all of a sudden passion suddenly

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The Bleach Song

I am hypochlorite,
Na Cl O.
I whiten up all kinds o' things,

mix well with H2O.
I smell a bit. I'm sorry—
those chlorine ions. Oh,

but I can stain your white things white
or brain them.

I'm just slow.

the teacher
erased the blackboard
vanished numbers
and formulas
for getting the cube root
of so and so happiness.
there are
just too many
without pots of gold
at their end,
but are just there
for straddling.
which is
the point
today human steam rose
from a hot earth,
formed a man shaped thunderhead,
it did-all the children who
looked to the sky with
mouths open wide, catching drops
on their tongues felt
the acid burn of recycled elements
but didn't know
what it was, what made holes
upon contact
it didn't taste any different
flavorless water with a molten effect
they concluded it was god,
angry at what they'd did...
but deep down they knew, without
really knowing, that all pain
is man-made.
even rain.
thank you very much, it always makes me smile when you dig on my stuff.
so to speak. :rose:

The moon forfeit its light
to the sea, who in turn
had forfeit its light

to the flock of trawlers
skimming its surface
with navigation lights,

the sun waiting patiently
to swoop and reconquer
its territory.
Shards of Life

For there upon the floor
lies her life,
like so many bits of broken glass,
covered in a film
of fine dust she chooses to

she clings to the pane
and surveys the gaping hole
left behind, counting
the splinters created, her
internal chaos illuminated
in the rays of the sun.

In a shard of glass
she finds a stunning brilliance
not previously possessed,
countless points of light
dancing along
the serrated edges
of shattered dreams.

Kneeling, she cradles
and clutches old lovers close,
a sharp intake of breath
as flesh tears and the bite
of old wounds

In time,
she carefully rearranges
the fallen,
the stiff adobe bond
of self-resolve
as she presses polished tesserae
into a glittering mosaic –
the rebuilding of her own.
Your attentions
create hot erotic sparks
sparking in
my belly.
I shudder,
the stronge urge
to clamp my legs
around your head.
the energy ripples
through my thighs;
I squeeze and spasm
your tongue.
Desparately I need
to feel you.
I tell you this
in not so many words.

Only four.

"Fuck me now,

Barflies hum through vessels
stitched neatly onto layers
of bone, muscle and fat.
The jukeboxes' oracular glow

communicates with them,
each sweaty syllable another
shrink to be paid off with Bud.

ESPN glowers, pool balls
snicker at wannabe wimps.
A barman polishes glasses,

eavesdropping on every
conversation. Humidity
snatches each word
at closing time, feeding

them back into the undertow;
their carried guilt ready
to hatch our bad eggs.
Fried Bananas

Spatula hot slides
over stainless steel, slices
of rot kissed bananas,
butter sputtering skillet
and heavy cinnamon scent
wafting to mingle with you.
You, bedrock, press
into the low of my back,
neck damp as lips dip;
warm calloused hands
sliding apron strings,
your caress, gentle.

i often wondered
if you'd wear that black pearl
on days
when the sky would not reflect
this scantily clad winter.

the days of storms
are not so few and far between
that i would forget your debt,
that i would miss payment,
that you would renege

on our agreement,
the verbal sparring
that tilted the ground
we walk on.

fight with me
and toss that pearl
for the sea to swallow,
to hide until Summer
purges the planet
of your sad shadow.
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There are no sunsets
this month. Leaves
are still coated with last
Winter's recordings,
windows are still etched
with rain. Progress
runs downwards slowly.
Our boots hiss with
each day's fading
electricity, our rubber
bodies eager for November
and the crackle of the new,
of the returning.
Jamison said:

by now you know
I am so rude, not offering
you coffee, or tea or my lips
but I want to.....

I want to, though whatever I say
gets jumbled, fumbled
and I feel dumb,
get that creep of red
on the back of my neck
and itch in my armpits.
I feel awkward. I don't like that.

There is this crush between solitude
and the need for company.
I would like to have you alone
then other times, I want some fucking
peace....then I want you
to know the mean is not what I mean.

Ya know what I mean?
Of course not,
you never do and I always do,
scratch my underarms, looking
for the right words on the floor
but I tripped over them
a long time ago at hello.

sad and lovely :)
things in between

reading lines,
comets, frail newspaper sheets,
with news of falling bridges
and jumping babies,
while waves crash in,
never knowing when
the next one hits.
you were on my lap
sleeping, fetal, still
but never final and fully
-made. and it was dark
night closing in
like lovers' fists.
later, on the jeep
we lurch, forward, backward,
in a briny sea
of our own making,
Dowry (Or what Grandfather really offered for Mother)

Half a sky bleached
in night, a tin-man's
spare heart, dozen
crow feathers

(couldn't afford

handful of ladybirds,
ground up snow, flock
of rain, a Ford Model T
carcass. And to end:

pulling the plug
on the bath Ma floated

You wore indecision
like a wedding ring
that day. Waiting
for the tin can train
to pull in, CCTV
cameras saw hope
burrow into pockets,
replaced by lost
feelings, scavenging
for the last scrap
of whatever humanity
you had left.
it's time to take a dip
into steam. let it consume my whole

being. pinkie toe after pink lil toes
gliding across that surface of bursting

bubbles. down slides, my nipples into this orgasmic
orgy of silken sin. skin and pale hips, delight

in twisting in the surf as hands hide'n seek,
seeking shelter in the moist cavern

of my homemade wine.

black coffee

im thinking
of silences,
the halo at the bottom
of my cup,
telling me secrets,
of previous
skirmishes still
on the wall
in technicolor.
if this is love,
then let me have
my refill.
Explaining Dark Matter

The evening sky rummages
inside its gaseous pouch
for something different
for tonight's show.

Stars tug at an invisible
door to be let out,
the swirling hind legs
of the Milky Way

nearly causing a scene
backstage. A crab
nebula speckled
with superheated
ambition leaps

headfirst over
the stage, the distant
soundtrack of the sky
unable to right
the fallen.
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