An Ode to the Loser Who Slashed 4 Poems With a '1'

twelveoone said:
Now go count the ones I started about either writing or in defense of good commenters.

Of course. I think they are actually on that list. hmm I did not put the praise of YDD one in there... I dont think. But I can get it.

Try rewriting "Privacy" with a word subsitution of "Secrecy"


I am amazed at these reactions against transparency especially form some here that have a fit if any comment is less than laudertory.

voting and commenting are two separate things. they have completely different purposes.

commenting is for support, betterment of a persons poetry by showing what you think is good, what needs work.

voting is just a way to give prizes.

you can do one without the other
not everyone has the time to comment, I still don't understand why they need to comment in order to vote.

So what's it going to be eh? The secrecy of one's. Lauren Hynde's sarcasm, and she as a sole determiner as to what is good poetry, what is a good feedback loop? O what is fluff? I do see her objecting too much when she receives her share.

I don't think that sole determiner is correct. I know I know I KNOW that some of my poems were put down where they belonged by someone who knew KNEW that they were not meant to be 5's. My worst poem got a monthly award. It was crap, but it was what is often popular around here. So that is what matters. This is not a literary site.

And you writing about social control, when the easiet way to manipulate is a few well placed sarcastic comments, denigrations.

Is my word any less valid, because I have less "H"s ?

I think that your word might be more valid because of it. I am not sure where that came from.

As I said before, Hallmark is a billion dollar enterprize because people LIKE that kind of poetry. I am not saying people here like or write like Hallmark. It is just an example of the market.

You are a "serious" poet. You are an excellent poet. So are many poets here who do not have the H's. Some poets here are outstanding poets that also appeal to the market here.

You deserve to get poem of the month, poet of the year... you should assume that low votes are just by people who do not get your poetry, or are not crazy about it. They should not have to defend their position, they mignt not be able to.

I can look at a piece of art and say, I do not like it, and not know why. People who just do not like it are also a part of the market. They will buy and not buy, vote high and not vote high because of impression alone.

I would say to you, if there is not a comment along with a lower than 5 vote, just assume that this person was not craZy about your style and did not want to or did not know how to say why.

Editors who reject my poetry on a regular basis are judging my poetry. They do not ever tell me why. If they want to they can, but to write and ask them

why have you rejected me?
is unacceptable.

I think of the voting like that step. the judgement.

The comments are a bonus. Not to be expected, but to be appreciated when someone actually takes the time.

1201, you are incredibly intelligent and talented. Not everone can be analytical about poetry like you do so well. I wish we could clone you, but we can't! We all can give to the community what we can. No one should expect that everyone do as they do or as they say.

And I am not saying you think this or do this, just my thought of the moment.


Lauren Hynde said:
Yes, but let me give you an example.

Let's say that you're reading poetry, and you come across two poems: one written by me, and another written by loverboy up there. They both have 4.5 scores after 10 votes, because our respective armies of fluffers were among the first 10 people to get to each of them.

You start by reading my poem, and you think it's completely unreadable crap. You don't finish it, you don't vote.

Then you read sugarlump's poem, and quite enjoy it. You don't think it is perfect, but it's very good, and so you give it a 4.

As a direct result of your actions, my unreadable piece of crap is allowed to retain the little red H, and honeybunch's is shot down and stripped of its H.

Thanks a bunch, but are you happy? ;)
Reguardless of you having a poem there I would have voted the same way on sugarpies or luvbugs or whoever's it was. Your poem and loveys have nothing to do with each other, no one says it is a mandate to read every poem, you may but I don't. If it's that crappy someone will vote it out. It's not a contest I don't think what others poem's score should matter to anyone but the person who wrote them. :)ed.~that's how I see it at least
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champagne1982 said:
One of the purposes of voting on this site is to provide the site owners with a guage to determine the winners of the monthly contests, anything else we, as contributors to Literotica, glean from the average rating and reader statistics is merely a side effect of that process.

