all of a sudden passion suddenly

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....And here, her words—
so soaked in phosphorus

.......when I scuff them
she swallows me flame.
loveumore said:
well, that was interesting.
Well, it was interesting. I quite liked it while it was here, however briefly that was.

Sorry you felt you wanted to pull it quite so soon. Absolutely your prerogative, though.
Tzara said:
Well, it was interesting. I quite liked it while it was here, however briefly that was.

Sorry you felt you wanted to pull it quite so soon. Absolutely your prerogative, though.

I need to practice more and what I wrote was quite embarrassing, but thank you. I needed to hear that. :rose:
this madness must end. I'm loosing
an already lost battle. I'm pulled yo-yo
style into visions with you, my phantom
of ... live, love and be happy.

you forgot the part where the prince
and damsel, quit charging into battle
and try living a happily never after. Life
and dreaming are not the same. I ache
for solace, I yearn for your touch,
lulling me to sleep beside, inside me.

one day was our vision. now forever
is lost. lost, like myself, heard only
at night. when screams echo off canyons
in cold cavern caves that nestle in, residing
devoutly deep where only your heart
should seek shelter. you intercept

my pleas, turn cheek and trollop
off. I understand with this senseless mind,
but my heart commands my actions.
go be happy, I am required to pronounce
like sawdust scattered, it flies
with the winds current. testing me,
to see, how crazy one gets
when heart and mind accept
this mindless madness.

a day with the sidewalk vendor of stencils of circles, geometric roses, and hurtling objects

They say no such perfect
circle exists
in the natural world.
Even ripples on water
have flaws,
they crash ashore,
lose their minds,
tend towards
the manageable horizons
of safety. A perfect circle
is only an idea, love.
Suspended like circus rings fired up
for lions to jump through. I tried tracing
circles, with my pencil,
and inspected
the microscopic imperfections
of my orb, the tiny inevitable
graphite slips and operatic tumbles
of my tremor-hand. While you look
over my shoulder,
in perfect agreement.
The shortest distance
between two points
is not always an arc.

Stepping into a parking
lot, the sunset flaps its red
dress. Cars flash callsigns,
identify one another

amongst the perfume
of diesel and lotion.
Eager to impress
the passing dancer,

they flash specks
of light from windshields,
twirl them on wipers.
Stars wait to dance.
what happens when i have newly-sharpened scissors

to the snag
in your sock,
to that missing aglet
in your shoelace,
to that thread unraveling
on your shirt, edging
your buttons
quite politely,
to the dog-eared
places of your body,
the crevices where
the skin flakes off,
strands, tendrils
detaching, fluids
drying off, till
what remains
is the foot of an
altar I haven't quite
paid enough homage
to. cheers to obligatory
goodbyes and to
unnecessary amens

Cadets patrol the playground,
grinning at visitors. The soles
of their boots, inlaid with Mayan
carvings, feel the sharpened
tips of nettles scouring

the rubber. Fingertips,
eager to purge the exiles,
stay steady. More grins.
Their faces, tricked out in soot,
focus and become ghost-like.

I don't know if any nettles
were removed. There were no
signs, no markings to indicate
where to tread, where to kneel,
where to pray.
egocentricism, elapsed

there was a time

when it did not occur to me
that I was not important
that time ended
yesterday,while hanging
clothes on the line
I glanced downward
and discovered at my feet
a half handfull of wadded blond

dog hair, cat hair, neighbor's hair
a random piece of string

a nest knocked loose from it's limb
hummingbirds are plentiful
here, where I do not matter
but the only witness
to my unnecessary existance
is fluttering and speechless
in the morning breeze
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caressed to sleep
with each silken brush
of your hand applied to certain
creative areas, I leave be, just
for you. I share, sigh and walk
down destines highway
looking forward, detained only
by the mountain springs
spiritual escapades, being played out
subconsciously to the tune
of a teasing hiccuping laughter
that I once splashed and sipped
while love drunk, on you.


We stand, amazed by its briefness.
Watching it squeeze out of a petrol
lung, children squeal. Their faces
have already been tattoed
by its heat and the adults smile,

feeling it line the chambers
of their hearts. Sparks
crackle like cellophane,
drifting into the plummage
of night. They fall slowly,

carried by currents
of heated air. Winter waits
behind a fleet of pumice coloured
cloud on the horizon. This
is the end of all our Autumns
I think to myself, not noticing

a single spark still charged
under the damp wood,
amazed at its surroundings.
Like Lazarus.
he ask .. he receives ....

elicit endeavors keep reaching beyond
and taking what is mine, freely
given, taken with relish and cream

spread eagle wide, I have your key
in hide and seek, I shall find your button
drain you dry, fleece every moment, for what
it's worth.

sharing wine with pressing thighs, silken tongue
glued to your button of thriving
need. exhausting all avenues from your top to
bottoms up. bite, nip
take you down to nothing, just to rebuild
you over and over

take, press, slice, figure
out a way to press on, for preliminary measures
are saying, your mine. I shall extract every morsel
of bone and flesh. finishing only, to take you
milk you dry.

coming in waves, watching it wash
away and against the
frail stains shaping intent
a positive proverbial awakening
recurring like deja vu, the one that
repeats itself every few weeks
days tenths of seconds
taking seconds, thirds even to saite
the insaitable, a palate of
consistent hunger. a hole grows
in the heat of the midwest
praying for rain, or just a break
in whats been nothing
but 95 plus, for days and days
even the roaches hide from this
kind of weather,
for this be thankful
it won't last forever.
I look out the living room window
and see the enclosed porch
with grey wicker chairs
and admire the hanging baskets
of pink Impatience.

