An Ode to the Loser Who Slashed 4 Poems With a '1'

LeBroz said:
I offered some comments here I'd shared with the Vixxx at:

Would welcome your feedback on these thoughts. I'm working on cleaning it up a bit for the Vixxx to make the idea clearer about a free members only area added onto the site. The idea being to make it possible for poems and stories to be better treated with tighter controls ensuring one person-one vote. Right now anyone can circumvent Lit's safety controls through the use of troll bio pages, multiple e-mails, and multiple ISP's. Thanks in advance
10 scale is nice, sliding thermometer would be better, I would feel more comfortable giving an "85", the rest may be overkill, if someone wants to tell me multiple times what I write is shit, let 'em. But I need a name to determine how valid it is. i.e. I need to see the other comments that name has left.
"Hecklers" are a fact of life, I need to "see" them. Most won't go through the bother with the effort of setting up an account to do so.
twelveoone said:
Why waste your time, even pressing the button?
Sorry, love. I'll try to repeat it and talk more slowly just for you, ok?

"And no, choosing not to vote on those poems is not an option. By not voting down bad poems, you're allowing them to stay afloat based solely on fluff. If you don't vote on every poem you read, using the entire spectre, it means that every time you give a poem you like a 4, you're effectively shooting it down in favour of all the poems you didn't like but for which you didn't vote. Yay on you."

twelveoone said:
Why would you bother with a 1 and not a 4, in effect aren't you doing the same thing, only with more negative output.
The scale goes from 1 to 5. In my book, that means 1-Bad 2-Mediocre 3-Sufficient 4-Good 5-Excellent. And I vote accordingly to the poem's quality, the way I think a poem should be voted.

If the scale went only from 4 to 5 (4-Nice Effort :cathappy: and 5-WOW :eek: ) then I would definitely agree with you.

But I don't see anyone advocating that the scale is reduced to two choices. What I see is people wanting to expand it up to 10.
twelveoone said:
So what's it going to be eh? The secrecy of one's. Lauren Hynde's sarcasm, and she as a sole determiner as to what is good poetry, what is a good feedback loop?
Yes, I am the sole determiner of what is good poetry to me, and I vote accordingly. And you are the sole determiner of what is good poetry to you and so you vote. And so does everyone else. And after a whole lot of sole determiners of what is good poetry to each of them vote, maybe the author can take a look at the average and have an idea of how well the piece was received or not.
LeBroz said:
Right now anyone can circumvent Lit's safety controls through the use of troll bio pages, multiple e-mails, and multiple ISP's.
What do you know about the safety controls that are in place right now? :confused:
Lauren Hynde said:
Sorry, love. I'll try to repeat it and talk more slowly just for you, ok?

"And no, choosing not to vote on those poems is not an option. By not voting down bad poems, you're allowing them to stay afloat based solely on fluff. If you don't vote on every poem you read, using the entire spectre, it means that every time you give a poem you like a 4, you're effectively shooting it down in favour of all the poems you didn't like but for which you didn't vote. Yay on you."

The scale goes from 1 to 5. In my book, that means 1-Bad 2-Mediocre 3-Sufficient 4-Good 5-Excellent. And I vote accordingly to the poem's quality, the way I think a poem should be voted.

If the scale went only from 4 to 5 (4-Nice Effort :cathappy: and 5-WOW :eek: ) then I would definitely agree with you.

But I don't see anyone advocating that the scale is reduced to two choices. What I see is people wanting to expand it up to 10.

you are telling me you are binary

Don't really care, just leave a name, a reason. I'm not right all the time and I don't have a problem with that.
I Hear Ya

~hellbaby~ said:
Those words 'tighter controls' just made me cringe, maybe you could say 'a more elitest status' or something that doesn't sound so governmental :)

I appreciate everyone's sensitive concerns about this idea; this is why I'm still thrashing out the proposal for the Vixxx. So how about if instead I suggest that:

"The idea being to make it possible for poems and stories to be better treated by ensuring one person-one vote. "

Is that less abrasive? :cool:
twelveoone said:
you are telling me you are binary
No, baby. You were the one-(two-oh-one) who asked why didn't I vote only 4s and 5s. Need me to go even more slowly?

twelveoone said:
Don't really care, just leave a name, a reason. I'm not right all the time and I don't have a problem with that.
I leave a name when I comment, and I leave a trace when I vote, to which Lit has access. If my vote is fraudulent, Lit will eliminate it for you.

