anon comment topic from the review thread

Rybka said:
I don't remember 70 poems, but I do remember calculating at one time that I had taken over six hours to do my review and that averaged out to over 25 minutes for each one I mentioned. (That includes time for reading all of the poems) So please don't feel that time, effort, and thought don't go into what a reviewer says or even chooses.

I hate to disagree with Angeline, but if she meant what I think she said, I don't agree that time constraints are the primary reason behind letting/encouraging everyone who wants to, to comment. - To my mind, the basic reason is that this is a free and open board/thread and everyone has an equal right to voice their opinions. The 'daily reviewers' developed for no other reason than that without them days would go by without any new poems being mentioned on this forum. The 'daily reviewer' voluntarily accepts a chore (emphasis on 'chore') which requires reading every poem posted that day. Try doing that every day. If you already do, if you have that much time, why aren’t you a daily reviewer? Or at least, why don’t you post and augment the reviews of each day? – Don’t complain if you won’t explain.

All views are welcome, and because people will have different tastes, multiple reviewers are preferable to one, and certainly to none. So if you don’t tell us what you like, please don’t attack those who do. - De gustibus non disputandum!

Pax or pox - (Your choice!) ;) :rose: ;)

Disagreeing with me, fishstick????? :kiss:

What I meant was that by the time I was done reviewing (and yes there were days when there were 70-90 new poems! for example, the same person would submit 10-20 poems they'd saved up--and two or three of them of them would do it on the same day; surely you remember--you had Sundays. You used to get three days worth at times as I recall because Laurel--or whoever it was--would hold off the Friday and Saturday submissions sometimes, right?). Oh looong sentence lol--anyway by the time I was done reviewing, I'd have to make dinner, help my kids with homework and whatever and there went my day. Try to do that and hold down a demanding full-time job too--which I was at the time--and something has to give--and it wasn't gonna be my paycheck lol.

PS--I left a lovely photo for you in my Picture This thread. Did you see it? :p

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Fflow said:
I think the reviewers should comment on all of the previous day's batch of submissions. In other words, if I were the Tuesday reviewer, I would write my review of Tuesday's poems on Wednesday, after everything has been approved. That way, late approvals won't go unnoticed. (This has happened to me and, I suspect, to others.)


I've seen this thread before; different comments by different people but the substance is the same, so I'm going to skip all that.

Fflow? I do take issue with this comment you made. I made it plain when I was doing 'the poetry thingy' thay mine were called "Mentions", not reviews. If I saw a poem worth mentioning, I mentioned it. I'm not a prude by any standard, but neither do I do things cuz someone else thinks I should. I don't like BDSM, for example, so I don't read it. So I can't mention it. I don't like certain authors work here, because it promotes child sex, incest, etc. I won't read those authors. So I won't mention them. And then there's the "Just plain really sucky poetry. Will the writer of said poems feel better because I Mention that this is a work to be stayed away from? Nope.

Do you really think I should? And do you think I'd be fair if I did? To be a part of this forum do I have to embrace all I see?


I'm going to be "Mentioning" again; soon, I hope. Now that I've made my stance clear, folks have the option of posting their work on a day when I won't be mentioning the New Poems. I use that option every time I post.

I have lots of folks comment on my work. But there have been poems that after a year have not the first vote or comment. That says to me "Try harder next time, Boo."

Ok? :rose:
I think it is humourous that anon even knows or remembers who I am. I haven't posted a poem here in months and I read the new poems here especially right on the day they are out

. sometimes I skim through 4 days of poetry at once. so maybe I would have left a long comment on ec's work on Tuesday. bizarre time to make such a judgement

also pertty funny to be accused of some kind of favoritism. the only poems I leave comments on anymore are poems I like from poets I don't know. I did when I had poems up, because I think it is only "fair" to leave comments if you are getting them. not from the same people, but to someone in the community. give something back. and when I was in the mix of things, of course I noticed that some people, including myself, tended to comment more on other's poems. it does not seem like some sort of secret or surprise, but people do what they want. why not?

I was surprised to be put in a group with the three moderators who have been here forever. they are figures here because of their perserverence, their dedication, their moderator status, their talent, and their constant presence. no one spends more than a day here not knowing who they are, but there is a reason for that. I was a newcomer here not so long ago, and it was clear. I have seen them welcome new people more than anyone else.

