An Ode to the Loser Who Slashed 4 Poems With a '1'

WickedEve said:
Yeah, he would! lol Tell him that he gets a free bitch slap for each dozen regular slaps. :D

you're a baker too?

where does the long and winding road of your talents end?
WickedEve said:
Yeah, he would! lol Tell him that he gets a free bitch slap for each dozen regular slaps. :D

Oh like a baker's dozen! A bitch's dozen. What a happy night for him, lol.

Angeline said:
I want to go on record as not wanting to know what worm shit does to a leaf. :)

I DO I DO.. so go write the damn thing so I can learn!
PatCarrington said:
that's me...a day late and a dollar short.

i DO adore you, though.

and you're funny to boot.

you must have a closet full of Louisville Sluggers to beat away all the mountain men looking for slaps...

...or is that just encouragement to them?
A bat? How unlady like. I'm a stick woman. "Git! Shoo! I gotta stick here!"
Angeline said:
That's Sponge Bitch to you.

She has a great tan, you know.

;) :kiss:

So do you ... apparently :devil: yet ... depending on whats under that bikini :catroar:
CharleyH said:
I mean criticism and not critique.

And on a metaphorical note, you are the beginning, Eve ;) Beautiful in your own right, and a fiery ... nice person ... damn, I wanted to say bitch. :D GOD, are poets always so NICE!

I'm nice but just to distract everyone from my natural wickedness. Lauren is too young to be nice, but she'll grow into it. Angeline pretends to be nice. So... yeah, we're nice in a way. :rolleyes:
I just realized that poetic bitches must be lunar.

Bitchily yours,


I'll be damned if I'm writing a poem about the fucking moon right now, so just never fucking mind! I'd rather bitch about it.
WickedEve said:
I'm nice but just to distract everyone from my natural wickedness. Lauren is too young to be nice, but she'll grow into it. Angeline pretends to be nice. So... yeah, we're nice in a way. :rolleyes:


P.M.S: Cheers, Champagne! :kiss:
In case things slow down...

All of these threads are about trolls, voting, not voting, comments, no comments, anon comments, voting in your sleep what you wear to a troll burning etc.
I only got to 2004 of June.

I know I started one whimpering about the loss of all of my H's in one day, the first of many times that it happened.


memories....light the corners of my mind.... :cattail:
annaswirls said:
All of these threads are about trolls, voting, not voting, comments, no comments, anon comments, voting in your sleep what you wear to a troll burning etc.

My first troll comment is there is WAY too much fuscia in your post :D
Angeline said:
I keep extra poems there.

But if you do not share them? Well, who is to know :confused:

I think that was my point all along ... lol ... in a different way :devil:
CharleyH said:
But if you do not share them? Well, who is to know :confused:

I think that was my point all along ... lol ... in a different way :devil:

I know. :)

I guess it would be wrong to say I'm going to a slam now. :eek:
Angeline said:
I know. :)

I guess it would be wrong to say I'm going to a slam now. :eek:

On an erotic/porn site? I think we want the poetic details :D

Edit: :eek:
okay here are some more--- back to 2003 I think

feedback dear anon etc
in case you are a history buff

I wish they kept the AV that you had when you posted something. I want to see what body parts were up and active, and when photoshop came into the picture
Thanks AnnaS - I will check them out despite the pink post ;)

As for Angeline's wake up call ... how was the fuck, erm rump, um rave - OH wait ... thinking, thinking .... SLAM!!!? :D
Lauren Hynde said:
Sorry, but no cigar. I have voted 1s and 2s before, and with good reasons. When I vote 1s and 2s, I don't do it on a whim, I do it because in my opinion as a reader, those are bad poems. I could write a long-winded feedback message and explain why I gave this poem and that a 1, but why should I waste another second of my time on bad poetry, when there is already so little time to read the good one? That's what the voting system is there for. High score or low, its purpose is to be a 1-digit opinion without any waste of time.

And no, choosing not to vote on those poems is not an option. By not voting down bad poems, you're allowing them to stay afloat based solely on fluff. If you don't vote on every poem you read, using the entire spectre, it means that every time you give a poem you like a 4, you're effectively shooting it down in favour of all the poems you didn't like but for which you didn't vote. Yay on you.

PS: :D:rose:
Why waste your time, even pressing the button?

Why would you bother with a 1 and not a 4, in effect aren't you doing the same thing, only with more negative output.

Yay on you.
Lauren Hynde said:
Actually, the votee should have the right to diddly squat and like it. All the votee needs to know is that a record of who votes is being kept away from him or her by an independent authority who will deal with any case of fraud appropriately.

Who is that, how is it determined?
annaswirls said:
All of these threads are about trolls, voting, not voting, comments, no comments, anon comments, voting in your sleep what you wear to a troll burning etc.
I only got to 2004 of June.

I know I started one whimpering about the loss of all of my H's in one day, the first of many times that it happened.


memories....light the corners of my mind.... :cattail:

Now go count the ones I started about either writing or in defense of good commenters.

Try rewriting "Privacy" with a word subsitution of "Secrecy"

I am amazed at these reactions against transparency especially form some here that have a fit if any comment is less than laudertory.

So what's it going to be eh? The secrecy of one's. Lauren Hynde's sarcasm, and she as a sole determiner as to what is good poetry, what is a good feedback loop? O what is fluff? I do see her objecting too much when she receives her share.

