all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Your two faces
unfaded voices never diminished
not silenced you speak
from my mouth formless
but growing as you grew
in my body faces, organs, limbs
reaching forward to live
but backward timeless undying
for the skin of generations
covers you my schtetl children
even exiled from that ancestry
even exiled from me I labor
through this pain of separating
which goes on through years
through distance still overwhelming
me to push push you into the light
always two faces haunting me

I can't lose this thought, so I'm writing it here. Am I lazy or what?



Angry words
strike me with the force
of driving rain
in a thunderstorm
stinging knives thrown in rage
that chill deep
as they soak in
Leaving me shivering
water streaming from my face
not knowing which way to turn
to escape the torrent

But I will only stand in the rain
for so long
before going inside
to a quiet place
to listen to the wind
and the rain
crash against the windows
protected in my shelter

So let the clouds break apart
Let the storm subside
even let the sun break through.
Because I if live
in a place where it's always raining
I'll move.

your strident soliloquy
offered up for all to hear
and see
shared with those who know us
(and some who don’t)
an exhaustive list of my shortcomings
(in chronological order)
your measured oration
offers all a superlative assessment
of the range and texture
of your elocution.
similes and metaphors
crouch at your feet
in awe and honor
your discourse drives
home you scorn for me
and all I might be.
without repetition
and with a range of language
that leaves none in doubt
of the level of your education.

spare me

words will not change
what is you
what is me
I offer simplistic
not simple
I offer direct discourse
and do not hide my words
in shadows of innuendo
of variation
my language is terse
my message is short
take me as I am
or let us part
Complexities of Wine and Poetry

I love the feel
of soil on my hands
syllables on my tongue
these I understand

In a vineyard,
I can diagnose Eutypa or Botrytis
Itemize sixteen nutrients
essential to Vitis

In a manuscript
I can diagnose grammar or spelling errors
punctuate, articulate, avoid
tense related horrors

With these simple tools,
I grow healthy vines
create basic writing
with some meter and rhyme

Science of viticulture
science of language
studied and mastered
in my class, above average

But grapes are not wine
Words alone are not poetry
Though the art is richer
when you apply proper chemistry

I have the vocabulary
but can’t describe wine
with silly descriptors
about mice and white pine

And I can’t describe poetry
dissect each line, verse and type
But with wine or poetry
Rodents are people too

Re: double post
Syndra Lynn said:
stupid computer gerbils

um, just how do you think
all the AVs stay showing?

it's their round-n-round wheels
that keep this place going !

sure they nibble some bits
and double some posts

but I wouldn't call'm stupid
or your votes might be toast

I am trapped again
inside four walls
the feeling of free
lost even
just from looking outside
the soft tickled sun beat
to see swaying trees
imagining breeze
on my face
is no longer serene
just sadness so deep
intense scattered screams
not loud enough to shatter
this silence
but deafening
to me
Dammit all

my desires are burned
too tired for extreme
to even feel
think, talk
feeling vague
of reasoning
numbness has seeped
confusion steeped
in boundless stacks
of creeping vines
ensnaring mind
tight squeeze
of emotion
intense commotion
that even a scream
would not shatter the silence
as history repeats
then retreats
without resolve
for her, for I
two people
a girl and woman-child...
and I did not hide
this time
but still
it erupts
into pressurized quills
as abrupt
and agonizing
this girl cries
even while she lays still
who will
listen to her now
will her life end sooner than later
and how
but it is no longer my concern
taken out of hands that care
not allowed to share
this knowledge and help her grow
and that i will no longer know
how she cries
because i tried to help
just this one time
dammit all
Just seeking the breeze

I come to you
just seeking the breeze
of whispered drawn breath
and exhale of being
to sink into your warmth
softness of skin
feel strength in your heat
of arms wrapped around
to rest
head upon shoulder
seeking peace
a shuddering of release
and just once
lay at ease
curled into you
This time

she cried
tears of her past
slamming fast
face slap
leaving imprinted gasp
mirrored projections
this time there will be no rejection

no denial
crushing this time
the urge to hide
to crash and fall
god damned it all
standing tall
and staring back
at the creation
of all this revelation
the relation
from now to then

the grasp
of knowledge and free
to see others pain
this time
to fight back
to strike the perpetrator slack
make him face
his own embrace
watch him connect
his pain

instead of a circular saw
throwing dust
over others
leaving them choking
gasping breath
again, again
then left limp
to asphyxiate
in numbed
sodden grain
How does one cry?

