all of a sudden passion suddenly

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unknown caller

i slept in because it was raining
i slept in because dealing with you is draining
and then the call came, like before
its nine twenty four, am, you dork
and the ring ring, and hello \
nothing, I hear your breath fucking
my end of the phone, and I want you
to say hello, drop dead, just say

hello, hello, anybody there? no
no one but us lazy poets, sleeping in
and unaware, that "we" have a stalker
who wants to sniff our underwear
speak or let me hold your piece
hello? say something you idiot!
click, tone, goodbye

back to sleep for an hour more
i imagined that call, didnt I?
a watched poet never boils
not really maybe a simmer with the bubbles stuck to the bottom
not enough buoyant force to break through

you pour the salt
in private that brings on the rolling
the lid rattles steam sputters
for release

god it is so much more sane
to be caught dancing unaware of the sidewalk audience
than to bang the floor
thrust hip and flip hair lipstick red
mouths the words god please someone
tell me how wonderful I am

always wanted to be the Mary Jane
Ginger was too obvious, easy, public
but here I go again
trying to rattle the lids in a crowded kitchen
put it to sleep put it to sleep
MAry Ann was the slut, the devious horny cunt
that seduced the men behind wive's backs,
under the clothesline as the sheets were flapping,
oh baby, give me your tractor
pull, pull, oh tug it baby pull,

GInger was obvious not treacherous,
its the sweet ones you have to watch
the sweet face hides the whore
dressed all fresh in gingham and plaid
skirts to knees to hide the bruises
from rolling in the hay, and husbands thumbprints
on her devious thighs, a saccharin smile tucked behind
Mary Ann's lustful sighs
Mary Ann bore my love
on her breathless bosom many nights,
heaving in my dark cocoon
toward manhood. When I finally spread
my wings with high perspective
I learned that her smile was just as wide
and cheap as Ginger's, splattered
across the chests of boys
everywhere. But I still remember
the way her pigtails flounced,
the parachute of her skirt, and the way
her eyes widened just for me.
flyguy69 said:
Mary Ann bore my love
on her breathless bosom many nights,
heaving in my dark cocoon
toward manhood. When I finally spread
my wings with high perspective
I learned that her smile was just as wide
and cheap as Ginger's, splattered
across the chests of boys
everywhere. But I still remember
the way her pigtails flounced,
the parachute of her skirt, and the way
her eyes widened just for me.

I w ill dress in pigtails
and short skirts if you will
scratch my butt and let me lick
your abs, you are so fine,
I AM a Mary ann and YOU
will be mine!!! :D
seein' clowns

Impersonation of punctuation
should be a class A felony. I;m thinking
clowns, in depth descriptions will be allowed.
I see an apostrophe
he is sunshine with a bent elbow
a flaming orange joiint hanging midair
his middle a bulge of yellow.

I'm seeing clowns, period
this one is a hearty one, a blue one
and doesnt hide the fact he is proud
of his lumpiness, rotundity,
his statement of finality, this clown
is the joker at the end of every line
the loud mouth with the last word
because he speaks last, he must be right

I'm seeing clowns, eXclamation
he shoudl have been clay-mation,
but he stands so tall and mighty
his hair a purple mohawk screaming
whatever he wants to scream,
he screams it extra loud

At last I see the pensive clown
his neck like the graceful swan
forming a shallow curve looking down
looking down, such is his existence
this undefined uncertain,
only half-folded mighty clown

never my rock
weathering time

just a pebble
tossed about by the waves

worn smooth & pointless
in my ocean
where sex is not love

only a brain full of curses
for a name
that was yours

curses between twisted sheets
& frustration for sex that was love

drowning these stones
in memory

wave after wave
night after night
curse after curse
My Kundilini

He asked so long ago
my third wish,
anything he whispered,
I am your genie.
Anything hissed
while he danced
with coiling serpents,
interspecies communication,
an explicit musician
with Balinese bongs.

