anon comment topic from the review thread

BooMerengue said:
lol, 1201!! But only the wild ones like me!

*in my best wistful Grammy voice...

I remember the day I tried to ride a Thoroughbred stud I had fallen in love with when I worked at the race track. He was gorgeous, glossy black, about 18 hands, proud and trim, he was majestic. He waited for his sugar and apple from me every morning and played while I walked him, nuzzling my shoulder and trumpeting to the rest of the barn his joy at being out of his stall. So one sunny day I saddled him up- he stood so well for me, his head nodding in agreement with my plans... (or so I thought).

I stayed on him for about 4 minutes, I was in the air about 4 minutes, and when I did hit the ground I slid about 4 minutes!!

But he was nice! He walked over to me to see if I was ok!

never again... lol

Eve does the same for me :rolleyes: must have been the apple.
*picturing you sliding across a gravel lot coming to rest at Eve's feet... holding up your apple offering!!

or even better,

His withers a-quiver
from the crop's burning sting.
A smile from his mistress,
the apple she'll bring,
entices him near
to her place on the ground.
She looks up and smiles
and without making a sound
feeds him the sugar
he craves from her hand
and when he thinks all is well,
she'll trample him in the sand!
champagne1982 said:
or even better,

His withers a-quiver
from the crop's burning sting.
A smile from his mistress,
the apple she'll bring,
entices him near
to her place on the ground.
She looks up and smiles
and without making a sound
feeds him the sugar
he craves from her hand
and when he thinks all is well,
she'll trample him in the sand!
even butter
champagne1982 said:
or even better,

His withers a-quiver
from the crop's burning sting.
A smile from his mistress,
the apple she'll bring,
entices him near
to her place on the ground.
She looks up and smiles
and without making a sound
feeds him the sugar
he craves from her hand
and when he thinks all is well,
she'll trample him in the sand!
This makes my wither quiver. :D
Sins666 said:
To start this WHOLE topic should have been deleted from the start. There is this little link on the comments to report badly made comments. If the author finds a comment to be offensive let him or her report it or you can even do it yourself. There is NO need to push actuall poetry threads down farther with this blatent flame thread. But anyways....

Again someones honest opinion is flammed...for what? Being honest. Not only that the person "annoymous" is badgered for wanting to BE annoymous. Is that not one of the intents or "perks" of the internet? To remain annymous if you so choose to? Or is it only okay so long as you say good things?

Okay so he knocked on the people here who, and yes there are some of you like this, are far to high on your horses and need to pull yourselves out of that self created cloud of poetic divinity. Boo fucking hoo. Maybe it will actually bring some them down to earth with the rest of us mortal poets.

This board and its members have a SERIOUS problem with negative responses, to just about anything. I commend who ever it was that made that comment and fuck ya all who jump his/her ass for giving their opnion.

I still think your sig line is overcompensation for some inadequacy

Just giving an honest opinion
Tathagata said:
I still think your sig line is overcompensation for some inadequacy

Just giving an honest opinion
I'd flame you for it, but that's probably how that cloud of poetic divinity got started.
flyguy69 said:
I'd flame you for it, but that's probably how that cloud of poetic divinity got started.

My high horse and I refuse to acknowledge any dissenting opinions
Tathagata said:
My high horse and I refuse to acknowledge any dissenting opinions
A high horse is a much better ride than a two-dimensional ass.
flyguy69 said:
Funny, that is exactly what I was thinking about your av! :p
If it's a ride ya want... Hold tight, once the motor's revving it's hard to brake that spinning whirrr.

And when you get off, you'll be dizzy, careful you don't slip --
Angeline said:
they charge by the letter--but then you won't be paying, will you? :D

I want it done before hand and display it on my front lawn...see how people like it ya know?
Tathagata said:
I want it done before hand and display it on my front lawn...see how people like it ya know?
I think we need a "One Foot in the Grave" thread where we can propose our own epitaphs for review and critique.

Drawn to beauty, he strove
to touch the blue light of heaven,
He sang his body electric.
flyguy69 said:
I think we need a "One Foot in the Grave" thread where we can propose our own epitaphs for review and critique.

Drawn to beauty, he strove
to touch the blue light of heaven,
He sang his body electric.

Drawn to beauty, he strove
to shop at the blue light special
he dies, before he checks out (?)
flyguy69 said:
As the leaves of grass grow thick on my grave? :D

"Hello, poetry lovers!"
- Lucifer, Fallen Angel, Prince of Darkness, Bringer of Light, Ruler of Hell.​

flyguy69 said:
I think we need a "One Foot in the Grave" thread where we can propose our own epitaphs for review and critique.

Drawn to beauty, he strove
to touch the blue light of heaven,
He sang his body electric.

What a great idea!

*goes to ponder gravely.*
Lauren Hynde said:
"Hello, poetry lovers!"
- Lucifer, Fallen Angel, Prince of Darkness, Bringer of Light, Ruler of Hell.​

At least the poets repose on the first circle!