I have never been accused of being in some speical group before. interesting, not sure how to take that.

dont take it seriously. people get bent out of shape over nothing, judge others without being close to knowing who they are, assigning meaning into actions or the lack of action where there is NO meaning.

and people in cliques never know when they are in one and think that it is everyone else who is in a clique. a clique is only defined by people who feel like they are not in it.

a sociologist would have a hey dey here.

I think that a person's anonymous opinion is as good as the next. we are all anon. here -- how many know your name? how many layers of protection do you have between you and the next person here? what is one more? and it is rare for people to ever know the real person behind the av anyway, because it seems like 90% of everything here is show.

sometimes I feel like I am watching some show and wait for the credits to roll by so we can see the characters and what roles that are played. I never really understood my roll or felt like I even had one. maybe most people feel that way, who knows. it is fun, but it is just a game, a show.

when I first cam here, I felt like I was in the audience, or a stage hand or something, and that all the main characters all went out for drinks together afterwards.

house of cards, baby, house of cards. even the queen hides half her face

bottom line, it is unwise to presume that you can fill in a person's third dimension and somehow make them real because you have seen their 2 dimensional ass and read their poems and notice that they did not leave a comment

dont presume to know anything here, things are not what they appear, and are often just the opposite.

annaswirls said:
I think it is humourous that anon even knows or remembers who I am. I haven't posted a poem here in months and I read the new poems here especially right on the day they are out

. sometimes I skim through 4 days of poetry at once. so maybe I would have left a long comment on ec's work on Tuesday. bizarre time to make such a judgement

also pertty funny to be accused of some kind of favoritism. the only poems I leave comments on anymore are poems I like from poets I don't know. I did when I had poems up, because I think it is only "fair" to leave comments if you are getting them. not from the same people, but to someone in the community. give something back. and when I was in the mix of things, of course I noticed that some people, including myself, tended to comment more on other's poems. it does not seem like some sort of secret or surprise, but people do what they want. why not?

I was surprised to be put in a group with the three moderators who have been here forever. they are figures here because of their perserverence, their dedication, their moderator status, their talent, and their constant presence. no one spends more than a day here not knowing who they are, but there is a reason for that. I was a newcomer here not so long ago, and it was clear. I have seen them welcome new people more than anyone else.

I have never been accused of being in some speical group before. interesting, not sure how to take that.

dont take it seriously. people get bent out of shape over nothing, judge others without being close to knowing who they are, assigning meaning into actions or the lack of action where there is NO meaning.

and people in cliques never know when they are in one and think that it is everyone else who is in a clique. a clique is only defined by people who feel like they are not in it.

a sociologist would have a hey dey here.

I think that a person's anonymous opinion is as good as the next. we are all anon. here -- how many know your name? how many layers of protection do you have between you and the next person here? what is one more? and it is rare for people to ever know the real person behind the av anyway, because it seems like 90% of everything here is show.

sometimes I feel like I am watching some show and wait for the credits to roll by so we can see the characters and what roles that are played. I never really understood my roll or felt like I even had one. maybe most people feel that way, who knows. it is fun, but it is just a game, a show.

when I first cam here, I felt like I was in the audience, or a stage hand or something, and that all the main characters all went out for drinks together afterwards.

house of cards, baby, house of cards. even the queen hides half her face

bottom line, it is unwise to presume that you can fill in a person's third dimension and somehow make them real because you have seen their 2 dimensional ass and read their poems and notice that they did not leave a comment

dont presume to know anything here, things are not what they appear, and are often just the opposite.

and that is poetry, too!
Fflow said:
I think the reviewers should comment on all of the previous day's batch of submissions. In other words, if I were the Tuesday reviewer, I would write my review of Tuesday's poems on Wednesday, after everything has been approved. That way, late approvals won't go unnoticed. (This has happened to me and, I suspect, to others.)

Anyway, I love all y'all!


good idea dude, do it :cool:
WickedEve said:
let's make it 1d. that sounds smaller. trim dimensional.
Are you swinging from the chandelier? Careful, you'll get the monkey excited!
flyguy69 said:
Are you swinging from the chandelier? Careful, you'll get the monkey excited!
I'm rotating the ass for you.
Actually, I just love showing my ass. I think I'll go photograph it now.
To start this WHOLE topic should have been deleted from the start. There is this little link on the comments to report badly made comments. If the author finds a comment to be offensive let him or her report it or you can even do it yourself. There is NO need to push actuall poetry threads down farther with this blatent flame thread. But anyways....