I wish…
as i shifted through time
finding myself here again.
Where? Lost.
An embodiment of surrender,
transcendent by fear and limitation,
constriction, restriction,
I cannot wish,
not yet

I need to find my way back,
to sway, arboreal,
a silver scaled existence
refining isolation,
dynamic choreography
returning to life,
senescence of word,
my Kundilini
with time awakens
and pulses once more.
a rocky face
a stoney mountainside
rough with time
a french connection
worn down to a glassy shine
thin as baby's skin
filled with this lie
of mine.
The Famous Poet

nobody will remember him
nobody will care about this irony
nobody will forget him
because, if only for a second,
he will sing a song to the stars
and we will all listen

nobody will put a flower on his grave
o worthless poet
o worthless words who will not sow
in our dried up veins

that is the beautiful truth
o poet of mine
o poem of mine
Is it a failing to take others
at face value, to believe the words
which fall from others mouths
are sincere, without ulterior motive

must I look beyond each pause
for 6 months pregnancy, hidden meanings
sly double entendre's, counterpointing
purpose seemingly obvious

I see myself as neither naive or simple
perhaps lazy when it comes to observing
but why should I suspect people
to shroud themselves in half truths

half lies lying beneath my radar
can't I get an honest bounce
not a deflection to knock me off course
off balance out of the ring

life poses enough questions
causes enough self doubt
without others adding to the weight
with a heaping helping of duplicity

If seeing is believing saying should be too
So why do I believe you'll love me
till the end of the earth, is it nearer
than I thought to hell freezing over
Closing her eyes
and reflecting silently
for a few seconds,
an exhausted shroud
seeps heavy morning fog,
spirits dampen

Its not I didn't believe you,
I don’t believe anyone…

Interrupted, she glances about
looking for the fly
annoyingly buzzing
and watches it
caught up in dust webs
on the ceiling

flicker with the rising heat
dancing about stucco,
aged and chipped an offish yellow.
The fly just spins,
caught and bound

I do believe,
I needed to grow and I did,
but that not many would wait
or understand
as they might a child.

Some grew at the start of life,
I started in the middle
yet you understand and I thank you.
Now to just find the words
to place these thoughts
and descriptions to show my feelings
Kiss me goodnight

Every night she closed her eyes,
voice soft and gentle,
full of love, reverence,
respect, devotion,
understanding and
so much yearning,
an tender aching need

and she kissed him goodnight,
her mind full of sighs
as she felt his skin on her dampened lips,
his heat flushing her pulse quick.

Every night his voice bade her
sweet dreams,
they were always encompassed by him
his understanding warmer than touch,
his kindness and returned thoughts
always fresh hugs
to hold her until their next call

and she knelt beside him
pressed close for every caress
as he whispered kiss me goodnight,
now the other cheek
I awoke ensconced in my bedding
on the floor to the alarm ringing
slowly but surely, louder and stronger,
assuring I get up if to just shut the darn thing off
but the worst is, there were two more blaring
in different parts of the house.

My bones now creak in pain
with my first attempts asI tried to get up,
every move raged implosive snaps within,
darn osteoporosis and arthritis…
I swear they talk together

oh the irony of rice crispies and "snap crackle pop"
...just add milk

By the way I was snugly cocooned
I should have metamorphosed
into a butterfly last night
Butterflies don’t have to worry about calcium,
falling out of bed,
Or insistent alarm clocks rudely ringing
from day one, her face beamed
brighter than the sun, every morning
when she awoke, not a tear tracing
cheek, or a cry crossing lips
for the first nine months

unlike her younger sister,
who spent sleepless nights,
suckling often at her mother's teat,
cross and colicky, uneasy when away
from the comfort of familiar surroundings

as the years passed, the pattern continued
the older carefree, the younger constantly
in turmoil, like a storm raged
without abatement, the fury
clouded her eyes, threatening her security

the older stood sound,granite,
withstanding the torrents which tormented
her sister, she was the anchor
to her sister's windwhipped yawl,
holding firm, tenacious, unyielding

when their parents parted, the older
became the parent, forsook the joy
of childhood, to comfort the younger
shield her from the anger and hurt
spewing from volcanic parental emotion

the younger grew sound and wise,
guided by the beacon spread
before her,found safety and herself
until at last the storm abated,
she reached a calm within

then roles reversed, the beacon dimmed
from too many years serving
without maintenance, little sister
became the keeper, watched with sadness
her sister sinking deeper

into self doubt, self assuredness
deserted her, for no one had been
a benefactor for her, kept her
from growing up too soon to see
the rainbow which awaits at storms end
I am on a holding pattern
circling, with no destination
awaiting ground control
afraid to touch
down to soon
before given the all clear

Don't want to cause an accident
incidental or otherwise
I aim to stay aloft
as long as necessary
until given permission
or I run out of fuel
as wierd as they come

