Anyone for cleeks?

Re: Re: Re: Baaaaa

MathGirl said:
Dear Fool,
Don't let that stop you. They get used to it after a while.

It's that cheap perfume you wear.....and spray up their noses....
The_Fool said:
I know you were a sadist, but a cannibal as well?
What the fuckpiss kind of writer are you that you can't spot literary finesse? Ever hear of rhetorical devices? Clue: they're not sex toys.

Nevermind the minute, too much a waste of my time.

Pffft! Perdita
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's called 'respect', dummy.

The_Fool said:
Sexual Frustration? Certainly, I am frustrated that I am surrounded by women who have the charm of bloated dead elephants. Being in present company lends nothing to achieving sexual desire. But still not enough to make sheep enticing.

Keep that frustration out of my face you fool, you imbecile, you half-wit, you ignorant pig, you cold dessert made of pureed fruit mixed with cream and served with custard.
Svenskaflicka said:
*yawn* You all bore me...:rolleyes:
Ah, Svenska,

That's why we love you. I cannot make myself be mean to you ever. (No apology, folks.)

(oh typical, it has to be Svenska)

Oh, I have to be the one to post under a narrowminded Sven...
perdita said:
Ah, Svenska,That's why we love you. I cannot make myself be mean to you ever.
Dear Perdita,
I can. Can I have your turn, too?
Ps. I'm only mean to Sven in PMs. That's the best kind of back biting.
Pps. You and Blooie seem to have used the same tatoo guy. He must specialize in bass viols.
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See, MG, the reason why I don't hiss at you for making that mistake, is that, on the contrary to the others, who only call me the S-word to annoy me, I know that you only do it because you're not very good at writing words with more than one syllable...:rolleyes:
It's very flattering to know you find yourself so compelled to look into my blouse, but I don't do Swedes. :kiss:
Lauren.Hynde said:
It's very flattering to know you find yourself so compelled to look into my blouse, but I don't do Swedes. :kiss:

Maybe she is enticed by the razor stubble on your chest.
Svenskaflicka said:
Yeah, and your wife could hide behind a toddler...

She told me that she wanted to be born again, so I told her that she could crawl between your legs.
Svenskaflicka said:
Me, on the other hand, do americans. I'm not picky about what goes up my pussy...
That could have actually been a good retort, were I an American.

(Me do americans? Who taught you English, Tarzan?)
I see that is the Fool hard at work with his flange-puller.

Really Fool, your idea of womanly charm comes from the Cheri magazines your coworkers leave in the breakroom.