An Ode to the Loser Who Slashed 4 Poems With a '1'

Du Lac said:
fluff .. hmmmm.... is that what support is now adays
Not exactly. Support is what Eve illustrated and does so well. But yeah, fluff is what passes for support more often than not.
CharleyH said:
Like I always say - I am perfecly imperfect as a poet.

Why don't you slap the ones that need slapping, then? I am not beyond contradiction, myself, but the poets you know well, on the PB, should be able to take it best, especially from you? No?

This is a public venue and good or bad, we need to suck it all up. Have you started a "new poets come learn here, let me teach you, or tell you" thread? :) Perhaps you should ... new poets need your kind of encouragement. :rose:

We all want Eve to slap us. It's what we live for.
Lauren Hynde said:
3M's hi-strength spray adhesive. That's the red can. ;)

how do you know so much stuff?

and 3M's tentacles have reached Portugal?

is there no sanctuary left?

thanks. :rose:
PatCarrington said:
how do you know so much stuff?

and 3M's tentacles have reached Portugal?

is there no sanctuary left?

thanks. :rose:
I use it to mount architectural drawings and photo renderings on large panels for competitions, for example. ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
Not exactly. Support is what Eve illustrated and does so well. But yeah, fluff is what passes for support more often than not.

I guess it all depends on how much you listen to yourself. If a poor vote or nasty comment on a poem pisses you off really where is that coming from?

If you do not feel the difference between gushing fluff and support why is that?

If you put up poetry and expect all to love it? Will you love everything you read?
Why do you expect all to love your work?

If a poem is presented and another makes a remark harsh, blunt or kindly that it needs work and you become defensive? Does this tell you anything? Why are you afraid to learn and grow?

If you react in anger and throw off the gloves when many are expressing thinking processes where does that leave you?

Why is it when this subject comes up... as it has over and over, does it always breed heated debate and defensive attitudes?

Maybe instead of debating this issue over and over we should study the why's that it creates in each and everyone of us. Maybe this debate is just the fluff that hides deep issues of characters or the human experience.

Maybe it is all just a smoke screen that allows us to ignore deeper issues in ourselves....

now I have dove off the deep end.... I hope my landing is fluffy with a solid ground in which to step on after the landing.

CharleyH said:
Like I always say - I am perfecly imperfect as a poet.

Why don't you slap the ones that need slapping, then? I am not beyond contradiction, myself, but the poets you know well, on the PB, should be able to take it best, especially from you? No?

This is a public venue and good or bad, we need to suck it all up. Have you started a "new poets come learn here, let me teach you, or tell you" thread? :) Perhaps you should ... new poets need your kind of encouragement. :rose:
That wouldn't work because my brain doesn't work that way. I can't teach like Ange, Lauren, Pat and others. I can show you examples of what I do or how I'd do it. I can rewrite your poem and say, "Here you go. Try this." But I try not to do that anymore, because I'm simply changing their poems to suit me and they end up sounding like Eve poems. lol I can give simple suggestions. I can offer sweet, supportive feedback. I know my limitations. I may lure a poet or two to the board but once they're here, they need some of the other poets more than they need me. What I do best is write poetry and be the epitome of a sexual goddess--and I say that humbly.
annaswirls said:
It is not a matter of being afraid.
It is a matter of time and effort put into people you do not even know want the critique. There are threads for heavy critque.

But how do you know who does and does not? :) Afraid to take a chance? For fear of what? I piss people off all the time :) Kindly.

PS MS. HYNDE - who keeps track of everything bitch - did send a PM of a bad mark criticism. ONLY ONE! hmf, since 2002? ;) I ask nothing more my love. You are off the hook.
PatCarrington said:
can i have one?
You know you can't. Why do you even bother to ask? How many days has it been since you last adored me? Quite a few, I'm sure. And you have the nerve to ask for a slap?! I should slap you for that.
Du Lac said:
I guess it all depends on how much you listen to yourself. If a poor vote or nasty comment on a poem pisses you off really where is that coming from?

If you do not feel the difference between gushing fluff and support why is that?

If you put up poetry and expect all to love it? Will you love everything you read?
Why do you expect all to love your work?

If a poem is presented and another makes a remark harsh, blunt or kindly that it needs work and you become defensive? Does this tell you anything? Why are you afraid to learn and grow?

