all of a sudden passion suddenly

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so what
if the shit I jot
doesn't speak your language
doesn't peak your gauges
and the dot
I spit
doesn't fly the most
tasteful of parables

I know what it is
and I know what it does
because I have
tasted the acid milk
of it's counterpoint craze
on my tongue
and felt the sharp edges
crash against the inner walls
of my sentinent palace
searching for a loophole
or simply to smash open
a new door

so what
if you stare stumped
at my freewheeling words
unable to connect
unwilling to accept
that the reality of me
is through the looking glass
and beyond for you
and that I
when I read
is just as handicapped
as any insignificant other
and you

it is still not Utopia
no bloody Shangri-La
just a few dislocated notions
tossed out at random
in the deep vast abyss
that is your filter
along with the other's

we all dive
and sink to the bottom
to be lost in the darkness

and still
it's just me
and my three rows of keys

don't make
such a
out of it

Great Ocean Goddess, Mother
The Sun strokes you lovingly
His sparkling fingers dance across you skin
I am inspired
I am energized
I give thanks for Your life giving intimate embrace.

Dolphins rise to greet His touch
and are blessed in the magic of your union.
Your love warms my soul
Your beauty moves me to create
I draw my strength, my energy
from Your passionate grace.
Where is she?

a headache without pain
but confusion throbbing
and heart torn asunder,
a shudder of held back
white water rapids before
a frothing dammed forced fall
into echoing emptiness
and swirling fog
leaking through fissures…
condensation of core

a whore washed ashore
leftovers of before
contained self-abhorred
still alive, not yet absorbed
into gritted grain.

where is the thunder
of a beat that once sung sure
dignified of compose
suspended, facing
exhaled misted azure?

Pain without screaming
gaped open wide
torrential cascading
curling in self-defense
of fetal position
bearing the belting
rendering mind mindless
mimed and undefined
yet confined
in a straight jacket of
reasonless rhyme

scruffy, soiled, decomposed
a scarf frayed and threadbared
scattered pieces of uncared
alienated, unprepared
to be again

where is the fluttering of
wing-tips on budding leaves,
the spring in ones smile
singing I know, I see,
I believe?
Did somebody say bikini?

afternoon heat
lies liquid
on glistening skin.
well oiled curves
sleepy disarray
in search of Sun.

viewed in repose
and very few clothes
she offers a view
that leaves so much
to imagine
with passion.

half knotted
offer hints
as curves strain
limits of design.

for sunglasses
that offer a view
an opportunity to stare
of which
she is unaware.

why is she smiling?
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clutching your hair
forcing your head back
making your soul mine
through the portal
of your eyes.
bringing my lips
to yours
forcing a kiss
forcing you to yield
your clothes become
tattered fragments
of cloth
a ring around us
as I take
as I please
but only for the night
for tomorrow,
I am yours.
The_Fool said:
clutching your hair
forcing your head back
making your soul mine
through the portal
of your eyes.
bringing my lips
to yours
forcing a kiss
forcing you to yield
your clothes become
tattered fragments
of cloth
a ring around us
as I take
as I please
but only for the night
for tomorrow,
I am yours.


Gentle Dreams?

A dare was he
that he teased
torching words
tremoring deep within me
stirring passion to angst
torment bittersweet
as I tried to appease
pulsing agony
yet it wasn’t to be
not this night
passing ravaged dreams

and who wished
they caress gently?
Who is it you seek
a name, or cloud
lilting love
in tufts
to separate
this vast land
spilling tiny mists
of hungered kiss
not for one
but for all
denied touch
of herself
but to give
until she has nothing left
always returning
this cyclic
mother nature
Is she leaving
or are you letting her go
did you yet ask her soul
grab ahold
where her passion slumbers
a tigress, the hunter
feeding upon her hunger
trembling, uncontrolled
demanding more

then search deep, seek
holding her tight
it is then you will see
what it is she wants to be
free or tossed asunder
within hearts of two
within mindless thunder
in your thoughts
with your love
of your dreams
echoes_s said:

Gentle Dreams?

A dare was he
that he teased
torching words
tremoring deep within me
stirring passion to angst
torment bittersweet
as I tried to appease
pulsing agony
yet it wasn’t to be
not this night
passing ravaged dreams

and who wished
they caress gently?

For every tease
There is a sense of daring
Comparing how far one
Goes at baring
Souls and smiles

Timeless moments
Create angst
When waiting
For next kiss
Next touch
Next time spent together
Even in the space
Taken to breathe

Once cannot appease
Only tease
What requires another
Beating heart
Pair of arm
Impassioned will

What comes with force
And passion
Should leave gently
Remembered caresses.
soft shell tappings

peek from under coral
waiting for safety

but finally able
to feel the soft touch
of the anemonae
caress my soft shell

never noticed this delicacy

sideways walk
soft and open
out from under



dropped me into a vat
hot vinegar
vapor stinging her eyes
smiling at the nastiness of it all

watching bubbles emerge
from my shell as it dissolved
into nothing
calcium carbonate
breaking into
carbon dioxide
and some other things
bubbles escape she breathes them in
with acidic vapors
clearing her sinuses