Again someones honest opinion is flammed...for what? Being honest. Not only that the person "annoymous" is badgered for wanting to BE annoymous. Is that not one of the intents or "perks" of the internet? To remain annymous if you so choose to? Or is it only okay so long as you say good things?

Okay so he knocked on the people here who, and yes there are some of you like this, are far to high on your horses and need to pull yourselves out of that self created cloud of poetic divinity. Boo fucking hoo. Maybe it will actually bring some them down to earth with the rest of us mortal poets.

This board and its members have a SERIOUS problem with negative responses, to just about anything. I commend who ever it was that made that comment and fuck ya all who jump his/her ass for giving their opnion.
Sins666 said:
To start this WHOLE topic should have been deleted from the start. There is this little link on the comments to report badly made comments. If the author finds a comment to be offensive let him or her report it or you can even do it yourself. There is NO need to push actuall poetry threads down farther with this blatent flame thread. But anyways....

Again someones honest opinion is flammed...for what? Being honest. Not only that the person "annoymous" is badgered for wanting to BE annoymous. Is that not one of the intents or "perks" of the internet? To remain annymous if you so choose to? Or is it only okay so long as you say good things?

Okay so he knocked on the people here who, and yes there are some of you like this, are far to high on your horses and need to pull yourselves out of that self created cloud of poetic divinity. Boo fucking hoo. Maybe it will actually bring some them down to earth with the rest of us mortal poets.

This board and its members have a SERIOUS problem with negative responses, to just about anything. I commend who ever it was that made that comment and fuck ya all who jump his/her ass for giving their opnion.
You go, guy! Finally someone with nteligents is telling it the way it is. Sin, come be with me and we will photograph our asses together. (less painful than stapling them together.)
I was on my high horse. His name was galloping weed. And behind me, stapled to my ass, rode sin. We rode into the clouds of poetic divinity. Yes, we did. My sin and I. We boo fucking hooed and wooed, never again mortal, earthbound poets... until it rained and we came down off of weed. :rose:
Sins666 said:
To start this WHOLE topic should have been deleted from the start. There is this little link on the comments to report badly made comments. If the author finds a comment to be offensive let him or her report it or you can even do it yourself. There is NO need to push actuall poetry threads down farther with this blatent flame thread. But anyways....

Again someones honest opinion is flammed...for what? Being honest. Not only that the person "annoymous" is badgered for wanting to BE annoymous. Is that not one of the intents or "perks" of the internet? To remain annymous if you so choose to? Or is it only okay so long as you say good things?

Okay so he knocked on the people here who, and yes there are some of you like this, are far to high on your horses and need to pull yourselves out of that self created cloud of poetic divinity. Boo fucking hoo. Maybe it will actually bring some them down to earth with the rest of us mortal poets.

This board and its members have a SERIOUS problem with negative responses, to just about anything. I commend who ever it was that made that comment and fuck ya all who jump his/her ass for giving their opnion.

I never flamm. I do like flan though.

Take a deep breath and inhale a few of these.

Sins666 said:
I commend who ever it was that made that comment and fuck ya all who jump his/her ass for giving their opnion.

assuming you are part of the "ya all"
who likes to jump on asses, high oh silver!
climb aboard, there is plenty of room...
you made yourself a brand new saddle.

thanks for your opinion, Sin666,
I am not sure whose opinion
you were giving your opinion about
when you suggest that someone
not having their ass jumped on for expressing their
opinion about opinions

but how ever it goes
I think you gotta lotta fuckin
and jumpin on asses goin around
no one knows which way is up.

is it okay that I express mine or is it only okay for ummm I can't remember, who is getting fucked and can I borrow your ladder?

these horses sure are high, aren't they Mr. Sins?

WickedEve said:
You go, guy! Finally someone with nteligents is telling it the way it is. Sin, come be with me and we will photograph our asses together. (less painful than stapling them together.)

WickedEve said:
I was on my high horse. His name was galloping weed. And behind me, stapled to my ass, rode sin. We rode into the clouds of poetic divinity. Yes, we did. My sin and I. We boo fucking hooed and wooed, never again mortal, earthbound poets... until it rained and we came down off of weed. :rose:

Double posting and bad word play. You’ve moved straight to the top.

Angeline said:
I never flamm. I do like flan though.

Take a deep breath and inhale a few of these.


