. Her raw beauty
lying dormant
beneath the centipede grass,
below the aspersions of a North wind,
we all wait for the solstice,
so we may begin that trek upwards
upwards from the warm soil, nature
is a trixter, she leaves us frozen
abve ground while bulbs below
are sleeping, nestled in soil warmth,
does a crocus dream of sunshine
and miracle gro?
Does an iris have a plan of where she
might want to go, if she had feet
she woudl travel south, further South,
far from me, I wave as her memory departs
but I will wait out this Winter
for yet another Spring
2 pair of socks

My feet are cold, they are
pretty feet, so I'mtold
but they are frozn, fucking COLD

I need a pair of hands to warm them,
a pair of tongues to tease them
a paring knife to scold them
back into the slippers they despise,
no I;d never cut them, not on my life

but still they need two pair of socks
one to snuggle against the skin
one to keep the heat locked in
brothers Garcia

I have a family, sort of, a new bunch of men andboys
no they are NOT toys, nor are they lovers
they are the Brothers GArcia, my Mexicans
MY fokking Mexicans, and I love them

they teach me Spanish, and Gonzalo
is mi hermano de corazon, I love him.
First day I met him, he said he was a wetback--
He told me how he crossed the Rio Grande-
then he laughed as I queried , really? seriously?
yes, Bonita, he replied, butthe water was very low...

his smile stays with me when he is gone
to another job, because he is bilingual,
Antonio tells me, '
but he wont be gone TOO long

Gonzalo tells me stories of his mother, sisters
all nine, and the brothers Garcia, well
they are friends of mine

Antonia has three daughters, big brown eyes
long hair, and I see them on their daddy's face
everyday, the longing, he todl me he wants to go
home where they meet him at his truck-
eha, eha, eha, mama, and the dog....

Gustavo is a cutie, the youngets of the six,
and Juan went back to mexico, for him
America just didnt fit, no comprende English
and mama needed some men on her farm

Subine is a gentlemn, always hold the door
Carmello loves banana nut muffins, he always says
Good Morn,Miss Julie. What else is there
I'll take this life, with friends like those.
The Cedar Boxes of Our Souls

I find myself scribbling your name
on napkins at breakfast
and walking this morning a tree
said yes, if you have time
and a knife I will wear her name
for you on my skin. But I know

where you’ll wind up. Not crumpled
and trashed with leftover eggs, not
disappearing spring by spring
inside a carved heart, not even
flattened delicately between
the pages of a book
no one but me will ever read. No,

after the crumbling bridge that joins us
stands no more
and current can’t be crossed
and I look down and watch
what would have flowed beneath it
pass, and up on starlit nights
at what I threw away, I’ll lock you

tight in a wooden place that hurts
but understands
the mathematics of the morning after,
how they subtract not add—the tang
from a tongue, a face
from the dark. You, from me.
When Astrology Deserts Us

These streets were many things—
soft sister, hard bed. In
their deep pockets they’ve
hidden my secrets
and muffled my night cries.
They hold my scars close.
It is what they are no longer
that pains me. One time
at any door, there was a peace
to be found on cold and starlit nights.
Fire, your coat hung by strangers.
There was no worry for lack
of chicken or light,
for abandonment. Now,
shelter comes with wool and graffiti,
and stars have withdrawn. Even
to the north there is no certainty,
no guided way to keep us
from roaming in circles
through the winds
of these asphalt woods. What
is there to bank on, or against,
without them? What will it take
to see in this time of yearning?
Night of darkness, what
will it take to heal
your charred sky? Don’t tell me
this street or that is lit with ladles
to scoop stew to fill
so many tin cups, or archers
whose bows are raised
for our dangling arms, or that
another turn of world is sudden.
Who needs defense when they’ve
already lost, or direction
when there is nowhere left to go?
Who favors philosophy to skies
that held a guiding edge. Today
I want to think about nothing, fix nothing.
I want no maps to move me, no light
to take this longing from my eyes.
It is time to be still
and open to any small comfort
that can be found, here,
in the uncertain shine of myself.
there was a word
I am not sure I shall ever get over it my lover
you planted gangriene into my libido
and I fear it has fallen right off

don't ever tell your lover
you have gout
unless you absolutely positively
must confess

because all the love in the world
oh I have to stop right there,
dman it maybe I am shallow yes
but I do not want to get down
with gout

all I can thing about is Uncle David
one of those Uncles who never really was an uncle
but you never really knew what he was until someone told you
He is a foster child who never left now he is a foster man
black hair combed 50s style and always with the trousers

nice enough man with the jokes and
friendly smile but always got the sensation
I was about to be molested
and the gout
seems that ham brought it on
and his nose always swollen and red
and the trousers
always the trousers with a white t-shirt,
deep belly button hole black I see right through and
v neck chest hair
and those black nylon socks

and I know
I know if I methim on the internet
he would one day tell me
about his gout
and I would be ten again
in grandmom's living room with that smell
that smell of flesh that has not been properly ventilated, like
ass cheeks sweating on a vinyl chair all day
watching the tv balanced on that aluminum cart
my mother said it was not safe
someone was going to get crushed
and I just prayed everone would take a moment to air out their crevasses
and pound the dust from the slip covers
because Uncle David smells like Dill pickles and molestation

and gout
a love poem a love poem a love poem I will type this until one happens a love poem

yes I would have picked you up
had I gotten the call
but your voice it broke into slivers of sound
I heard traffic
you were gone

my love my love
I love no one

and everyone

and all of the wine in the valley
will not press a poem from me tonight

and I wish I could love you baby
but I cant
I cant
I cant
I cant
The oven is set on broil
empty bathroom
shower runs
cold then hot
windows fog
candles lit
melted wax
logs in fireplace
sizzle and crack

Together, we are.
For you...

If you and I were very poor
and lived in a house with no door
and slept on the forest floor
I wouldn't wish for cars by the score
or a big mansion on the shore
with money stashed in every draw
because even though we're poor
every sexy inch of you I adore
and I couldn't love you any more!

Valium, Xanax and Effexor
I swallow these brand names right down
eager to do it too
because it takes the edge off
or supposedly makes me happy
or so it is prescribed

So it must be true

but it doesn't do anything
no anti-anxiety, anti-depressant
they don't touch the crazy
shit that whirls around in my head

Sometimes for no particular reason
other than a OCD of worrying
and too much imagination
I feel a stab in the chest
my brain flips the panic switch
then I can't breathe

that's two of my favorite fears
one I suffocate, the other
I have a heart attack

I carry a brown paper bag in my pocket
like I do the pills and the rubber
in my wallet, never know
when I'll need one or the other

crowds get to me as much as
tall redheads with good DSL
if the drugs don't fix me
a blowjob always will
at a standstill
life whizzes past
breaking my back again
alter this tunnel perspective
nothing is as it seems
the worst of the best
has yet to snap shut
my tournequet
keeps it in, i won't drown
on myself today
instead my thoughts will
float me away
to imagined train rides
and long hours spent
with that one single one
who has forever changed
rearranged me.
for the better, you see.
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