We watch the cars pass by
fast, so fast and I
sometimes get dizzy
and need to lean my head back
and close my eyes
because it's busy and loud
as center city but
without the crime.

A new sofa, love seat
and beds for all
with no complaints of sharing a room,
and one kid using head phones
while the other
blasts the stereo.

A kitchen I can call my own,
a kitchen I can messy and clean
without being told how to or when to
anything. Those words,
"It's not good enough" are forgiven
and I'm in complete control. It's all

The dog sleeps on the couch,
the bed, anywhere she likes,
spoiled, the protector should get
the best treatment and she does...

but I still need four baseball bats;
one behind the front door, one by the
back door, one at the top of the steps,
and one in my bedroom because
perverts and those aliens, those aliens
surround me while I'm awake,

single mother syndrome?
home alone for the first time in years?
a protector? whatever
I'm finally home.

I forgot the pictures.
damn it.

The kitchen tap drips
its long vowels, the fridge
hums short syllables. My pen,
stammers out the words
I miss you, my legs
hammering each letter
on the pavement when I
post it.
Chainsaw massacre?
For real?

At 8am, people screamed
from their windows and doors
I'm sleeping! or
I'm watching TV!
as she trimmed
50 feet of bushes.

I peeked out the blind with
one eye open and
one stuck shut after
4 hours sleep.

"Beware of dogs" signs are
taped to the windows.
l tied her up outside
to hopefully scare the woman away
working 40 feet from the house.

The dog slept in the shade
the only shade near her chain;
under my truck
and watched her work
for 2 minutes with her tail
between her legs then
fell asleep.

Not me.
canning Mr Wrong

I bought six dozen Balls, pint size
with lids and rings
and did not forget the brine.
He loved the taste of salt.

One, two, three tablespoons
pickling salt, crushed red
pepper, garlic, for flavor
as he had no taste of his own

Feelings of joy overwhelm me
as the rack is lowered
into the boiling water bath.
It strikes me as ironic-
his refusal to bathe, now
so clean in his final division.

But I will not rest
until I hear him cooling.
The inverted pop of the lids
that seals his fate,
sets me free.

I cant help but giggle, thinking how WE would be so proud of me for this one, lol :D
at the rooftop

and wine
on your chin,
a whole
in my mind.
Unpacking As A Metaphor For Grief

The unpacking house
watches a widowed
cloud drift. Both are
tethered, aimless.
The crush of objects
on the pavement,
its wash sending shivers
through the foundations.
The cloud gathers
its rain for the evening,
the objects drift
away from the front door,
afraid of water.
thirty years later she asks
"how is your heart"
it is the same
the same as last time you asked


her heart lives in a room

her heart lives in a room lights dimmed
with random flashes
that illuminate thick oils hung too close together
heavy golden frame the girl being eaten by a lion
"Go paint something dead"
his lover shooed him from her parlour

watercolor dafodils melt into rivermud
her heart turns
waits for another flash
to glimpse the rad tailed hawk that is hovering
as a smear in the sky
but never! never are the lights on long enough
\her heart livesin an abandonened gallery
abstract nudes of the women he kept before her
and there
flash on her own legs
propped like tall mountains
a dog cocks his head,
listens for master's voice
a ladder
disappears into the landscape


I get so bared with my own writing
I want to write Bleeds
but I know I have written Bleeds before
watercolors BLEED it is what they do
and all of the stories, I am tired of them!
I have already written it! Lord what is that quote from l. alvarez
so tired of my mortal soul

I want to burn my diaries
love letters
burn them and never write of anything again

writing here
everything is overturned
I just think
I want to clean something

organize photographs
vacuum, pay bills
anything but this dreadful writing!
my ass is asleep
I want to be angry
nothing angers me anymore

I write lists
Get Dressed
Organize treasure boxes
Pool Party!
Snack and Story
Brush teeth

I wrote something

foam dinosaur hat
three pronged outlet converter

tell me if my tag is showing
don't be the one who does not want to embarass me
my button is undone
my breasts are heavy
nothing holds them
will you be the one to tell me?
or will you smile
and say
You look really nice today
decide to focus on the positive
Ignore the first house at Eaton Square, please?

The herring scale roof
used to navigate cars
north. Its copper red
tiles burned like fires

from Averno at night,
guiding passengers
and their souls home.
Replaced by a dull

landscape of slate,
tasteless like Vodka,
it blinks as a river
of cars beach them

-selves by the road;
each one wishing
for the return of
I di dnot read the letters you had saved,
passed along to me,
until last week

the signs we missed
lost words
fascination with crystal,

we were too busy being in love
to hear the falls
little boat soon shattered
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