Regardless of what is said here, I promise I will still vote as I wish and comment when I want to.
But is the reason for writing poetry to win a contest here? I don't see it that way I always thought the writing is what the purpose was. I could care less about contests, I think if you think that way it skews your work because you write more for what will win more than what you really want to say. That does explain the ones though.
~hellbaby~ said:
But is the reason for writing poetry to win a contest here? I don't see it that way I always thought the writing is what the purpose was.
That's what we've been saying - we as in Carrie, Jenn, me, and a few others. Just write.
~hellbaby~ said:
But is the reason for writing poetry to win a contest here? I don't see it that way I always thought the writing is what the purpose was. I could care less about contests, I think if you think that way it skews your work because you write more for what will win more than what you really want to say. That does explain the ones though.


literotica is a business venture. the owners of the site do what thay think will draw more people here and make the site (their business) grow - contests for example, or voting. they have determined that those are lures that will increase the readership here, hence their profits. they are not interested in your or my or anyone's growth as a writer.

they are here for one reason (as they should be in a business venture), to make money. it seems to me, from the size of the site, that they know what they're doing, from a capitalistic sense. and they do it well.

they DO remove votes they determine as fraudulent. i have seen it done many times.

but to remove a 1 simply because it's a 1 makes as much sense as removing a 5 because it's a 5...and there is no doubt in my mind that more of the 5 votes are unjustified than the 1 votes, by far.

how come no one complains when they get a string of 5's from their friends for a bouncy, jingly rhyming poem that any intelligent fifth grader could write with minimal effort?

and i am not referring to your poetry when i say that, nor to anyone's in particular - just to this odd thought that injustice only occurs at the lower end of the voting spectrum.

edited to add: ...yeah, just write.

PatCarrington said:

literotica is a business venture. the owners of the site do what thay think will draw more people here and make the site (their business) grow - contests for example, or voting. they have determined that those are lures that will increase the readership here, hence their profits. they are not interested in your or my or anyone's growth as a writer.

they are here for one reason (as they should be in a business venture), to make money. it seems to me, from the size of the site, that they know what they're doing, from a capitalistic sense. and they do it well.

they DO remove votes they determine as fraudulent. i have seen it done many times.

but to remove a 1 simply because it's a 1 makes as much sense as removing a 5 because it's a 5...and there is no doubt in my mind that more of the 5 votes are unjustified than the 1 votes, by far.

how come no one complains when they get a string of 5's from their friends for a bouncy, jingly rhyming poem that any intelligent fifth grader could write with minimal effort?

and i am not referring to your poetry when i say that, nor to anyone's in particular - just to this odd thought that injustice only occurs at the lower end of the voting spectrum.

edited to add: ...yeah, just write.

I'm just niave or dumb because I don't see the business end all that clearly, do that many click the ads? For years I came here just to read.The boards aren't stuffed with ads. It seems like a big undertaking to keep this running for the sake of clicking on an ad but I never really thought of it that way. I guess it would be odd to think this was for the promotion of writing. Afterall this is America, home of the brave and pursuit of the Almighty dollar.
Human nature doesn't concern itself much with injustices done to one's good fortune generallybut I said something when things weren't right with the number of hits on a couple of my things.ed. I've had a few bombs taken off too but that is a good point about taking off the 5's too if they seem inconsistant
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annaswirls said:

I think that your word might be more valid because of it. I am not sure where that came from.

As I said before, Hallmark is a billion dollar enterprize because people LIKE that kind of poetry. I am not saying people here like or write like Hallmark. It is just an example of the market.

know that anna, really I'm surprised if I get four or five comments

annaswirls said:

You are a "serious" poet. You are an excellent poet. So are many poets here who do not have the H's. Some poets here are outstanding poets that also appeal to the market here.