I’m OHHHH sooooo SORRY “flamed”.

annaswirls said:
assuming you are part of the "ya all"
who likes to jump on asses, high oh silver!
climb aboard, there is plenty of room...
you made yourself a brand new saddle.

thanks for your opinion, Sin666,
I am not sure whose opinion
you were giving your opinion about
when you suggest that someone
not having their ass jumped on for expressing their
opinion about opinions

but how ever it goes
I think you gotta lotta fuckin
and jumpin on asses goin around
no one knows which way is up.

is it okay that I express mine or is it only okay for ummm I can't remember, who is getting fucked and can I borrow your ladder?

these horses sure are high, aren't they Mr. Sins?


Look everyone poetry in the poetry section! *points wildly*

Quick everyone post sugar coated non-sense so annaswirls horse does not fall over and crush my horse and I!

[This post has been proof read THRICE just for Angeline.]
Sins666 said:
Look everyone poetry in the poetry section! *points wildly*

Quick everyone post sugar coated non-sense so annaswirls horse does not fall over and crush my horse and I!

[This post has been proof read THRICE just for Angeline.]

You have a couple of run-on sentences there, Sins. You needed an exclamation point after everyone in your first two attempts at humor.

It should be 'my horse and me,' not 'my horse and I.' It's objective case.

Sugar-coated needs a hyphen.

You forgot an apostrophe on annaswirls' horse.

...oh, and 'proofread' is one word, not two.

That's a lot of mistakes for three sentences.

Maybe you should have proofread it more than THRICE, eh? Especially if you wanted your sarcasm to be effective.
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Sins666 said:
Double posting and bad word play. You’ve moved straight to the top.

I’m OHHHH sooooo SORRY “flamed”.

Look everyone poetry in the poetry section! *points wildly*

Quick everyone post sugar coated non-sense so annaswirls horse does not fall over and crush my horse and I!

[This post has been proof read THRICE just for Angeline.]

Thank you. "Nonsense" is also spelled solid. :)
BooMerengue said:
I've seen this thread before; different comments by different people but the substance is the same, so I'm going to skip all that.

Fflow? I do take issue with this comment you made. I made it plain when I was doing 'the poetry thingy' thay mine were called "Mentions", not reviews. If I saw a poem worth mentioning, I mentioned it. I'm not a prude by any standard, but neither do I do things cuz someone else thinks I should. I don't like BDSM, for example, so I don't read it. So I can't mention it. I don't like certain authors work here, because it promotes child sex, incest, etc. I won't read those authors. So I won't mention them. And then there's the "Just plain really sucky poetry. Will the writer of said poems feel better because I Mention that this is a work to be stayed away from? Nope.

Do you really think I should? And do you think I'd be fair if I did? To be a part of this forum do I have to embrace all I see?


I'm going to be "Mentioning" again; soon, I hope. Now that I've made my stance clear, folks have the option of posting their work on a day when I won't be mentioning the New Poems. I use that option every time I post.

I have lots of folks comment on my work. But there have been poems that after a year have not the first vote or comment. That says to me "Try harder next time, Boo."

Ok? :rose:

wow a whole thread about horses
boo likes horses
1201 smiles...
Sins666 said:
Double posting and bad word play. You’ve moved straight to the top.
Oh goody. The top of what? Have I told you lately that I love you?
WickedEve said:
Oh goody. The top of what? Have I told you lately that I love you?

hey eve, is there a horse under you.....uh....over to you....?

that must be some bucking bronco. :rolleyes:
PatCarrington said:
hey eve, is there a horse under you.....uh....over to you....?

that must be some bucking bronco. :rolleyes:
Sin said double posting and bad word play moved me to the top. Ha ha, Pat. I'm on top and you're not.
WickedEve said:
Sin said double posting and bad word play moved me to the top. Ha ha, Pat. I'm on top and you're not.

keep up with your bad word play.

i like you on top, evie.
twelveoone said:
wow a whole thread about horses
boo likes horses
1201 smiles...

lol, 1201!! But only the wild ones like me!

*in my best wistful Grammy voice...

I remember the day I tried to ride a Thoroughbred stud I had fallen in love with when I worked at the race track. He was gorgeous, glossy black, about 18 hands, proud and trim, he was majestic. He waited for his sugar and apple from me every morning and played while I walked him, nuzzling my shoulder and trumpeting to the rest of the barn his joy at being out of his stall. So one sunny day I saddled him up- he stood so well for me, his head nodding in agreement with my plans... (or so I thought).

I stayed on him for about 4 minutes, I was in the air about 4 minutes, and when I did hit the ground I slid about 4 minutes!!

But he was nice! He walked over to me to see if I was ok!

never again... lol