Growling i stamp the keyboard
with finger pads,
my nails barely missing
neighboring keys
which would only cause garble
but this would suit my state of mind right now

the dream, as he massaged my breasts
his tongue fluttered and swirled about my nipple
as his mouth pulled and suction
god the pressure, pleasure
i woke myself moaning loud
then fell right back into this dream again

i should have made notice of my own hands
each time i woke to see if this was in case me
or opened my eyes to perhaps find a stranger visiting
that is how real it felt, how strong it seemed
how could one simply call this a dream
as frustration coils deeply within

but this dream too turned, my sensual lover
became the police as children swarmed the house
taking everything, from fishing rods to solar lights
young lovers were sitting on my garden bench,
And the car disappeared to be replaced
By a Moped, wrapped in saran with a huge silver bow

i told the police my car had been stolen
He said i would have to call his partner
And handed me his uniform shirt as a calling card
And i inhaled his spicy spent, confirming no it was not he
While looking suspiciously at the one sitting at my table
Then muttered this dream is just too weird and is over now!
Breaking the bottle

He called and said
he needed to hear my voice…

a chary explosion to the past
flashed instantly in my mind
of a drunken mother raging
while gulping from the bottle
on New Years Eve,
although what year
I have no idea,
and I was the child.

Your father’s a bastard!
Her black sequins threatened
the deepening dusk
winking at the rays from a post light outside
the window she sat beside.
He is never here when i need him!
Well I have news for you little girl
I need no one; I want nothing from any of you!

One of these days I will just disappear
And you will never see or hear from me again.
You won’t know if I am dead or alive!
The silence and darkness only grew around
my sobbing as she passed out.
I thought she was dead even then,
yet too afraid of the consequences of moving
should she still be alive.

I needed to hear your voice also,
thank you so much for calling.
I do not remember his last name.

We tried to be patient,
prepare him for the anonomity
that sinks high school freshman
still standing after jr high

not the smartest his long bangs half covered
his dull eyes was it what he was born with
or what he was given
alwys the one who came in with lice
and urine scented clothing in elementary school
teeth thick film of white over the yellow
his mother's were already brown and half rotten
open window parent conference her purple stretch pants
small hole windows to flesh that had already felt death

She called him Johnny.
He was the light of the family,
he might get into the military and make something of himself

Not even November of freshman year and the news
made it down to Jr. High,
the kid in the news was John.
Dead huffing oven cleaner I think it was.
And Crystal his little sister found me in the hallway
a few days later and said
proud, like she had a new puppy
"Did you hear my brother, Johnny, is dead?
Yep. That was my brother. It was drugs."
She shook her head like an old neighbor
with a told you this would happen frown,
thinking now that she has a real story
for the poster contest in health class,
she might even have a chance of winning this year.
Waiting To Drown

I slept like an alligator
under the watery sky,
waiting for time to open
the gate. Mother's voice
echoes through the water
but the gate never opens.

It never does.
The Cowboy Takes Two Steps Backwards

Father was always the cowboy
in our family. Dressed in his antique
leather jacket and dusty boots,
he'd round us up with his belt
and hoarde us in the wagon for a trip
to the reservations in suburbia.

But this cowboy never retired,
he'd always go to the bars
to make friends with his delusions,
coming back home to do the tango
with my mother and his fists. I'd peek
behind the shutters as he handed out

the cowboy version of justice. Mother
was always branded like one his prized
cattle with his mark, even today, when he's
not here, I can still see them on her pretty
face. Daddy was a cowboy who took two steps
backwards but never two steps forwards.
why nothing was real to Janie

she coudl understand men and dogs
sleep eat fuck lick sleep
and she understood the idea of being alone
Janie, understood finality andfinally
she understood that being alone
with herself was better than not being
alone with you. the soft spots grew softer
and her scars all healed
and her brain learned to function without
you as some cyber psyhcosomatic pill

go away take yourself without water
i woudl demand of you so bitter
on the trip down when bringing you home
from the pharmacy was fun.
ilke unwrapping a new pack of condoms
counting all those glorious fucks to be
oh you were wonderful until i unwrapped you
and tried to swallow your insides
they were like suicide for my soul
but i swallowed you, I swallowed whole
and overdosed,
please somebody pump my stomach
let me give this love and lover back
im dead and broken, given up inside

but at least im alone without you
fuck you
I confess.
The honeymoon is over
and have become a lazy mastubator.
I do not even pull down my panties anymore,
just a quick zip I stick with the clit
until the pulses pass
so I can take my nap
or finish that thing I wanted to do
with a little less tension
in my shoulders.

Don't tell my husband.
I said I was lazy, not a fool.
Wyatch Peak

the door way
in tribal lands

Heat would work it's way up
pushed by nights cold ocean air
so we rose
through winding paths
up together

spark a fire for the moon
twist your naked flesh
around mine
for the heathen gods to see

my cries carried down the valley
out over ocean
floating dreams on pillows of fogged bank
where we still live somewhere
between star and sea
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