all of a sudden passion suddenly

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insomnia is the thing that
allows you to do the things you should have done during
the day

like reading
and sending emails to friends
and watching reruns of the previous night's sportscenter
where you can again see ron artest go postal
in detroit and wonder why the fcc's panties are
all in a bunch over a
black woman's nipple exposed for 1.5 seconds
or a white woman's back exposed as she
leaps into the arms of a black football player
yet an overpaid thug sets a terrible
example for the children who idolize him
and this is repeated over and over and over
and over and over again like a socal car chase
and all those conservatives don't say a thing about that

that's what you think about when you can't sleep
you also spend time over at where line scores of every game from 1945-1984 (i think) are catalogued by season in pdf format and you sit there looking at the scoring summary of a Browns-Colts game in 1973 or a Rams-Cowboys game in 1966 and you see those names of the players you saw on tv back in the day and you think about how cool the game was back then
before plastic turf and the late november/december games played on muddy fields in dark stadiums and you wish for that again

that's another thing you think of when you can't sleep
but thankfully the melatonin is kicking in, and i will nod off for some early morning/lunchtime shuteye before i get up and do it all over again

nighty night, folks....
snow fell early in the cascade mountains that autumn
the leaves were in full colorful explosion and
the bright mountain sun bounced off the fresh snow
and created a psychedelic landscape

we stood together overlooking a valley
quietly for several minutes
letting the color and the beauty
take us to the place
where we kissed
and fell in love
rippling around the room
the noise of me and the boys
while we wait to make room
for pie
Orion stalks in bright moonlight
bow pulled taught, arrow ready
to set in flight, feathers brushed back
point in purpose aimed, at his prey
illuminated, stilled by nighttimes chill
frozen in place, unaware of the fate
about to befall him

Death is silent and swift, this archer
is merciful, strikes straight to the heart
knees buckle, head bows to earth
as the heavens watch, cast silver shadows
and call his spirit home
She claimed violence was lavender,
a softer violet--love can pale
the deepest shade.

What of vivids and vermilions,
vast hues of hatred and blues?

She only knows
the lavender her love colors
between livid and never again.
Model of Henry Dying

He was six miles outside of Death,
on foot after spin of the crank
and no spark.

Tail lamps dimmed,
Donna Lee disseminator
still faint with lavender--

a scent to decay
beneath town limits.

He pushed black enamel
back to Piquette Avenue
on the other side.
Frenzied Fragility

Exasperation is talent
for deconstructing quiet
into units of scream.

I have that dead spider
expression, something black
in my words, yet calm
like winter freeze--

drifts camouflaging annoyance.
I know the definition of lies,
but I won't tell her the meaning
of exasperating child.
intoxicating thief

vulnerable as tissue, rolled damp,
beer and wine brings us here.

my lips, robbed of sighs,
are belly high on you, above your
expectation, buttoned down and stout.

ankles cotton-shackled,
breath drunken warm,
I lean into you,
held up
till I'm empty,

and you're stealing relief
beyond the trees.
no tears to cry
life to live
forever in the corner
window to open
fly away

days blur by
sun sweeps
and world passes
leaving me
a toadstool
fairy tale gone bad
his work shoes had paint splattered all over them
from a painting project two years ago
they were worn
but they still fit and were

his shirt was a white polo shirt with large
70's colors and a paisley pattern
and his pants were too short

he was trimming hedges in the back yard
and cutting the grass but
now was taking a break for lunch

he sat at the dinner table
in the dining room
with his legs crossed in the seat
i sat in all those years at dinner as i was growing
and his legs were crossed as he
ate the grilled cheese sandwich he had made
and thought

he was alone
mom was in the kitchen chopping celerery or something
and i was at the kitchen table reading
the newspaper
and he was alone
i could see the yearning in his eyes
in his profile as he
looked out the window

sometimes i think
i should just sit
in a void
of television
people’s voices
a pattern
random pattering
empty life
an aimless breath
of freshness somewhere
shadowy wisp
trailing coolness
to a droplet
of condensation
echoes_s said:

sometimes i think
i should just sit
in a void
of television
people’s voices
a pattern
random pattering
empty life
an aimless breath
of freshness somewhere
shadow wisp
trailing coolness
to a droplet
of condensation


sometimes i think
i should just sit
in a void
riding life
an air current
of the passing
feather down
random pattering
an aimless breath
of freshness somewhere
shadowy wisp
trailing coolness
to a droplet
of condensation
duh, had to keep going, sorries


riding life
an air current
of the passing
feather down
random flutter
aimless breath
shadow wisp
trailed coolness
a droplet
by the way, sweet dreams

she comes to say goodnight,
orgasm in heels,
hurting the way to his bed,
so good.