If I was "serious" they would be deadly, I am serious about improvement, not only in myself, but in others

annaswirls said:

You deserve to get poem of the month, poet of the year... you should assume that low votes are just by people who do not get your poetry, or are not crazy about it. They should not have to defend their position, they mignt not be able to.
1.) no, I like you better
2.) last time I checked, I did not have that many low votes, which is a bit of a surprise, contrarian that I am. I do not like to say this, worst comment I got was, I don't understand this but it got an "E" so it must be good, with a score of a five. This did not amuse me. I like fours with what about this... I like threes with real insight. I like fives better when someone see something I buried.
3.) but people should defend their position, what they say is valid, it is their reaction, I may agree with it, but they should get beyond that fear. It is a way to develop their critical skills, hell, half of what I read here was to see what YDD would say about it.
Not getting something can either be the fault of the writer or of the reader, most of times it is a combination of both, I don't like it because I don't get it is valid. I can "dumb" down. Trick is to write like Robert Frost, nice and simple on the surface, 3 or 4 levels down, what is this old bastard up to?

annaswirls said:

I can look at a piece of art and say, I do not like it, and not know why. People who just do not like it are also a part of the market. They will buy and not buy, vote high and not vote high because of impression alone.

I would say to you, if there is not a comment along with a lower than 5 vote, just assume that this person was not craZy about your style and did not want to or did not know how to say why.
see above, even I'm not craZy about this, I consider a valid opinion, especially considering some of the things I write.

annaswirls said:

Editors who reject my poetry on a regular basis are judging my poetry. They do not ever tell me why. If they want to they can, but to write and ask them

why have you rejected me?
is unacceptable.
That appears to me as something completly different

annaswirls said:

I think of the voting like that step. the judgement.

The comments are a bonus. Not to be expected, but to be appreciated when someone actually takes the time.

OK, for the most part I think that way, and you know the parts I disagree on. I don't care for fives without a name, hello I gave you a five makes me happy, I know someone seeks me out, I've left similar with you, Eve, and Tara. I least it lets you and Eve know you have a fan.

annaswirls said:

1201, you are incredibly intelligent and talented. Not everone can be analytical about poetry like you do so well. I wish we could clone you, but we can't! We all can give to the community what we can. No one should expect that everyone do as they do or as they say.
Cloning me would be a sorry mistake, and I really don't expect anyone to do as I do or say, but I will speak up about what I believe is a system with a serious flaw. I don't like seeing someone's work refered to as shit, or crap, or crapola or whatever term. Or being dismissive. They should do something about the perceived sorry state, openly and with a degree of honour.

annaswirls said:

And I am not saying you think this or do this, just my thought of the moment.


just mine... :rose: :rose: :rose:
is this good enough english?
how come no one complains when they get a string of 5's from their friends for a bouncy, jingly rhyming poem that any intelligent fifth grader could write with minimal effort?

and i am not referring to your poetry when i say that, nor to anyone's in particular - just to this odd thought that injustice only occurs at the lower end of the voting spectrum.
I wonder if they said that to Ogden Nash too. Bouncy rhyming jingles don't necessarily suck just because you don't need to be a rocket scientist to get them. Take a look around your home, most of the stuff in there used a rhyming jingley spiel to sell their products. :)
~hellbaby~ said:
I wonder if they said that to Ogden Nash too. Bouncy rhyming jingles don't necessarily suck just because you don't need to be a rocket scientist to get them. Take a look around your home, most of the stuff in there used a rhyming jingley spiel to sell their products. :)

you're not comparing the jingly, bouncy rhymes that appear on literotica to Ogden Nash....

....are you?

i suppose there are similarities. they use the same 26 letters, for instance.

Tathagata said:
I see the " entertainment" committee showed up


And you know what I'm doing besides being here? Watching The Merchant of Venice. That's entertainment.

the boys want nothing to do with this film, lol

PatCarrington said:
you're not comparing the jingly, bouncy rhymes that appear on literotica to Ogden Nash....

....are you?

i suppose there are similarities. they use the same 26 letters, for instance.

I'm not comparing any specific poet or poem or quality of said poem to Ogden Nash; just suggesting that he too often wrote poems solely for fun and humor without any deeper meaning. I cited him as a well known example of someone who wrote in this style.
"I don’t mind eels
Except as meals,
And the way they feels.”

This poem typifies the work of Ogden Nash, a man of great “light verse” poetry.