The reason for there to be a voting system is so that readers don't have to bother with explaining themselves. And they shouldn't have to.

If you don't really care, if you just want a name and a reason, there's a very easy way to get it: turn voting off, turn public comments off, turn anonymous feedback off, and leave only identified private feedback on. I guarantee it will work. ;)
twelveoone said:
10 scale is nice, sliding thermometer would be better, I would feel more comfortable giving an "85", the rest may be overkill, if someone wants to tell me multiple times what I write is shit, let 'em. But I need a name to determine how valid it is. i.e. I need to see the other comments that name has left.
"Hecklers" are a fact of life, I need to "see" them. Most won't go through the bother with the effort of setting up an account to do so.

Thanks for the sharing. And I understand the desire to see who it is that offers their comments. I'm just trying to keep all this in a positive frame of reference in addressing so many concerns I've seen expressed on these threads. And ~hellbaby~'s comment in my choice of wording, innocent though my wording was, serves to underscore how sensitive people are to the whole issue - despite concerns about red icons & high scores, even thinking about suggesting changes would likely make anyone nervous.

Again, thanks
Lauren Hynde said:
No, baby. You were the one-(two-oh-one) who asked why didn't I vote only 4s and 5s. Need me to go even more slowly?

I leave a name when I comment, and I leave a trace when I vote, to which Lit has access. If my vote is fraudulent, Lit will eliminate it for you.

The reason for there to be a voting system is so that readers don't have to bother with explaining themselves. And they shouldn't have to.

If you don't really care, if you just want a name and a reason, there's a very easy way to get it: turn voting off, turn public comments off, turn anonymous feedback off, and leave only identified private feedback on. I guarantee it will work. ;)
read it again

so what I infer from this is that you vote 1's but do not leave a name, but rather a "trace", is that correct?
anonamouse said:
read it again

so what I infer from this is that you vote 1's but do not leave a name, but rather a "trace", is that correct?
Of course. You can't exactly sign votes, can you, sweetie-pie?
LeBroz said:
I appreciate everyone's sensitive concerns about this idea; this is why I'm still thrashing out the proposal for the Vixxx. So how about if instead I suggest that:

"The idea being to make it possible for poems and stories to be better treated by ensuring one person-one vote. "

Is that less abrasive? :cool:
:) yes
Lauren Hynde said:
I usually need to read it to find out if I like it or not. :)
Well, I don't need to eat a scoopful of mayo to know it makes me gag, a spoonful will do and I don't wait until a song is over to change the station if I don't like the way it's going. I suppose I may be missing something good that way; but I may also wind up barfing on the radio. :)
Lauren Hynde said:
Of course. You can't exactly sign votes, can you, sweetie-pie?

No but you can make it a point, as I do, to leave your name. And take the time isf asked to explain if it was less than a five.

I've defended my 4's, the recipient (poet) has the opportunity to either ignore, accept, decide whether I'm full of shit or not.

It looks like you do not give them that. Correct? Why?
I love you all, but you're spending too damn much time arguing about voting on poems when you could be writing poems instead. You're all so smart and articulate. Think of the poems you could be writing!

twelveoone said:
No but you can make it a point, as I do, to leave your name. And take the time isf asked to explain if it was less than a five.

I've defended my 4's, the recipient (poet) has the opportunity to either ignore, accept, decide whether I'm full of shit or not.

It looks like you do not give them that. Correct? Why?
OK, sugarlump. I'll say it again. The purpose of having a voting system is letting your vote speak for you when you don't have anything else to say, when you don't have time to say it, or when you know the author could give a damn about what you think. I vote the way I vote because it reflects what I think of the poem. If the author doesn't like it, he or she can perfectly well disable voting altogether and stick to the public comments.

When I leave public comments, it's because I have something to say - something other than "yeah, I voted". And I do it the same way I vote. The thermometer may read 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%, and my name is right there next to it in every occasion.
PatCarrington said:
sugarlump...i like that. :)

it almost makes me want to stopping drinking my coffee black and bitter.

