all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Oh, it's just little me
bending spoons over here.
Just a little suspension
of disbelief.
Dreaming aloud
in hi-fi 3D
tossing offand spells
tossing coins in wells
breaking humbly free
not for show, just for me
like the hovering
The Wisdom of the Heart
sits to my left not right
perhaps inappropriately
but Henry Miller is sinistral
here though not unwise

my wisdom is sitting nowhere
at the moment uncentered
snowflake swirled or ground fallen
though perhaps it will peek
up again crocus like

when spring breaks
somewhat later in this town
April being not the cruellest
month just days knitting
my unravelled petals
back together

maybe I'll find a green bench
momentarily empty
but with enough slatted sunshine
to bloom
Lost Dream

Midnight musings
tip-toe my mind
at six a.m., coming back to life
I push away
search misty corners
for the dream
fleeting across mind screen
no images left
just feelings
seemed like a pretty good one
It's 3am and I'm not Dreaming

Six am is a decent hour
the birds are up
the paper's there

But three am is a bitch.
At any other hour
the dream that fades
can drag you after it,
grabbing its tendrils,
back to sleep.

But at that wretched hour
the first thought is a killer
dragging you away,
not into dreams,
but endless other thoughts

With the least bit of luck
and a budding dream
three turns to six
burned out

Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

Down In The Dark
in a Heart-Shaped Box
10 years dead and decayed,
where everything
Smells Like Teen Spirit

I Hate Myself And I Want To Die
so Dumb,
Dazed & Confused

All Apologies
I Blew it away

Up here we sip Penny Royal Tea
like good boys and girls
take our Lithium
Watch Marigolds
In Bloom

so, why couldn't you?

All Apologies
I Blew it away

that's The End

Endless, Namless
Even In His Youth

"better to burn out than fade away"
You Know You're Right

that's The End

4 KC - you are missed
Suddenly My World is a Poem Waiting to Happen

I see the poetry in every thing
every situation
every person I meet

Two toned pickup truck
wobbling down the street

Old fence posts, jagged and green with moss
or lichen or something soft
measuring the weeds unhindered by blade
down hill from stone castle
shrouded in shade

Paint flecks on bandana
An all-day worker,
jeans stained with oil

Vetch in bloom, purple flowers
amazingly fix nitrogen to soil

Clouds- in thin lines,
wrinkles in horizon’s forehead
or a rolling boiling stew
eating up the sky
preparing for deluge

Young, lithe bodies at the swim meet
tireless and weather proof
no goose flesh, nor sign of red face

Fashionable flip of the hair
frames face, held stiffly in place

Crescent moons of light caught
in wire rim glasses
Curve of his mouth knows me
Supernova brilliance
challenges my creativity

Swamp cooler hum
and cricket songs
just outside the window

Slow moving ceiling fan
plays light against shadow

Prisoner of the negative bitch.
Mind games, cold shoulder,
letting you know she knows
what’s none of her fucking business,
cause she snoops into everything,
including the boss’ check book on payday
to make sure we all got what she thinks we should!

Can’t soar with eagles
surrounded by dip shits!
Weaves sinister atmosphere like a sticky web,
catches us all in her contagious negative time warp,
pitting us against one another
like gladiators.

Unhappy Bitch
Only happy upending lives of others,
even then not happy,
though she smiles when her fangs drip blood.

I try! I do! Not to play into her hands,
but I usually fall, all serenity flies away
as I sink to her level down in the muck
where the world sucks.
No color, no beauty, no happiness,
nothing but negative goo.

And after I leave work it takes a while
for the residue to leave me
and to I remember who I am
and I remain, a child of the Goddess.

I feel much better now.:cool:

Shit! I forgot not to edit on this thread! I just added the note that said I felt better so you would not feel sorry for me.

Syn :kiss:
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porcelain porcupine

I gave the brave stance
of a porcelain porcupine
a grave glance

it stood graceful
mother of pearl
under a layer
of fine, white dust
settled between
glittering spikes

of passing time
a shelved ornament
between dictionaty
and passion crime

but with a perfect view
of my private life

the things so strange
those painted beady eyes
must have seen
the hellride roller coaster
recorded there
in callous clay

I gave the frozen stance
a careless glance
before that insight in hindsight
came tumbling down

froze me
like the porcupine
where I stood

then turned

to clean off dust
so that my silent partner
mother of pearl diary
cold shine anew

a swipe with a duster
a kiss on the nose
and she will stay
between dictionary
and paperback passion

keeping watch
through painted eyes
and memories
in clay

I run,
I always flee
a frenzied heart furrowed
frantic, fanatical
flight from
fathomed feelings

Don’t touch me…

Run Forest run
fly those feet free
a fury of feverish
frenetic fleet
toes and soles
pounding a beat
with ferocity

Can’t stop me…

I run,
I always flee
should your heart tremble
towards mine
should you see

Fear’s furious defeat

Syndra Lynn said:

Laughing out loud all the way to the keys,
which were pretty far off as I wasn't at home,
But I just couldn't help it, Lit opened to see
that you wrote the bitch off in an acid-etched poem.

Yep... sure enough... everything is poem fodder. :)
spring fever

jimmy was goin on about an "absolute collective,"
his professorial beard adorned with pizza sauce-
and I was laughin but managed not to
let it show-

not at him mind you,
no-just living inside a drive in theatre as im prone to do
just chuckling at folly and the crazy moon slung just above the rivertrees.

which all had me
not thinking,
but feeling-

Thanks Ee, you reminded me of this..

