all of a sudden passion suddenly

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apples roll from bins
dancers fall from skies
over miles of rain torrents
electrical storms and night
crackling with emergence

no not emergency or flight
from but bearing forth unto
like feet traveling highways
where handlettered signs point
somewhere winging forward
ever forward not lost
but flowering flowing there
Tristesse said:
Spring hubbub
racket of birdsong
blossom chorus
loud in my ear
forsythia glowing at dusk
cherry laden boughs
promising fruit
drowsy early bees buzz
at the window and
we stretch our winter-weary selves
to accept new warmth
new life
new start.
fresh and free of regrets.

the birds here are bitching
they're too cold to sing
pecking yoo-hoo searches
for you who have spring

they won't hang around here
the climate's all wrong
they're come'n for a visit
(can they bring me along) ?
OT said:
the birds here are bitching
they're too cold to sing
pecking yoo-hoo searches
for you who have spring

they won't hang around here
the climate's all wrong
they're come'n for a visit
(can they bring me along) ?

Just a taste of what's to come.
Laden bike and tarmac hum.

Starry night and endless day
Biggest chore - to choose the way.

Envied for your carefree road
Pushed aside, that office load

Hammock strung from mighty tree
Would that I could ride with thee.
Tristesse said:
Just a taste of what's to come.
Laden bike and tarmac hum.

Starry night and endless day
Biggest chore - to choose the way.

Envied for your carefree road
Pushed aside, that office load

Hammock strung from mighty tree
Would that I could ride with thee.

tires humming to the road
midst the faint metallic whir
of chain on gear mesh

pressing pushing
pressing pushing

dance with me on the pedals
towards the distant shimmer

pulse and beat

we'll reach the crest together
accompanied by the music
of sweet summer heat
Maybe I should change my name
to Daisy, she of tandem fame
We could ride a bike for two
the back for me the front for you.

you would have the handlebars
keep us safe from passing cars
we would stop to have a bite
then pitch a tent at fall of night.

Fall asleep to nightowl's cry
waking to a breakfast fry
Take our time with cups of tea
sharing thoughts and reverie

Off again - not saddle sore
for that we have to ride some more
watching watchers as we pass
passing lakes that look like glass.

what a trip this one would be
quite the outing, thee and me.
make a note of where we went
every place we pitched our tent

Next year we can both look back
follow routes on fold-out map
read the memories you write
on your OT travel site.

on a bike for two
pedal as one
synchronized sweating
physical fun

creek side lunch
stop for a break
surrendering to delicious
all over ache

I hate that word
rending my serenity
always making me wait
story in limbo
mist in thin air
wondering if
it will ever be there

Trying my patience,
what little I have
hoping the moderator Gods
will look at my words,
and be moved
wave their cyberspace wand
to grant me “approved.”
movies piled high
jazz stuff,
and me with all my comedies.
We get hybrid, we listen and laugh, as the willow out back busts green in the morning's pale light.

tank full of gas-
just made it on fumes.
lead foot lucked out-
interstate runnin again.

oh not to mention the alders, the beech, the poplars growing in columns, both crows and chickadees hide up there.

the white birch and the black oak.
mingle on the fenceline-
standing guard where the apples grow.

Freshly showered
raindrops tears
wax wane unfading
my inner landscape
merging cloudy two-seater miles
to a man in a hat and smiles
walking through aisles
automatic seatbelts click
encircled in goodbye snap
hello stairs Pad Thai

Now two regrets
wax wane unfading
the distant landscape
lifting clarity northeast
while my heart's two lobes
tangle in this dichotomy
of loss
of love
I know you will
have none of this

but when
it comes
to it

a hurricane would
swirl the other way
to carry your steps
if you turned around

a butterfly
at the right place
and time would
flutter by
to graze the trace
of your passing glance

I know you will not

but if it comes to that
and down
to this

I will try
to explain

that clouds
who crowd the sun
don't understand
that an act of love
would instead
be the parting

and sharing the sight
with sun and moon

I know you will
have none of that

and that
is exactly why
OT said:
on a bike for two
pedal as one
synchronized sweating
physical fun

creek side lunch
stop for a break
surrendering to delicious
all over ache

Wind in the hair roars "speed" in the ears
we free-wheel for miles released from our fears
passing in dance, smiling, a glance
hands reaching out touching by chance.

the downward pull slows as the valley rises
high mountain walls full of surprises
voices are stilled by this grandiose sight
Braced for the climb after heavenly flight.

Gears grinding in to take up the strain
standing on pedals and waiting for rain
grey skies break open and spill out the storm
looking for somewhere that' drier - and warm.
It can't be.
Cancer! Are you sure?
She's only twenty-three.