shivers wrack
yet not in fever
but fevered pitch
of agony
nerves scream
with my mind
unkempt, unkind
pitching dreams
to tidal waves
of unreasoning

God let me be
set free
stop taunting see…
this intensity
is much too deep
haven’t I cried enough for you?

but I haven’t cried at all
not release
these torrential tears
this flooded hall
of memories
this wretched ball
and skin stitched chain
wrapped so tight
around my neck
within my brain
obfuscated strain
suffocated rain

How does one cry?
Do you really think I’m nasty
when I look at you with lust?
Indulging thoughts of how
your curves defined
with landscape
and molded thighs
that stretch those pants just right.
Noticing nipples
protruding slightly
announcing their presence
with such subtlety.
Characteristic curves
soft in vision
firm to touch.
And touch I did
last night.
Darling I love you
without question
at all times.
But certain moments
drive my desire,
whether feathering your hair
with tapered finger
or focused on one toe
with polish in hand.
In that moment
between breaths,
between heartbeats
I fight that urge to simply
fuck this
i know what it’ll take
its time for me to get pissed
and i don’t mean
three sheets to the wind
or against
so that it will splash
all over me

stand up and come here
who do you think you are?
You have a problem with little girls
they make you feel strong
such a man
take me on…
as I am
and lets see
how far back i knock you
in history
without raising a fist
to touch you

I am so tired
of feeling their pain
my pain
your pain
but you gain
with anger momentum
instead of trying to tame
this beast that claims
and reigns
control over you…
so lets have a little
one on one therapy

You’re pissed at the world
someone did you wrong
i know, i’ve heard this
same self said song
so many times
it rhymes
in my head
he said, she said
you said
i was pissed too once you know
in the end
because of people in your state
who can’t expropriate
and feel the need
to confiscate
peace and joy from others
in innocent
form and frame
of mind

This is my song
of the strong
who survived wrong
because i sought
and fought
to get past
move beyond
so now open your mouth
and voice where you want
to belong
instead of being squalled
as a cemented ballast
sinking fast
into hell
to rise again in furied contrast
be who you really want to be.

ok, rant over, I feel better...doh! :confused:

sorry about the hum drum beat...:(
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Funk groove
improve my kinesiology
move bone deep hip
to hip slip shift switch
in and out of time mind
my p's my cues slide right
into the twang of blues
that basic instinctual beat
that rhythm uses spark
to turn a flicker into flame
and blow a saxy fuse
all tenor toney hollow sweet
to cruise me to completion
cut my rug dance my feet
these dogs still learn
how to wag a few tailfeathers
melted off the ice twice neat
Angeline said:
Funk groove
improve my kinesiology
move bone deep hip
to hip slip shift switch
in and out of time mind
my p's my cues slide right
into the twang of blues
that basic instinctual beat
that rhythm uses spark
to turn a flicker into flame
and blow a saxy fuse
all tenor toney hollow sweet
to cruise me to completion
cut my rug dance my feet
these dogs still learn
how to wag a few tailfeathers
melted off the ice twice neat

oh yeah
he fused his sax
into tail feathers of peacocks
fluffed then swooned
i relaxed
as he crooned
and blues blazed
as hues of crystallized rain
draped honeyed hives
sticky ooze
sweet autocruise

baby blow your breath
into blowing my mind
as dogs bayed
by the bayou in everglades
twanging swampy breeze
tinged release
croon baby croon

edit to say thanks Ange :heart:
I dream
of khaki colored cotton
tugged by gentle breeze
to caress the form beneath
almost out of sight
the shape of thigh
alluring, beconing through this
almost transparent
khaki visual kiss
and how I wish
those weaves
were my fingers and lips
to be cooled by the breeze
and be burned by the feel
of intoxicating contact
accumulation addiction
until music bursts free
Liar said:
I dream
of khaki colored cotton
tugged by gentle breeze
to caress the form beneath
almost out of sight
the shape of thigh
alluring, beconing through this
almost transparent
khaki visual kiss
and how I wish
those weaves
were my fingers and lips
to be cooled by the breeze
and be burned by the feel
of intoxicating contact
accumulation addiction
until music bursts free