Not green eggs and ham

When microwaves first
came out in restaurants
I remember sitting one day
from my days on the road
of childhood traveling
uprooted again.
Hearing a soft poof
and muffled giggle
I looked at the man
next booth over,
when first arriving
by his long beard
and deep thinking eyes
to see poached egg-bits,
yolk and whites
hanging like stars
twinkling mirth
and his eyes sparkled
at me
He said, never put a
cold fork
in hot yolk and
always eat your ham
darkness my pillow
is new the sheet
satin soft as breath
and this warm man
shimmers gray
turning sighs
to yawny awakenings

sunlight beams
slanted like smiles
music rings
bubbles pass simmer
and spill over laughter
rilling conscious streams
to beautiful tomorrow
he walked away
did not march
back decorated
with quills
rhyming quills
even still did not like the lighting

the blue of it all
his eyes, her brown the strands
the flavor suggestions, 31
and more
oh yes, thee only all alone
old music has something
to do with this very moment
the time who you are eyes
read this "word"
nice at nite

daylight saving
more music
more mirth

more remarks
better vision
skipping mercy shelter

Patience is waiting
3 minutes to change
two into three

It's biology of life
my gamete with yours
maybe we'll have
a zygote, baby

But if it's negative
then so be it
as there is
always pleasure
in practice
to get the plus
for a positive.
Morte D Artur,
The Troilus,
Henry Miller,
Leary's Jail Notes,
Alan's forward-
regarding native Americans and the cycle of repercussions-

Splashed like
tumbled down and
dogeared paper
kindling, firestarters
for something

Todays text,
3 crows
fightin over a banana peel
in the backwindow

Train should be by soon.
Your best interests
were set out
and behind
you pushed me along
wielding whip
to snap at the ground
along side my feet
stirring dust
gritted teeth
and grainy mind

Words spoken softly
asking yield
to allow one step at a time

you agreed
in one voice
yet the whip never ceased
cracking thoughts
of rest and peace
and behind that lay your other voice
goading me to
continue on
Your slave
graceful, serene
a swan
rippling in your existence
of being

You the lake
ever tempest
tender, thoughtful
torrential all together
lashing at the shores
of existence

and I a duck
learning to swim
caught by her swooning call
entranced, embraced
by her gentle grace
hanging on
while you tossed me about

ever protective, possessive
of you
of me

she shielded
honesty portrayed
and hid my cries
smothered in her downy fleece
so you couldn’t hear
when i cried out
reassurance from you
a necessity.

laying on the shores
now depleted
broken winged
feathers stripped
with just enough strength
to drag myself
away from
this driving deluge
and you
I always thought
a relationship of three
was the safest,
a driven need.

No one could touch
nothing could stay
or reach and bind
my heart or sway

me to want to be one
to find him and trace
our hearts together
firm within strong embrace

that i would want to kiss
and tender miss
the rising mists
waiting again to be only his.
i give you back
wrapped in precious jewel
this collar bestowed by you
kissing gently before i do

but you see none of this
nor the tear that slips
or the heart which sighs
and sad soft denials

with no goodbye
as she speaks not required
and sweeps her doorstep
before i am through
closing the door
sheltering you

that i could wrap in jewel
these tears that fall
the three of us be one
instead of two

you were my trainer
who touched me first
you who continued to teach
gave me your collar
then tossed me to her
training beyond my reach

rant over
just like Jesus on the river
or wherever
we took leaps around
what should
and ought
and just bought
an illusion
of immortality
awake but adrift
from reality
not so much more real
than the dream we could feel
god-like gift
crystal clear brutality
waves upon waves
of supercharged high
unquestioned and undenied
because if we died
of course
we would merely soar
in the eyes of the sheep
huddling before
our towering shapes
knowing that
what seperates simians
from lesser apes
was what draw the line
between us and them
between wine and grapes
what made us divine

we grew with those lies
our delusion of might
it's funny how such things
can change overnight
eagleyez said:
nice to hear the abandon-or those attempts at it


your poems are musical.

melody and reverb-

truly enjoyed.

my best...


thanks ee, as I enjoy your's also :rose:


a slow ripping of corsage
pistils ragged
receptacle bare
scattered flight
of formation
once patterned foundation
shred and spread

frayed petals
of forget-me-nots
played then splayed
counting love-me-not
instead of daisies
just with intense
deeper hues

pressing emotions
into my bedside book.
i do not keep flowers
in vases anymore.

once knocked to the ground
they can be crushed underfoot
and scoffed with meaningful exchange
before one walks away.

i drip tears in the vase
one at a time
as they do not flow
a necessity to control
this contorted pain

then set it in the sun
to evaporate when full
filled time and time again

and the book, before i close
is sealed with one tear
on the page where each flower paste lie
each time a new one is placed.

Now three pages full
my grandfather a mayflower
dried from his suicide
he and I picked the day before he died

my parents a rose
crushed many times first
knocked from my vase
strewn on their page
masked each by a tear
as every piece was glued

and you
my torn forget-me-not
flutter my butterflies
until my hollow swells
and they swallow me whole
she turns her head-
mane flecked silver
and quizical look-

kick my shoes off
and pull up my shirt


used to my own

sweet smile unlearns me
pat that center-
the most remote touch
children and rocky roads-

faint stars cut thru
pastel moonclouds

and the station plays

us sleeping.


sleepy again.
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