If you react in anger and throw off the gloves when many are expressing thinking processes where does that leave you?

Why is it when this subject comes up... as it has over and over, does it always breed heated debate and defensive attitudes?
Are you serious about all that? Are you sure you're talking to and about me? :confused:

Du Lac said:
Maybe instead of debating this issue over and over we should study the why's that it creates in each and everyone of us.
Duh. Maybe instead of "debating" this over and over we should get over it and write poetry. Whaddya think?
CharleyH said:
PS MS. HYNDE - who keeps track of everything bitch - did send a PM of a bad mark criticism. ONLY ONE! hmf, since 2002? ;) I ask nothing more my love. You are off the hook.
Bitch. I gave you a list of 4 or 5. :D
WickedEve said:
That wouldn't work because my brain doesn't work that way. I can't teach like Ange, Lauren, Pat and others. I can show you examples of what I do or how I'd do it. I can rewrite your poem and say, "Here you go. Try this." But I try not to do that anymore, because I'm simply changing their poems to suit me and they end up sounding like Eve poems. lol I can give simple suggestions. I can offer sweet, supportive feedback. I know my limitations. I may lure a poet or two to the board but once they're here, they need some of the other poets more than they need me. What I do best is write poetry and be the epitome of a sexual goddess--and I say that humbly.

I mean criticism and not critique.

And on a metaphorical note, you are the beginning, Eve ;) Beautiful in your own right, and a fiery ... nice person ... damn, I wanted to say bitch. :D GOD, are poets always so NICE!

Lauren Hynde said:
Are you serious about all that? Are you sure you're talking to and about me? :confused:

Duh. Maybe instead of "debating" this over and over we should get over it and write poetry. Whaddya think?

I am only talking to you or about you if you think I am lol... I agree... I never really debated here about changing etc. Rather I have always offered a different viewpoint of looking at the system. I am not here to argue or fight. I am writing now... a wee bit of poetry but back to the novel... that is where I am at now... but I come here as I said to learn and see the mysteries of all that is shared lol...

has been fun!
Lauren Hynde said:
Bitch. I gave you a list of 4 or 5. :D

Oh ok, here is a bitch poet :D. You brag too much! Brown noser - I am certain - comes from more than kissing ass :D.
CharleyH said:
Oh ok, here is a bitch poet :D. You brag too much! Brown noser - I am certain - comes from more than kissing ass :D.

That's Sponge Bitch to you.

She has a great tan, you know.

;) :kiss:
WickedEve said:
You know you can't. Why do you even bother to ask? How many days has it been since you last adored me? Quite a few, I'm sure. And you have the nerve to ask for a slap?! I should slap you for that.

that's me...a day late and a dollar short.

i DO adore you, though.

and you're funny to boot.

you must have a closet full of Louisville Sluggers to beat away all the mountain men looking for slaps...

...or is that just encouragement to them?
I'm coming around...

There may not ever be an answer... but it sure is fun watching everyone get hot and bothered! There are a lot of good poets here. This is the reason why I am here, compared to the other 3 sites I have posted on in the past. To actually be objective in a good to great poem is perhaps impossible. I may write the best poem in the last 10 years, technically perfect, great alliteration, a rarely used topic, but a lot of people may not want to know about what worm shit does to a leaf. Then again, there may be someone out there who really gets off on it and recognizes that it is a truly great poem! However the system works, it will always be subjective.

quietpoet said:
There may not ever be an answer... but it sure is fun watching everyone get hot and bothered! There are a lot of good poets here. This is the reason why I am here, compared to the other 3 sites I have posted on in the past. To actually be objective in a good to great poem is perhaps impossible. I may write the best poem in the last 10 years, technically perfect, great alliteration, a rarely used topic, but a lot of people may not want to know about what worm shit does to a leaf. Then again, there may be someone out there who really gets off on it and recognizes that it is a truly great poem! However the system works, it will always be subjective.


I want to go on record as not wanting to know what worm shit does to a leaf. :)
Lauren Hynde said:
<snip>Duh. Maybe instead of "debating" this over and over we should get over it and write poetry. Whaddya think?

I wrote a poem. It's in rybby-fish's thread.

I wrote another poem, it was late getting on the new poems list yesterday. I think you should all ;) read and vote. I don't care for comments <<< chronic lie >>> just numbers.. gimme numbers.