Light verse poetry is sometimes satirical, sometimes funny, but usually never emotional or weighty. That’s not to say that Ogden Nash was not a man of deep poetry. Although not all of his works were silly and just to make people laugh. Most of Nash's poetry was written for children, for people of all ages, mainly to make them laugh; as he said himself in an interview, "... my field -- the minor idiocies of humanity".Ogden Nash Poetry Project
I just got my first 1!

I don't know if it is a depraved "1" or not, but I hadn't had anything like that before, but he said my poetry was worse than a pizza and a beer, and that I was clueless about poetry. maybe I am! But I did read a bunch of his, and left one comment. I couldn't find any redeeming quality there either. Ah, the fulfillment of dumping...

Just goes to show... poetry is subjective! Some folks just don't get it.
First Haiku

Words to complaining poets

You are bastards, all
Your poem sucks the big one
get over it, bitch.
~hellbaby~ said:
I'm not comparing any specific poet or poem or quality of said poem to Ogden Nash; just suggesting that he too often wrote poems solely for fun and humor without any deeper meaning. I cited him as a well known example of someone who wrote in this style.

we're off topic.

i just used that as an example. my point was that we have thread after thread reacting negatively to 1 votes (see your first post), but only quiet acceptance of 5 votes, when there are indisputably far, far more unjustified 5's given out than unjustified 1's,

and for all types of poetry, jingly rhyme or not.

it really is probably time for everyone to stop worrying about votes, and just write and start seeking more comments of a constructive nature - you can get that by simply putting a poem you want critiqued on an appropriate thread, or starting a thread of its own.

If you can't

stand the heat... This is what is fun, the banter!


CharleyH said:
Words to complaining poets

You are bastards, all
Your poem sucks the big one
get over it, bitch.
quietpoet said:
I don't know if it is a depraved "1" or not, but I hadn't had anything like that before, but he said my poetry was worse than a pizza and a beer, and that I was clueless about poetry. maybe I am! But I did read a bunch of his, and left one comment. I couldn't find any redeeming quality there either. Ah, the fulfillment of dumping...
And you wonder why voting is anonymous?
PatCarrington said:
we're off topic.

i just used that as an example. my point was that we have thread after thread reacting negatively to 1 votes (see your first post), but only quiet acceptance of 5 votes, when there are indisputably far, far more unjustified 5's given out than unjustified 1's,

and for all types of poetry, jingly rhyme or not.

it really is probably time for everyone to stop worrying about votes, and just write and start seeking more comments of a constructive nature - you can get that by simply putting a poem you want critiqued on an appropriate thread, or starting a thread of its own.

Then the question becomes, what does Pat think deserves a five and why?
Great? Perfect? Haven't seen any here. Very good? a few. Things that managed to place the "you" in it as an observer, maybe 5 total, all from two people.
(I did recommend a sliding thermometer - I just chose to round up)

But we can manage to get an idea of Pat's values, as we can manage to get an idea of my values because we are open with them.

And you and I agree that a good critic can be your best friend.

I leave you all with a quote from a man that failed to take his own advice.
Ezra Pound
"It is better to present one Image in a lifetime than to produce voluminous works."

and it was a shame he was great until he set about creating an Image of himself.

Good Luck -
the doge of doggeral
twelveoone said:
Then the question becomes, what does Pat think deserves a five and why?
Great? Perfect? Haven't seen any here. Very good? a few. Things that managed to place the "you" in it as an observer, maybe 5 total, all from two people.
(I did recommend a sliding thermometer - I just chose to round up)

But we can manage to get an idea of Pat's values, as we can manage to get an idea of my values because we are open with them.

And you and I agree that a good critic can be your best friend.

I leave you all with a quote from a man that failed to take his own advice.
Ezra Pound
"It is better to present one Image in a lifetime than to produce voluminous works."

and it was a shame he was great until he set about creating an Image of himself.

Good Luck -
the doge of doggeral

i quit voting here long ago. i don't think it's productive for anyone, especially the writer. it's just a gimmick.

look how many people worry about it, simply because it's there. and to what productive end?