Pat you're so easy. You've gone from wanting my slap-in-the-mail to needing Lauren's sugarlump.
WickedEve said:
Pat you're so easy. You've gone from wanting my slap-in-the-mail to needing Lauren's sugarlump.

what can i say. i'm a complex's the inner demons.

good morning, sweet virginia.

Lauren Hynde said:
OK, sugarlump. I'll say it again. The purpose of having a voting system is letting your vote speak for you when you don't have anything else to say, when you don't have time to say it, or when you know the author could give a damn about what you think. I vote the way I vote because it reflects what I think of the poem. If the author doesn't like it, he or she can perfectly well disable voting altogether and stick to the public comments.

When I leave public comments, it's because I have something to say - something other than "yeah, I voted". And I do it the same way I vote. The thermometer may read 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%, and my name is right there next to it in every occasion.
So if you have something to say you just comment without voting?
The purpose of voting doesn't directly relate to whether or not you have a comment and/or the time to make said comment. Voting is asking 'Please rate this submission' on a scale of 1-5, plain and simple.. It doesn't imply you have nothing to say or the time to say it. I don't think you find an average ratio of comments to votes differ on national holidays when many people are busy/without a lot of time, might be interesting to see though.
~hellbaby~ said:
So if you have something to say you just comment without voting?
The purpose of voting doesn't directly relate to whether or not you have a comment and/or the time to make said comment. Voting is asking 'Please rate this submission' on a scale of 1-5, plain and simple.. It doesn't imply you have nothing to say or the time to say it. I don't think you find an average ratio of comments to votes differ on national holidays when many people are busy/without a lot of time, might be interesting to see though.

I always vote, whether or not I comment. When I do leave a comment, I obviously leave a vote as well, and clearly visible.
~hellbaby~ said:
So if you have something to say you just comment without voting?
The purpose of voting doesn't directly relate to whether or not you have a comment and/or the time to make said comment. Voting is asking 'Please rate this submission' on a scale of 1-5, plain and simple.. It doesn't imply you have nothing to say or the time to say it. I don't think you find an average ratio of comments to votes differ on national holidays when many people are busy/without a lot of time, might be interesting to see though.
One of the purposes of voting on this site is to provide the site owners with a guage to determine the winners of the monthly contests, anything else we, as contributors to Literotica, glean from the average rating and reader statistics is merely a side effect of that process.

Regardless of what is said here, I promise I will still vote as I wish and comment when I want to.
~hellbaby~ said:
Well, I don't need to eat a scoopful of mayo to know it makes me gag, a spoonful will do and I don't wait until a song is over to change the station if I don't like the way it's going. I suppose I may be missing something good that way; but I may also wind up barfing on the radio. :)
Yes, but let me give you an example.

Let's say that you're reading poetry, and you come across two poems: one written by me, and another written by loverboy up there. They both have 4.5 scores after 10 votes, because our respective armies of fluffers were among the first 10 people to get to each of them.

You start by reading my poem, and you think it's completely unreadable crap. You don't finish it, you don't vote.

Then you read sugarlump's poem, and quite enjoy it. You don't think it is perfect, but it's very good, and so you give it a 4.

As a direct result of your actions, my unreadable piece of crap is allowed to retain the little red H, and honeybunch's is shot down and stripped of its H.

Thanks a bunch, but are you happy? ;)
Angeline said:
I love you all, but you're spending too damn much time arguing about voting on poems when you could be writing poems instead. You're all so smart and articulate. Think of the poems you could be writing!


think of all the coffee you could be bringing to me!

and don't forget baby seals!
Lauren Hynde said:
Yes, but let me give you an example.

Let's say that you're reading poetry, and you come across two poems: one written by me, and another written by loverboy up there. They both have 4.5 scores after 10 votes, because our respective armies of fluffers were among the first 10 people to get to each of them.

You start by reading my poem, and you think it's completely unreadable crap. You don't finish it, you don't vote.

Then you read sugarlump's poem, and quite enjoy it. You don't think it is perfect, but it's very good, and so you give it a 4.

As a direct result of your actions, my unreadable piece of crap is allowed to retain the little red H, and honeybunch's is shot down and stripped of its H.

Thanks a bunch, but are you happy? ;)


My sarcasm detector just went off........