anon comment topic from the review thread

flyguy69 said:
I don't think you did either. But I think you are assuming it. And, while you know better than most that it isn't always true, it is a defensible assumption.

If you want to become a better carpenter (rather than to simply fix one item one time) you want the best teacher. And an expereinced carpenter is more likely to be a better teacher than a novice.

ok. that is a clear picture.

is it a defensible position to value the opinion of the novice as highly as that of the experienced carpenter?

i don't think so....and that was the point i wanted to make to Impressive.

and i think that was tath's point also, by the way.
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PatCarrington said:
ok. that is a clear picture.

is it a defensible position to value the opinion of the novice as highly as that of the experienced carpenter?

i don't think so....and that was the point i wanted to make to Impressive.

and i think that was tath's point also, by the way.
Sorry, Ange. I tried to argue with him and ended up in agreement. You'll have to carry on without me. :(
flyguy69 said:
Sorry, Ange. I tried to argue with him and ended up in agreement. You'll have to carry on without me. :(

That's your best shot? Pffft. It easier than that. Watch.


Oh and while I am here misbehaving...I agree with everything the monkey said. He's such a smart monkey. :)
*Catbabe* said:
Gee, that was almost a concession. I was sure you would jump right to black. ;)

i like you too much to argue with you. :)

can i take you to dinner instead. :rose:
All depends if you are writing for writers (ie editors) or readers.

There is a place for both.

Literotica seems more to be the place to write for readers.

So if you don't like it, call it crap, why not? It can be the most perfectly constructed poem and still be crap crap boring crap to me.

Can I appreciate the form? The style? The word selections? The exquisite line breaks, well certainly. But it still might bore me to death, you know? People have every right to call poetry they don't like CRAP, and if you don't believe it then it should be no big deal.

I have had mine called much worse. I think that of many poems in prestigious journals are boring perfect mother fucking crap.

And they know a hell of a lot more about how to write a poem than I do.
MFA and PhD and BFD.


I maintain my position that everyone is here at literotica for different reasons. None of the reasons are better than others. So why continue to argue debate whatever over reasons people are here?

Why say wah wah Miss This did not mention my poem?

Who is Miss This and why is she here? She is a person with a role, a voluntary role. Certainly not to make everyone happy.

If someone wants to leave comments on 1 persons poetry and that is all, what is the big deal? Come on, get over it.

And if people are here to look for things to discuss, debate, argue etc. and you dont want to just dont discuss it.

People may be here to stir things up and piss people off, so if you want to be stirred and pissed, then do so, if not, just keep doing what it is you were doing.

If people are here to find someone to stimulate their erotic senses, and you are not in a stimulating frame of mind, then whatever, move on, I remember miss pussy on her tits and sprawled between her naked thighs wondering why people thought she might be interested in fucking around.


people cry that the circle or whatever is ignoring them, and yet do not leave comments. wah.

people dismiss other's opinion for whatever reason, really does not make sense.

And I say these things more to myself than to any other individual here. But come on, we are all here for different reasons, one of them being SEX.

So why don't we just talk about sex. This is literotica.

Damn it.


eh hem

where the hell is Eve's ass when we need it.

I need to go eat lunch and get some caffien.

annaswirls said:
All depends if you are writing for writers (ie editors) or readers.

There is a place for both.

Literotica seems more to be the place to write for readers.

So if you don't like it, call it crap, why not? It can be the most perfectly constructed poem and still be crap crap boring crap to me.

Can I appreciate the form? The style? The word selections? The exquisite line breaks, well certainly. But it still might bore me to death, you know? People have every right to call poetry they don't like CRAP, and if you don't believe it then it should be no big deal.

I have had mine called much worse. I think that of many poems in prestigious journals are boring perfect mother fucking crap.

And they know a hell of a lot more about how to write a poem than I do.
MFA and PhD and BFD.


I maintain my position that everyone is here at literotica for different reasons. None of the reasons are better than others. So why continue to argue debate whatever over reasons people are here?

Why say wah wah Miss This did not mention my poem?

Who is Miss This and why is she here? She is a person with a role, a voluntary role. Certainly not to make everyone happy.

