all of a sudden passion suddenly

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How truly graceful
Is my wandering thought
As I warm up to my desire
For this woman crawling
On hands and knees
Across the bed towards me

Breathing deep and sighing
I linger glances over curves
Defined by light and shadowed
Offering only nonchalance
In response to lascivious looks
And feline stretches

Eyes wicked and alive
Pin me helpless
Yet within the fire
Is a certain sense of humor
That finds this poseur
Just a trifle amusing

My non committal pose
Breaks down when I first
Sense her elusive scent
Into mindless twining
Of arms and legs and lips
Spilling tensions of desire
Re: Re: Re: Eve's dolphin dilemma

neonurotic said:
you'll think hippity hoppity
with that dolphin
on full speed


make sure to have
some of those
triple "A"
Ever [so] Ready
b a t t e r i e s

oh not to worry
I got rechargables
suckin juice right from the wall
double pronged current


naughty beavers and bad bunnies
into weapons of mass

oh so good
especially naptime
ride the tide

wave doesnt move just the water passes over
flooding the banks into the meadow
all the animals finding higher ground
or at least looking
that is my signal
go get him
midnight cowbot cowboy
here comes anna's crawl

The_Fool said:
How truly graceful
Is my wandering thought
As I warm up to my desire
For this woman crawling
On hands and knees
Across the bed towards me

Breathing deep and sighing
I linger glances over curves
Defined by light and shadowed
Offering only nonchalance
In response to lascivious looks
And feline stretches

Eyes wicked and alive
Pin me helpless
Yet within the fire
Is a certain sense of humor
That finds this poseur
Just a trifle amusing

My non committal pose
Breaks down when I first
Sense her elusive scent
Into mindless twining
Of arms and legs and lips
Spilling tensions of desire
I realize that I am porous
Desire for you seems to flow on through
From one moment to the next
As we share even just a fraction
Of time together

Lying in bed
Sharing a blanket
A pillow
And a casual caress
From me of your breast

Nipples twinge
And you giggle
Silenced by a sudden kiss
And what few clothes we have
End up on the floor

Moonlight moans
Sound crystal in the cold
Outside our window
Voyeurs view of lust
Fulfilled as we move in time

Endless moments stretch out
Before us, but so do arms
To wrap each other tight
In a welcoming sense of warmth
That only two can share
spin the globe
counter clock

fingers over appalachia
mountainous braile under touch
I trail the country and stop on you
crossing, crushing dimension
hold onto something
axis tilted spinning dizzy
here I sc
off the top

peaks and valleys
surprise my talleys
of score
what you want
i can give more
your goin to be my whore
and i'm goin to have all the world
while i smack that ass
think fast or let my words speak to you like the smell of trash
you got class that just surpassed the finite simplicity of a diamond
come to me sweet precious jewel.
how many fingers

How many fingers
have we to play
this concerto

with long and short nails for rake
and scratch
mark and acquire
let go but not yet

we measure horses with hands
we measure each other with fingers
how many fingers
fingers long
fingers wide
we measure each other
in fingers

three sets to contain and squeeze

I am waiting
Ode to PoeTess

I bet you look good in red.
Do you tie ribbons round your cocks
offering yourself presents
or as a present?

Do you shave down below
and then tie round your waist
a white beard twined with mistletoe
Seeking kisses from one who might pass by?

I'm sure sitting on Santa's lap
is a special time for you
Bouncing and rocking
as you offer up your list of things you desire.

When Christmas Eve has come
Does Santa find a tasty little morsel
left for him?
A bit of Christmas joy sprawled cross your couch?

Offer us your Passion Play
as passions play throughout the month
Wrapped in red and lined in fur
Tempt us with you spirit.
Here is a little angel
who waits by the yule log fire
sparkling in the coloured lights
in fine Christmas attire.

Ah, santa with your beard so white
dressed in your suit of red
why do you wear that silly hat
upon your wisened head?

I don't believe it will keep you warm
on those cold, dark polar nights
when the wind whips round the reindeer shed
neath the glittering northern lights.

Do you wear it to impress the elves
dressed in their socks of green?
Does it serve a special function
when you're in the bondage scene?

Oh that long cap has me quite puzzled
as you can plainly see,
but santa dear when you come by
will you untie me from the tree?

Whip me with the boughs of holly
and knot my feet up tight
when you tangle up the ivy
I won't put up a fight

All that I ask is for you to pull
your hat down o'er your face
so that when I hear your sleigh bells jingle,
you'll be gone without a trace.

Just the slippery shimmer on my thighs
will be all here that remains
and the crumbs upon the cookie plate
witness to your evil gains

The smile upon my sated lips
and the tracks upon the snow,
not least, the silly hat I wear
to thwart the north wind's blow.

Are subtle clues to who has been
flirting under the mistletoe
with this little Christmas angel
in the gown as white as snow
Fingers go deep

Can W x L
be accommodated?