The shape of thigh
was his saxaphone
and lips kissed
traced familiar bliss
then exhaled hiss
before breath weaved
music burst free
to be cooled by the breeze
of a wish
an eclipse
of addiction
intoxicated affliction
of stars dangling
shimmered with feeling
another kiss
he missed
once before
tracing more
brassy shore
echoes_s said:
The shape of thigh
was his saxaphone
and lips kissed
traced familiar bliss
then exhaled hiss
before breath weaved
music burst free
to be cooled by the breeze
of a wish
an eclipse
of addiction
intoxicated affliction
of stars dangling
shimmered with feeling
another kiss
he missed
once before
tracing more
brassy shore

another kiss
revealing revolution
in exhale of gentle
harmonies hung
in the air between
a glowing blue soul
and a glittering red hot
constellation of faces
bobbing in unison
to minors and Rhodes
echoing between the walls

accentuation riding
something so simple
as a twin beat
rolls out
and god damn
if I don't see that breeze
down by the shore
tug the wonders free
behind my mind's eye
once more

let my soul there
keep it safe
with khaki cotton
on a wave of
harmonies I dream
myself returning

sveltwalker: my button says "rewind"

moments of becoming

almost always
as intense as
the after

disrobe from white terry
slip into champagne glass
bubble bath

zipper pull
finger free
cock tumble
breath approaching

hit rewind

take me back
to the before
the slip in dive under

don't forget the shoes removed
before carpet walking
sizzle scrape of garlic saute

hollow boot steps on wooden staircase

hit remind
inspired by The Fool on the One Tit Bar and Grill post...thanks :heart:

Have you ever tasted a rose?

Have you ever tasted
a rose petal
run its satiny tips
across your lips
purring from scent
velvet whisper
and felt the nip
of it's thorns
red slight rip
from first layer
of skin
leaving a blossomed welt
begging a kiss
a burned lick
heated sip
of your breath
swaying more?

That alone is enough
to cause sultry
voice to lower
one more octave
one more note
breathless captivate
as she traces her curves
with this rose
and braces hip
against the piano once more
blazing blue
song sung low
sullen pose
staring at you
daring mellowed
return of your eyes
a glance
bold declare
captured snare
the first move...
She hurts

Dark slate skies
reminds her
everything's worn out

grinds against

I'm sorry dear
it seems to
always rain here
dogwood takes its turn
after the fuzzy bunch
fluff of cherry multiflora

petal pointed up
not out
down over

singular audience

the rest of us

reflecting target
under ultraviolet light
moth eye
finds bulls eye
takes aim

pistol quivers
in anticipation
of feather antenae tickle
Willow's starting to bud
he says tree man always
notices changing branch
every leaf a baby step
spring creeps in here ice
melts and mud season
gives way to slow ground
warmth the students bike
jog arms pump legs flash
we drive or walk he sees
green I see him clearly glass
gives way once the sash
stuck but now one window
opens easily to sun to life
Sun peeks in window
pane, squints through
mud splatters, greasy
finger prints and winter’s
other matter left over…
no need to speak
of cat spray, speckled
salt flogs, then autumn’s
I reach for the Windex bottle
squirt full throttle
squeaking clean
and glistening
sparkling more than mottled
this sparkling day.

errrmm, edit to say the cat spray was from the outside by a stray teasing my poor kitties on the inside :rolleyes:
realized how that could have sound...yuck!
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Adolescent Adults

Angrily her words slashed
volcanic spewing voice thrashed
emotions severely smashed
vicious sadistic attack
as sure as she supposed she was

in the background a little girl cried
her depredating pain denied
all rights disregarded, acclimatized
it’s simply something she should be familiarized

Listening not saying a sound
as the mother fiercely ground
gnashing teeth turbulent abound
around injustice she considered found
that this was all about her

silence then followed mine
worrying me because also the child
a shift from extreme wild
to silence
then the dial

It was only ever about the child
and how the mother violently denied
existence that evil vied
against innocence, how it strived
to destroy and cast blind
a family wrapped in strangled pain.
Daddy played some opera
Joan Sutherland mezzo'd
from the blonde wood hi fi
rang above the vinyl scratch
Bellini would be proud Handel
kvelling prideful at La Stupenda
singing Roma to its knees

but I crossed mine shut up
my ears rode Schwinn away
from that owl talk true Brahms
was cool dig Stravinsky's bones
dinosaur beat in some other key
trudging to extinction past
the dining room slower more
stately than grandparents

then one day a raucus howl a shreik
hoots wide rhapsodic piano rolls
out large as cities my city the blinding
avenues and drill foot bustle

Oh Gershwin! Play Manhattan
skyscraper swayed play avenues
of symphony paint notes to faces
full of weary wonder closed nodded
winking wisdom heartbeat drumming
underneath blue contained like me
edging sidewise through alleys
traffic and sometimes broken free
dancing taps of midnight's jazzy joy
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