If someone wants to leave comments on 1 persons poetry and that is all, what is the big deal? Come on, get over it.

And if people are here to look for things to discuss, debate, argue etc. and you dont want to just dont discuss it.

People may be here to stir things up and piss people off, so if you want to be stirred and pissed, then do so, if not, just keep doing what it is you were doing.

If people are here to find someone to stimulate their erotic senses, and you are not in a stimulating frame of mind, then whatever, move on, I remember miss pussy on her tits and sprawled between her naked thighs wondering why people thought she might be interested in fucking around.


people cry that the circle or whatever is ignoring them, and yet do not leave comments. wah.

people dismiss other's opinion for whatever reason, really does not make sense.

And I say these things more to myself than to any other individual here. But come on, we are all here for different reasons, one of them being SEX.

So why don't we just talk about sex. This is literotica.

Damn it.


eh hem

where the hell is Eve's ass when we need it.

I need to go eat lunch and get some caffien.


may i suggest decaf?

and no complex carbs for a few hours. :)

PatCarrington said:

italian, seafood?


Hmmm, that would be a tough call. Maybe seafood for the main course and then head to the Italian restaurant for dessert. ;)
*Catbabe* said:
Mashed? I think you went to the wrong restaurant. Didnt you get the memo? :p
I'm blacklisted at most of those places. Can't imagine why.
PatCarrington said:
ok. that is a clear picture.

is it a defensible position to value the opinion of the novice as highly as that of the experienced carpenter?

i don't think so....and that was the point i wanted to make to Impressive.

and i think that was tath's point also, by the way.

*sigh* I'm not disagreeing with the added "weight" of the experienced opinion in that it gives one pause. I'm merely saying that to devalue the novice/non-writer opinions is rather elitist. They might just provide an insight that the more experienced eye missed. Never once did I say that "this is crap" was constructive criticism. That type of comment, without an explanation as to WHY it's regarded as crap -- regardless of whether it comes from you or from Joe Schmoe -- is going in my cyber trash can.

In many ways, everyone here is saying the same thing in different ways -- and getting all bent out of shape because THEIR way of saying it is not being echoed.

If my work -- be it art, poetry, or prose -- is only accessible to or appreciated by the "elite," then it would remove all desire to create.

Bowing out now. :rose:
flyguy69 said:
I'm blacklisted at most of those places. Can't imagine why.

I could tell you but then I would have to swat you. Your real name is BourneFlyguy and you used to be a spy for Raid.
impressive said:
In many ways, everyone here is saying the same thing in different ways -- and getting all bent out of shape because THEIR way of saying it is not being echoed.

i'm not bent out of shape at all, imp. i'm always calm. this is debate, dear.

impressive said:
I'm merely saying that to devalue the novice/non-writer opinions is rather elitist.

and, in reference to carpenters, this theory WILL lead to things getting bent out of shape....houses, for instance.

or, in reference to anything.....don't you have to make a judgement for yourself who is worth listening to and who isn't, or do you just listen to everyone about everything, and value all opinions equally?

and if someone chooses to graduate their ratings according to potential validity, that makes them elitist?

i just don't follow the logic there.

Are ya'll fighting again? Is it a good fight? Is it worth me reading the last few pages of this thread so I'll know what's going on? Did someone mention my ass?
WickedEve said:
Are ya'll fighting again? Is it a good fight? Is it worth me reading the last few pages of this thread so I'll know what's going on? Did someone mention my ass?

I am discussing mashed potatoes, Flyguy's life as a spy, Italian versus Seafood and smart monkies. Nobody is fighting with me. Weirdos.

And yes, Eve, your ass was mentioned. :)
*Catbabe* said:
I am discussing mashed potatoes, Flyguy's life as a spy, Italian versus Seafood and smart monkies. Nobody is fighting with me. Weirdos.

And yes, Eve, your ass was mentioned. :)
As long as it's mentioned twice a week.
WickedEve said:
As long as it's mentioned twice a week.

Then this thread did accomplish something positive. We met the Eve's monthly ass quota. Excellent.