I crawl from the pot
eyes on stems turn to catch hers
trying to convey

thank you, but

it did not work

but more alive than ever
To Mr Office Whore

oh, sure
renegade this
in callous rampage
on a highbrow to hell
through a filter of piss
just a little more certain
than everyone else
that once again
you snuck off
with bonus scrapings
from your master's table

still so bloody unable
to anything more
than grovel, snivel, snicker
frame out, fade, flicker
a blob of banter
unfocused and incomlete
but unable to pry away
like shackles on my feet

but yeah,
go rampage hulk green
please lash out
about this nothing,
this nobodys fault
this mistake by default

do bark
up that off-the-chart tree,
that all but yourself
can most definitely see
is so bereft of target
no scapegoat in sight
that they all just might
see for once
what I see
ever present
within sight
goes to bed with you at night

until one day
-- preoccupied
it's laid aside
distance long
emotions strong

feels so right
should I take flight?

hopes unasked
questions unanswered

decisions made
emptiness fades

hurt follows
pain swallows


from pain and strife
come freedom and life
there are spaces
I can sneak in with
tongue and fingers
and smaller
tear duct
stratch in skin
soak me in
your pores

you know most
of matter is empty space

you will find me there

love and love and love
do not have weight
travelling at the speed of light
or something faster
which would explain
why you are here
before you exist

not a superhero
flash and cape
masked and names

hiding in the phone booth
until assured
no one
is watching
at least
not too carefully

dig in

dig in
The_Fool said:
For every tease
There is a sense of daring
Comparing how far one
Goes at baring
Souls and smiles

Timeless moments
Create angst
When waiting
For next kiss
Next touch
Next time spent together
Even in the space
Taken to breathe

Once cannot appease
Only tease
What requires another
Beating heart
Pair of arm
Impassioned will

What comes with force
And passion
Should leave gently
Remembered caresses.

To draw sated sighs
throughout your mind
tracing lips wet
you feel the tremble of my heart
a tender percussion
continuous concerto
conch of reflection
of fluttering confetti
conjugating yours.
until one day
should you dare seek
an explosion of integrate
engulfing you
as our words meet
and speak
a harmonious
the oil
by his hands
spills down
her back
traveling down the crease
of her spine
a slow moving river
languid movements
of his hands
as he shapes
and molds
her body
with his hands
his desire
omg I want a back massage.....

come here today
with nothing to read
nothing to write
nothing to eat for breakfast
without a clue how things got like this

feelings tossed
by imaginary winds
still feel the toss
it is all the same
in a world where that
without mass
can move me
move us
further and faster than any physical momentum

mass, velocity equal
mass velocity
before and after a collision

what is the mass of an emotion?
what is the speed of emotion?
dependent on its punch to your heart
the rebound?

why I am typing this instead
of writing in my journal I do not know
blog blog blog
what an ugly word

amphibian in the mud
emerging from the frost
its ribbit mot quite melted
from hibernation freeze

on my knees
no not begging
that is what comes after down on my knees
so many things I can do on my knees
mouth and tongue
things at the right hieght
on my knees lowered in humility
in the largness of this work
of this time
on my knees small

close to ground
down to earth
soap and scrub
down by feet

low but powerful
in the decision to be low
down and dirty
knowing I can stand
at any time
in my mind I say it is so

this is not a poem

shy under moonlight
streetlight glow

headlight invasion
twitch and nerve

coming here with nothing to read
nothing to say show know
except for feelings and frogs
knees and knowing
when to stop
watching as you slept in

nighttime still possesses you
deep in blanket, cotton bliss
before dawn’s face and foggy breadth
I studied your face as you slept

your lips, they wore a certain dream
and caught a sigh, a morning song
your flesh in bronze denuded with
undertones of rising sun

whisper sharply morning wind
weave your way arousing blinds
wake with kiss on tender skin
twilight fades as you rest, undone

Item - One muse.

Location - around here somewhere.

Discription - once bright and shiny, now possibly somewhat tarnished.

Reward - minimal.

Infact, if you find it,
can keep it.

I'll go get me a new one.
Tristesse said:

Item - One muse.

Location - around here somewhere.

Discription - once bright and shiny, now possibly somewhat tarnished.

Reward - minimal.

Infact, if you find it,
can keep it.

I'll go get me a new one.
I am not a muse
but should I be amused?

A muse on the loose
almost used up
on a cheery chase
of the wild goose.

And a poet under truce
sings the museless blues.

Until she blows a fuse
right there, right then,
on the evening news.



in musing
is amusing.
Muse sings
I'm using.

(Linbido 2003)
All the discussion in the New Poem thread about the word cock has me thinking.

The Cock

The cock rose early this morning,
Straining to reach the sky,
And stretching his full length below him,
He lifted his head to cry.
Just at the moment of sunrise,
A breath of air touched his head
And the call of the day ecstatic,
Joy gushed from his crown so red.
one eye open

the brilliance of these bellringers
each with elaborate scripts,
a paradise revolt againt indifference
the bhudda bellied Indian man who calls me "sir",

the unshakability of the marketress as
she nods to me to look at the old man smiling-
he could take the automated world, or he could leave it.
but he spends an hour choosing the best apples in the bin.

the magnificence of these musicians
feedback stored like birdseed in their sacred cellars,
calling out the castaway dance hall ghosts
in their medicine hats.

inundated enough in back eddy brackish rivers
Im looking for the galvanized culverts
where the flashflood stormwater
takes my bootheel clean off.
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A breath of life

just a teardrop slips
measured breath of air
in simmered jewel
uncrowned entity
falling embrace
upon knees of meek

a tiny piece of me
escaping with sigh
singing relief
this silent caress
fleeced down ease
upon ravaged mind

as i reach
to touch my apple tree
forehead pressed
and listening
to it’s murmurs
of beauty
breathing gently
with whispered whirring breeze

just a droplet slides
mingling with life
a flowing ripple
skimming strife
of how living
continues to be
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