Ask Your Moderators

Is there any limit on the length of a thread now?
Not that we have been advised. Laurel isn’t limiting the iso thread in the GB, which is the thread I was watching after the forum was upgraded. Some folks have asked me to close their threads in the PG. I’m happy to do that.
I can't seem to find out where to activate the PM? I've noticed it said many times to turn on from my end, but can't find it.
^^^ Above right corner, click your name, then Privacy.

Look for 'Allow Users to:

"Start Conversations with you"

Set it for Members.
Okay, Mr Speedy Quick! 😂😂

I did take a screenshot to help, too:


  • IMG_2721.jpeg
    375.6 KB · Views: 18
I have a story published, and it has been pointed out that some tags should have been included that weren't. Is it too late to add them now?
With some of the pic threads in the playground, I'd very much like to start a second thread for one I found in the fetish side. Pics of Women with MUSICAL Instruments. Thoughts and/or permission requested. Also, any advice would be welcomed.....
With some of the pic threads in the playground, I'd very much like to start a second thread for one I found in the fetish side. Pics of Women with MUSICAL Instruments. Thoughts and/or permission requested. Also, any advice would be welcomed.....
Completely up to you. Plenty of Lit folks stay in one or two forums, so I would expect there are many who haven’t seen that one. If you like it, go for it. Be careful about sharing images with urls and watermarks.
Gosh that sounds like a lie. If you ignored the OP you would no longer be able to see the thread much less post here.
[troll] I don’t need to lie to you retards. When someone post to me directly, hear it shows up.

Nice try Simp
is this true?
You have removed my post and threatened me with worse because one woman says I have harassed her "multiple" times and she has asked me to stop. I don't know what she is talking about. I have never harassed her and have never been told to stop. Ask her to provide one single example of this occurring previously. She cannot. Yet she remains in that thread that invites such comments and has since received far more provocative ones. I would like an answer.
You have removed my post and threatened me with worse because one woman says I have harassed her "multiple" times and she has asked me to stop. I don't know what she is talking about. I have never harassed her and have never been told to stop. Ask her to provide one single example of this occurring previously. She cannot. Yet she remains in that thread that invites such comments and has since received far more provocative ones. I would like an answer.
I have removed several of your comments that were directed at a specific member. She asked you to stop. You didn’t stop. That is TEXTBOOK sexual harassment. The comments were public for all to see.

If you continue to target her, you are 100% guilty of sexual harassment. When a person asks you to stop making sexual suggestions to them, you fucking stop. It doesn’t matter if others have been allowed to make comments. Welcome comments are not sexual harassment.
@Coyote100 Just taking today in one thread, you posted at her at 2:01 and 2:07, she replied with this at 2:10:

“No it won't, please stop, completely not interested and now will be hitting the ignore button.

I haven't enjoyed what you think is cute attempts of what I consider harassment.”

At 2:33 you targeted her again in the same thread just a few posts later. Stop when women ask you to stop. Your account will be banned if you continue to harass her.
@Coyote100 Just taking today in one thread, you posted at her at 2:01 and 2:07, she replied with this at 2:10:

“No it won't, please stop, completely not interested and now will be hitting the ignore button.

I haven't enjoyed what you think is cute attempts of what I consider harassment.”

At 2:33 you targeted her again in the same thread just a few posts later. Stop when women ask you to stop. Your account will be banned if you continue to harass her.
I don't know what you are talking about. I haven't post her at the times you suggest. In fact, I can't remember posting her previously at all except following her today with a post in that thread.. Just check the record of my posts. Do you consider posts in WTAF, What Book am I Reading, Geography, etc. harassment? Just check. If these false accusations don't quit, I am going to make a complaint against you all.
I don't know what you are talking about. I haven't post her at the times you suggest. In fact, I can't remember posting her previously at all except following her today with a post in that thread.. Just check the record of my posts. Do you consider posts in WTAF, What Book am I Reading, Geography, etc. harassment? Just check. If these false accusations don't quit, I am going to make a complaint against you all.
Please complain. I removed the posts I referenced, which is why you can’t see them. But all of the mods and site owners can still see them. A few people called you out in the thread. Set your ego aside and understand that a woman asked you to stop. And stop. You shouldn’t have to be forced to stop.

Do not message me again about this. Feel free to complain to the site owners.
Please delete this account.

I am not able to close or delete accounts. Here are instructions from the FAQs on how to close an account:

You have every right to remove yourself from the site at any time for any reason. If possible, we’d appreciate knowing the reason(s) for your decision. We strive to improve Literotica every day, and your feedback helps us improve things that may need improving.

If you’re a published Literotica Author planning to remove your account, consider archiving your stories before leaving the site so that your readers can continue to enjoy your work in the future.

As a security measure to make sure that only the owner of an account can delete it, you must log in to your profile to remove your account.

Once logged in, please do the following:

  • Click “New Story” in the top header menu.
  • Choose “New Story”.
  • In the story title field, enter this text exactly “REMOVE MEMBERSHIP”.
  • Choose any category (it doesn’t matter - this will not be posted publicly).
  • In the “Story Text” field, request that your membership be terminated.
  • Submit the story by clicking the “Preview&Publish” button at the bottom of the edit story page, and then click the “Submit for Publication” button on the story preview page. You should see a confirmation that the story was sent to the moderator for review.
All story, audio, poem, and art submissions you have on the site will be removed with your account. Be aware that we do not retain site submission data - including votes, comments, and the story text or files - for deleted accounts. Once an account is deleted from our servers, we cannot restore the account or any related data. Please backup all of your data before requesting an account removal.

Per our Forum Rules, we do not remove forum posts except in extreme circumstances. However, if you request to have your Literotica account closed, we may delete all of your posts and messages on the forum. If you have questions about forum post removal, please ask those questions of support before you request that your account be removed. If your account and forum posts are deleted, they cannot be restored. Please backup any forum posts or messages you want to save before requesting an account removal.

Account cancellations are usually completed within 2-4 days.
Why can't we put a mod on ignore? I don't want to read anything he says in the GB or politics board. Mods...are entitled to an opinion...but they can have a separate account for posting their hate and egotism. One that can be ignored.
That would be one to run by Laurel. It wouldn’t affect site functionality or ability to use any mod tools. I could understand not being allowed to block moderators, but sadly that’s not a feature we even have on the site.
How do you know which forum to start a thread in? Specifically, if it potentially fits in a few different sections.🤔 I don't wanna make the lit gods angry.