there is time to lean on walls
and feel dirty warm--
she's cum in skin

and walks like sex in versace,
slamming doors
and fucking him into bed.
risen to heights
past exception
frantic rattling
to hold on
to a flapping
dandelion seed
in a dry wind storm
red dry dust
obscuring lust
for reason's
of insanity
Why do we need
to define our emotions?

Anger, fear, hatred

All only expressions of ourselves,
often caused by ignorance or lack of understanding

Lust, longing, love

Desire for what we see in others

The human capacity for emotion is limited
But only by our need to categorize and define

We need only allow others in to see
the Real Me
Tonight, eyes feel less dry,
head pounds out tunes
of old wounds
and still, I wonder,
what song is playing?

It all spins around,
firing off one
thought after another.
It hurts somewhere deep
while memories stay
locked in long term.

Kill the brain
the body will follow.

Attempts made with liquor and sex
only made the flesh too weak.

It doesn't destroy,
it adds more
always stays
always felt
never forgotten,

Gray matter consciously recalls
but the rest
would rather forget.

(get a bullet
it's quicker)
Dead Dead Dolphin
companion piece to twin engine dolphin

I muffled you
flipper screams reverberating
against my sigh

you were blue hot
jelly stunner

clit incinerator

speed mellow
then tingle tango
toward mangle
soul ripper blues

flipper swims toward the light

sliding into bed
reaching for him

mmm sighs*
mornin baby
happy at last

fingers gliding
bodies spooned
pullin me into
his arms of love
cuddling me
holding on to him
all night long

knowing he loves me
all the day thru
but at night we simply
snuggle an coo
being held so tight
by my man

morning comes
yet again
happy as can be
my man an me~


Think it still needs some work,
just had to get it out and away for a few.
I am sure ya'll know what I am sayin'
Drvin me batty I tell ya.. *grins*
Have a great one~

Eve's dolphin dilemma

WickedEve said:
Dead Dead Dolphin
companion piece to twin engine dolphin

I muffled you
flipper screams reverberating
against my sigh

you were blue hot
jelly stunner

clit incinerator

speed mellow
then tingle tango
toward mangle
soul ripper blues

flipper swims toward the light
;) awww...
dead in the water,
but thanks to the net,
there's always a
replacement dolphin for ya.
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Daddy says Look up.
Ed Sullivan lives there.

The Pierre. Some other
Upper East Side world
beyond scalloped cream
awning, epuleted guardian,

beyond glass
and painted brick, a castle
where old stone face,
whose church we reverence
every Sunday, sits
cossetted no doubt
in silk divans, martinis,
sparkle talk small as Topo Gigo,
livin large like Fifth Avenue.

But Ed doesn't know
it's a really big show
down here, too,
where two little girls
in homemade plaid dresses,
secondhand coats, and pink
angora hats are goggling
at his door, trying to see who
is stepping off the elevator,
or that our duo of hop
and peek past Daddy's knees
is balletic balance, synchronized
much like the plate jugglers
coming up next.
Re: Eve's dolphin dilemma

neonurotic said:
;) awww...
dead in the water,
but thanks to the net,
there's always a
replacement dolphin for ya.

in the net
someone though it was

get out my bookmark
christmas whish list

I have seen other dol-phins
of questionable lineage
this one was new
reminiscent of the bunny
hippity hop
Re: Re: Eve's dolphin dilemma

annaswirls said:
in the net
someone though it was

get out my bookmark
christmas whish list

I have seen other dol-phins
of questionable lineage
this one was new
reminiscent of the bunny
hippity hop
you'll think hippity hoppity
with that dolphin
on full speed


make sure to have
some of those
triple "A"
Ever [so] Ready
b a t t e r i e s
Foreshadow for me my need
To taste your candy
Licking mine
While laughing freely
At nothing in particular
Levering sense of purpose
Found in wanton fashion
Button-Fly discards
Litter carpet remnants
Spread about the floor
Sprawling lust mixed
With intertwining legs
And tongues
Flesh toned flash
On Ivory sculpted
Tasting freely
In our decadence
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