And you writing about social control, when the easiet way to manipulate is a few well placed sarcastic comments, denigrations.

Is my word any less valid, because I have less "H"s ?
Your Input Is Welcome

twelveoone said:
Now go count the ones I started about either writing or in defense of good commenters.

Try rewriting "Privacy" with a word subsitution of "Secrecy"

I am amazed at these reactions against transparency especially form some here that have a fit if any comment is less than laudertory.

So what's it going to be eh? The secrecy of one's. Lauren Hynde's sarcasm, and she as a sole determiner as to what is good poetry, what is a good feedback loop? O what is fluff? I do see her objecting too much when she receives her share.

And you writing about social control, when the easiet way to manipulate is a few well placed sarcastic comments, denigrations.

Is my word any less valid, because I have less "H"s ?

I offered some comments here I'd shared with the Vixxx at:

Would welcome your feedback on these thoughts. I'm working on cleaning it up a bit for the Vixxx to make the idea clearer about a free members only area added onto the site. The idea being to make it possible for poems and stories to be better treated with tighter controls ensuring one person-one vote. Right now anyone can circumvent Lit's safety controls through the use of troll bio pages, multiple e-mails, and multiple ISP's. Thanks in advance
CharleyH said:
Thanks AnnaS - I will check them out despite the pink post ;)

As for Angeline's wake up call ... how was the fuck, erm rump, um rave - OH wait ... thinking, thinking .... SLAM!!!? :D

What slam? We ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch (in bed with two spoons) and passed out. :D
Originally Posted by Lauren Hynde
Sorry, but no cigar. I have voted 1s and 2s before, and with good reasons. When I vote 1s and 2s, I don't do it on a whim, I do it because in my opinion as a reader, those are bad poems. I could write a long-winded feedback message and explain why I gave this poem and that a 1, but why should I waste another second of my time on bad poetry, when there is already so little time to read the good one? That's what the voting system is there for. High score or low, its purpose is to be a 1-digit opinion without any waste of time.

And no, choosing not to vote on those poems is not an option. By not voting down bad poems, you're allowing them to stay afloat based solely on fluff. If you don't vote on every poem you read, using the entire spectre, it means that every time you give a poem you like a 4, you're effectively shooting it down in favour of all the poems you didn't like but for which you didn't vote. Yay on you.
If I do not like a poem I don't read it. If I'm a third of the way into it and don't like it then it's time to find another. If it's because the mood is not what I want at the time, I mark it to read later.
A poem with a lot of reads and no votes, IMO, says more than one with a lot of low scores, at least the one with low scores was worth voting on. Sometimes it is not what you have that reflects the quality of a piece, it is what your missing.


There may not ever be an answer... but it sure is fun watching everyone get hot and bothered! There are a lot of good poets here. This is the reason why I am here, compared to the other 3 sites I have posted on in the past. To actually be objective in a good to great poem is perhaps impossible. I may write the best poem in the last 10 years, technically perfect, great alliteration, a rarely used topic, but a lot of people may not want to know about what worm shit does to a leaf. Then again, there may be someone out there who really gets off on it and recognizes that it is a truly great poem! However the system works, it will always be subjective.

True. The only way you can say a poem/poet is 'good' or 'bad' is on technical merit alone, otherwise it is a statement on wether or not it appeals to you personally.
Shakespeare is one of the greatest poets of all time but the average reader that comes to read erotica, I think probably does not read him in their spare time. There is a difference between what the reader considers good and what the writer considers good. Readers, I think, may look more at content than form so the response to a poem can vary from what the casual reader thinks and what another writer thinks.
You can technically be the best poet around but that does not necessarily mean readers will enjoy your poems. I think there is a difference between a poet and someone who writes poems simply as a means of expression. As a casual jotter down of words I appreciate input from the 'poets'.
Folks like Wicked Eve, who offer suggestions and give their views honestly, regardless of their personal relationship to the writer are pretty rare in a setting like this, it is easy to see why.
I think there are two views on comments, the ones from members and the anon. ones or from people who do not know you. I tend to think the anon. ones may be more honest but the others are more a gesture of acknowledgement and support. Generally,I think a person knows inside when their work isn't quite right. If their friends praise them, guess what? That's what friends do~show me one public person whose friends don't, even if they don't wholeheartedly agree, that's life, human nature at play. It is important, especially if they have nothing behind them so they can stand on their own. Once you can stand you can run and in the long run the work will speak for itself. OK, I'm done now
LeBroz said:
I offered some comments here I'd shared with the Vixxx at:

Would welcome your feedback on these thoughts. I'm working on cleaning it up a bit for the Vixxx to make the idea clearer about a free members only area added onto the site. The idea being to make it possible for poems and stories to be better treated with tighter controls ensuring one person-one vote. Right now anyone can circumvent Lit's safety controls through the use of troll bio pages, multiple e-mails, and multiple ISP's. Thanks in advance
Those words 'tighter controls' just made me cringe, maybe you could say 'a more elitest status' or something that doesn't sound so governmental :)
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twelveoone said:
Actually, the votee should have the right to diddly squat and like it. All the votee needs to know is that a record of who votes is being kept away from him or her by an independent authority who will deal with any case of fraud appropriately.
Who is that, how is it determined?
Eh, Laurel and Manu? :rolleyes: