anon comment topic from the review thread

flyguy69 said:
I think we need a "One Foot in the Grave" thread where we can propose our own epitaphs for review and critique.
I'm getting a plaque saying:

He cared enough
to give the very best

And have myself made into a fish house.

flyguy69 said:
At least the poets repose on the first circle!

I find it disturbing to imagine Lucifer and Bullwinkle J Moose saying the same thing.
Angeline said:
I find it disturbing to imagine Lucifer and Bullwinkle J Moose saying the same thing.
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a soul out of my hat! Oops, musta brought the wrong hat...
PatCarrington said:
You have a couple of run-on sentences there, Sins. You needed an exclamation point after everyone in your first two attempts at humor.

It should be 'my horse and me,' not 'my horse and I.' It's objective case.

Sugar-coated needs a hyphen.

You forgot an apostrophe on annaswirls' horse.

...oh, and 'proofread' is one word, not two.

That's a lot of mistakes for three sentences.

Maybe you should have proofread it more than THRICE, eh? Especially if you wanted your sarcasm to be effective.

<---Product of spell and grammer check.

I'm sorry my lack of grammatical knowledge confussed you to the point where all you could do is correct it.

By the way, I never once said, nor implied, I was more intelligent or better educated, in any field of knowledge, than anyone I just said, "Your all of bunch of snob nosed bastards riding your own self created horses of accomplishment with jelly for a back bone." just in more words the first time around. Obviously though that escaped you while you were proof reading my post. Maybe this time I've made myself clear.

Waiting for posts, or more posts, reguarding:

1.) The use of the word 'bastard'.
2.) My horrible English grammer.
3.) How I should leave if I do not like the way this forum is run.
4.) More wonderfully boring plays on horse imagery. ( I did read the ones above this post but I'm sure everyone here has more.)
5.) How I have close to no poetry posted on these forums, I know someone brought that up the first time I made a negative post about a poem. (Like that dictates how valid my points are.)

...and finally:

6.) Completely off topic posts.
Sins666 said:
<---Product of spell and grammer check.

I'm sorry my lack of grammatical knowledge confussed you to the point where all you could do is correct it.

By the way, I never once said, nor implied, I was more intelligent or better educated, in any field of knowledge, than anyone I just said, "Your all of bunch of snob nosed bastards riding your own self created horses of accomplishment with jelly for a back bone." just in more words the first time around. Obviously though that escaped you while you were proof reading my post. Maybe this time I've made myself clear.

Waiting for posts, or more posts, reguarding:

1.) The use of the word 'bastard'.
2.) My horrible English grammer.
3.) How I should leave if I do not like the way this forum is run.
4.) More wonderfully boring plays on horse imagery. ( I did read the ones above this post but I'm sure everyone here has more.)
5.) How I have close to no poetry posted on these forums, I know someone brought that up the first time I made a negative post about a poem. (Like that dictates how valid my points are.)

...and finally:

6.) Completely off topic posts.

You like horses?
take a whack - just leave your name
Now, if I recollect, I've had run-ins with some of the people, certainly disagreements with most of the people here, yet never managed to call any of them bastards nor say that they have jelly for backbones. I have a certain amount of respect for all of them.
Now, here you are calling me this (I am in this thread, no?) and what really cuts, snob also.
And if I remember, the issue was some anonomous asshole hiding, venting some imagined slight, let them put it here, let them air it out, but they won't, because they don't have the guts. You at least have some guts. I have some respect for that.
It is always good to have guts with brains, and it is best when you throw in a little repect also, doesn't have to be much, because none of them alone are fail safe systems.
I can assure you I've been called much worse than a bastard.
I can assure you, I have a little more than jelly for a backbone, and some have said some of that bone may be in my head.
But a snob? Well thats tough to live with.
Where does that leave us now? I already said I have some respect for you, do I get a little? That would show me you have the other two qualities, brains and respect.
Your move.
Sins666 said:
5.) How I have close to no poetry posted on these forums, I know someone brought that up the first time I made a negative post about a poem. (Like that dictates how valid my points are.)

If you expect your opinions about writing to be viewed as valid, common sense should tell you that you need to display the ability to at least put a sentence or two together that do not contain numerous, elementary errors.

If I want carpentry tips, I don’t go to my neighbor whose doghouse collapsed a week after he built it.

As far as your opinion of some poets here, this (which also contains many, rudimentary grammar mistakes I would be glad to point out if you wish):

Sins666 said:
"Your all of bunch of snob nosed bastards riding your own self created horses of accomplishment with jelly for a back bone."

I’d be interested in hearing your basis for shaping such a strong and negative opinion so quickly. You haven’t graced us with that explanation yet, at least not in a form that is understandable.

I’d also be interested in knowing why you have such an overwhelming need to insult and be loud and curse, but you don’t know the answer to that one, do you.
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Showdown at Tombstone

Evelyn’s epitaph (or The Diette of Worms)

in life
I opened my mouth wide
for any one
who could fill it
before being laid here
I opened it
for my last breath
in life
I shared my orifice
with my loves
hard obsession
at last being cold here
I open it
for wriggly worms

PS How the f*** do you get leading spaces into a comment like this one?
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evelyn_carroll said:
Evelyn’s epitaph (or The Diette of Worms)

in life
I opened my mouth wide
for any one
who could fill it
before being laid here
I opened it
for my last breath
in life
I shared my orifice
with my loves
hard obsession
at last being cold here
I open it
for wriggly worms

PS How the f*** do you get leading spaces into a comment like this one?

Great poem! And you get spaces by using the white underscore (from the color selector) like this:

_____5 spaces in
__________10 spaces in

and so on

evelyn_carroll said:
. . .
PS How the f*** do you get leading spaces into a comment like this one?
When you figure it out let us all know. the &bsp trick doesn't seem to work anymore since they turned off HTML coding.

. . . . . What I have been doing is using a dot string like this . . . . . , but coloring them white (under the belief/hope that most viewers use a white background like I do).
Evelyn opens her worm-
riddled mouth, spills wriggling
confessions of concessions to lust
and love, a vermiform obsession
that writhes like a thousand tongues
speaking at once. Yet her music
falls sweet
upon the ears
of listeners to this thread.
Evelyn’s epitaph (or The Diette of Worms)
in life
   I opened my mouth wide
     for any one
        who could fill it
   before being laid here
      I opened it
         for my last breath
in life
   I shared my orifice
      with my loves
         hard obsession
   at last being cold here
      I open it
         for wriggly worms

You can try this, but it's not perfect. Liar will know.
Thanks to Angeline and Flyguy

That's EXACTLY what it should have looked like. I'm a fan of Mayakovsky, so the spacing is an important part of a poem - even when it is just tossed off like this one. (Hmm, is tossing of a poem more pleasurable than tossing off a ...?)
Cheers, Guys
evelyn_carroll said:
That's EXACTLY what it should have looked like. I'm a fan of Mayakovsky, so the spacing is an important part of a poem - even when it is just tossed off like this one. (Hmm, is tossing of a poem more pleasurable than tossing off a ...?)
Cheers, Guys
Careful, Ev- "Tossing off" on this side of the pond usually implies gastronomic distress!
Applied linguistics

Thanks for this language lesson. I'll consider it carefully before puking up any more diced carrot and tomato verses (after the usual skinful of warm beer and chick pea vindaloo). Rats, now I've given away my sole method of composition.
evelyn_carroll said:
Thanks for this language lesson. I'll consider it carefully before puking up any more diced carrot and tomato verses (after the usual skinful of warm beer and chick pea vindaloo). Rats, now I've given away my sole method of composition.
Also a fine method of decomposition.
A propos des bots…

.. and while we’re on technical issues. Can anyone explain to me why a poem that had 10 votes a couple of weeks ago now, suddenly has only 3? I’ve noticed this phenomenon before but to lose 70% of the votes is just too weird.
Puzzled E.
evelyn_carroll said:
.. and while we’re on technical issues. Can anyone explain to me why a poem that had 10 votes a couple of weeks ago now, suddenly has only 3? I’ve noticed this phenomenon before but to lose 70% of the votes is just too weird.
Puzzled E.
Supposedly symbiotic bacteria in the bowels of Lit digest multiple votes from the same IP address. This is called the "Scott Leavitt Cycle" for you biologists.

That couldn't possibly explain this case. I do share this machine, but there aren't seven users. So still weirded out.
evelyn_carroll said:
That couldn't possibly explain this case. I do share this machine, but there aren't seven users. So still weirded out.
No one said it had to be you. Some of your readers may share as well. ;)
flyguy69 said:
This is called the "Scott Leavitt Cycle" for you biologists.

(I had to laugh twice so the damn system would accpet my post)
Reltne said:
What am I missing? What's the joke? :confused:
You have to have at least 5 letters to post. It's like that with search, which is ridiculous.
PatCarrington said:
i see nothing resembling even a minor attempt to comment on evelyn's poem, only insults.

I agree.

I also totally disagree with Anonymous. I have received both praise and silence from each (and other "serious" poets on this forum). I appreciate and respect it.

However, I do love the imagery of "a conga line of suck holes." Turn that into a poem, please! :D