Scratch the mark
tease the T's
please the I's
for we are more than one

squeeze this
contain that

we could fit more

Now I am waiting
i saw you when you walked into my life
and smiled that big cat smile of yours
my heart and groin warmed
but i also knew that my life would change forever
because you appeared
if i were gay
i would fuck g gordon liddy
g gordon liddy is hot
my scrotum tingles as i imagine
that ball tickler mustache of his
down there as willy bounces above him

g gordon liddy is also hot because
his nietchzean obsession with strength
and guns
and women with firearms make him
a great american
and great americans are hot

sean hannity is a great american
and he too is hot
i love the way he plays the good catholic
i bet he'd look hot in a catholic school skirt
yeah you've been a naughty boy sean
bend over and i'll hannitize your ass
with my throbbing 12 inch cock
i bet you take allen colmes up the ass
you're a hot bottom there sean

but you're not as hot as the g man
anti semites and fascists are mind viagra

unfortunately rush limbaugh you aren't hot
yeah i know you lost all the weight
but you're a drug addict and you belong in jail
with all the other "human debris" you say belong in jail
as for your weight, even though you're slim and trim
you're the kind of guy i'd have to role around in flower
before i found the wet spot
ann coulter is hot too
oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
i'll plow that beave of yours and
put some meat on your bones

yeah yeah yeah i'll read nixon's memoirs
to you and mccarthy's commie speeches in the
50's and you won't be able to help yourself
as i denounce liberals as commies your
box will be soaaaaaaaking wet and you'll be begging
for my 12 inch cock and then a little elmers
on your face
oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
beg me for it ann coulter BEG ME FOR IT
you know you want it
bill o'reilly has nothing on me
Frostbitten Chestnut chickadee
finds reason
to tweet tweet
in a white on white
aspen tree.

Think— maybe,
afternoon coffee,
"I will too."

edited to say: ;) Ah.. ha ,
I just realized I said I tweet.
I do not friggin tweet tweet
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width length
depth of eyes and please

hands free for organic cuff and hold

waiting for the referee to blow his whistle
charm is on full cjaom justice
is ours and ours

dont whisper your intention

try not to giggle as we play these games
give me the growl times crawl


this stored ignition
makes me wait

green lights said:
Fingers go deep

Can W x L
be accommodated?

Scratch the mark
tease the T's
please the I's
for we are more than one

squeeze this
contain that

we could fit more

Now I am waiting

My New Rambling~~~

shuffling dangles of emerging love
gushing stippples flourishing inseminating
impressing endowments rapturously
soulful duet etching unrelentingly

gnashingly bonding masses
dancing wolfishly coiling
rampant writhing overwhelming
lubricatingly eruption splattering~

Tathagata said:
karma rain
all the memories come back
pelting , pounding, preventing
soaked to the skin with yesterdays misgivings
battered umbrella of hope
like an abandoned battle flag
limp and useless
no fucking happiness today

passing you the
karmic towel
quick rub down
fluff out that fur
lay on your back while I deliver some
tantric tickle torture
Hard Labor

It is for her
I labor; drive
blade into soft soil,
curl and lift,
repeat, thick
tool in my grip.
It is for her
I sweat; wipe
brow with leather,
rodeo smell
of ride and rope.
It is for her
I pause; shimmer
heat from chest
and gaze. Eyes that lick
my belly for salt
and hickory
It is for her.
society streak

a swift nude,
armature of barbs
thorning from her hide--
contempt that shocks,

titillates those less stunned
by bare contretemps.
she is the ne plus ultra
of impropriety--

sleek, ribald creature.
sing the Homo Hades blues
latent instincts' holy cows
in your snake skin shackled shoes
spread like manure blatant vows

lean in closer, drink her haze
share a scotch soaked silent slip
set a sleeping fuel ablaze
in your predatory grip

call to clamor as you sway
neath the gristly half moon grin
fuck like phantoms in the fray
taste the tragedy throgh skin

sing the blues, parade anew
for a morning stunned by sight
watch a vow turn ugly true
with that sway turned grey by light

did you think of shellchock news
Homo Habilis in bloom
when you sang the Hades blues
in that fevered frenzy room

Riiight... this is why I shouldn't attempt rhyme and meter in the Passion thread. :)

for our own good

I'll keep you below-bound,
contented with wine, bread,
odd wares of twists,

breathless widths.
Now come out
from beneath your terror,

be fettered to this lark.


I'll keep you below-bound,
contented with wines,
odd wares of twist,

breathless widths.
Come from beneath
your terror, be fettered
to this lark.
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October Odyssey III

october falls to frigid morn, and
i am in winter,
but again,

there is anticipation--
april odyssey.
though, away with day

on our embrace.
pull shades.
we will be room bound.
i am clandestine cunt,

on the sly sex,
who knows the scene:

turn down sheets,
my inhibitions,
repose on the edge
of arrogance and

while i cater to your eyes,
a beggar of anticipation.
gotta turn it on high
from the start no where to go

drums popped, skin scratched numb
eyes flash blind

needing under satiated

love poems lost crunched under killer frost
too late to plant bulbs

gotta turn it on high right for the start
and where do you go frem
from there

silence stuns
between universal bang
and rock-n-roll flung

into glimmer blinding
through venetians

cleaves to exhaustion
leaves moonlight restless
atop sheets

choo choo long hushed
by give me a vowel

give me a vowel

asleep again
with vanna dreams
swirling spinning breathless gasp
pretending's all that fills my past
i'm drowning in a desperate sea
of all the mes I've tried to be.
doting mother, sexy wife,
childhood duty, perfect life...
it's all come crashing down, you see
can't hold it up, caves in on me.
a victim of my circumstance?
the girl no one would ask to dance,
who feels she's never good enough
and compensates with lots of stuff.
would be so simple, walk away
and leave it all behind today.
on the beach i'd wait for the sea
to quietly erase the real me.
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