Appointments, visits
Pills and scans
Too much, too soon
Wrecking even the best laid plans.

What happens then
to hopes and dreams?
Where do they go?
Washed away by rippling streams.

Blood work, IV's
Signatures and phone calls
Explanations and questions
Constantly running into walls

I'm lost.
She's sick.
Is it for real?
Or an evil trick?

~ R W
hearts beat in rhythm
prayers are sent
thoughts of love and hope
abound for you
Liar said:
I know you will
have none of this

but when
it comes
to it

a hurricane would
swirl the other way
to carry your steps
if you turned around

a butterfly
at the right place
and time would
flutter by
to graze the trace
of your passing glance

I know you will not

but if it comes to that
and down
to this

I will try
to explain

that clouds
who crowd the sun
don't understand
that an act of love
would instead
be the parting

and sharing the sight
with sun and moon

I know you will
have none of that

and that
is exactly why

that is the side of me
untaught, untamed
not even knowing
a flutter of eye lash
sweeping graze
upon your cheek
before I stick my tongue
to nip
doesn't know
has never known...
I read all of the poems
and see pieces of you
a part
of what you know
what you see
what you feel
in such an
and profound way.

Your uniqueness of thought
sense of humor
sex, god give me sex
naked bodies
devilish thoughts
mixed antidotes
different ways of thinking
dashing here and there
this and that
then laugh
or cry
sometimes assured
others shy

And each
really, truly
a joyous and even
wickedly wonderful
beating heart

to add... even in grieving or mourning,
beautiful part of you
in there
a softness
a flutter
a breath
caressed at least one
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A thicket of hearts
enwreathed thorns
about and within
red, shiny,
pulsing rhythmic
of passion
and life
thrombing beat
resounding, reverberating
touching you
as you stop to stare
at such a disarray
an oddity
yet fitting
in this garden of serenity.
Would you want
to touch one?
Tristesse said:
Wind in the hair roars "speed" in the ears
we free-wheel for miles released from our fears
passing in dance, smiling, a glance
hands reaching out touching by chance.

the downward pull slows as the valley rises
high mountain walls full of surprises
voices are stilled by this grandiose sight
Braced for the climb after heavenly flight.

Gears grinding in to take up the strain
standing on pedals and waiting for rain
grey skies break open and spill out the storm
looking for somewhere that' drier - and warm.

all day riding
giddy from strain
just laugh
in the downpouring rain
i pulled a favorite book from the top shelf,
a dust cough and
a sneeze.

All i was looking for was
the chapter on Raimu,
instead i spied the bookmark
as it fell in my lap.

A joker from a yellowed deck of cards.

I had read enough-
I laughed.
can you filter and focus
thoughts that skim the back parabel of your horizon
would shout so much louder than holler and how-to
and why am I never good enough delusion
delaying the breakdown of illusion
so mandatory for this madness
and crucial to confusion

so filter and focus
on the Grail of it all
hiding in the vast abyss of all you repress
the queen of the hammering hive
every notion, focal point, footnote you ever had
boiled down to one distilled dilemma
a question and answer rendezvous
swirled together in the union that is you

then give it to me
so that I can write
It was music and dance
last night
alone in the house
coolness kissing bare skin
hiss and whispering
passing space
and no thoughts
just song with grace
my body spoke for me
eyes closed
lips wet and parted
head back
a semicircle of waves
as arms sway
and hips delay
then rotate
an immersed portrayal
of rhythm my words
cannot say
fluid pace
pulsing cadence
of emotion
in motion
tendered embrace
Stroke it
you know you like it
your ego needs it

Flaunt it
wave it like a flag
rub it in their faces

Exude it
look down your nose
shrug them off

Believe it
Remind yourself
Use every opportunity

Put them down
Make jokes at their expense
Don't be shy
They can take it



In my mind
a synonym
for insecurity.


~R W
my endorphin
lapped up my serotonin,
while watching black ducks fly
low across the river,

log driver's island
and rail road tied,

outlasting old timers, still the
ice flow yearly slowing, water high-
and here we are in Elliots month.

no more snowblanket
no more bare trees.

ground softens underfoot,
mudseason complete with
wild Rugosa roses
sneaking out of cedar groves.
May I Drive?

God I want to feel
the driving force
of a heated barrel
pistoning it’s way
in and out
of my slick oiled
pulsing, roaring with need
greed for friction
a smooth searing
of severed sensation
siphoned suction
suffocated by sensibility
or is it driven insanity?

My sense of direction
confused with erections
of sexual exploitation
embodied raging
uncontrollable operation
abandoned necessitation
to grind you into the ground
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