Ask Your Moderators

I can’t be of any help with image posting permissions. It’s not something I even have access to.
I know of a couple of vey prolific image only posters that just suddenly vanished, posts and all. They never posted any words, only images and dozens to hundreds a day. One came back under another ID and lasted a couple of months. Another stopped under one ID and started under another that is still active, primarily on the GB. The brainless boob just spewed a load this morning.

I would think if such a 'block image posting' option were available, it would be applied to them.
@Moderator's. I get you do not have access to the permision options. But don't you have access to the people who do?

Kind of messed up that there is no transparency in those matters
@Moderator's. I get you do not have access to the permision options. But don't you have access to the people who do?

Kind of messed up that there is no transparency in those matters
Everyone has access to the site owners. You can reach them by posting in the Lit Tech Help forum or by PM. Their usernames are Laurel and Manu. The two of them essentially do everything here, including reading all of the story submissions. They do not always reply to PMs. Posting in the Tech Support forum can often lead to others sharing if they are having similar problems, which seems like it would be the best approach for getting attention of the site owners.

This is a free site and the forums are not their main focus. The stories are the main focus of the site, and as such I expect they are the primary focus of the powers that be.
Hello Playgrounders,

I’ve been fielding some questions lately about thread closures/ image removal and the forum rules. Please feel free to use this thread to ask questions about the forum (Personals and PG) moderation.

I don’t guarantee all questions will be answered but will answer what I can.


I’ve been looking for straight personals. Where can I find them?
I'm curious about the unwritten rules of etiquette here. Two things specifically.

1. Are you supposed to ask someone's permission before following them? I follow people because I think their posts are interesting or witty, but I've received a couple of somewhat hostile reactions.

2, Is there a limit to how much you can post? I have a lot of free time right now, so I post often. A couple of snarks about that too.

I'm just trying to figure out how to avoid stepping on toes. Thanks.
The following thing is pretty new to all of us. It came with a forum update that happened in the spring. I didn’t ask anyone for permission and I haven’t been asked permission from anyone. I don’t think it’s necessary. I do wish people could remove a follower, though. When a person who bothers you follows you…not a great feeling. I say this as an aside, nothing at all related to you or your specific question.

There is no limit to how much one can post. Many of us go through periods of high quantities of posting and periods of absence or near absence. One point on the posting etiquette for a prolific poster: be careful to not take over the game threads. Sometimes folks will take over and be every other post or something like that, making the thread mostly or all about them rather than a game for many - most folks don’t like when that happens. :)

Welcome to Lit!
You have 600+ posts in about 60 days, or roughly 10 posts per day.

There are people that make 10 posts per hour, for hours or days on end ... sometimes well over 100 posts per day.

Most prolific poster was just under 270,000 posts (primarily in game threads) in less than 20 years before vanishing for as yet unknown reasons. Something around 40 posts per day on average.

A still active poster is over 180,000 posts in just over 10 years, around 50 posts per day on average.
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You have 600+ posts in about 60 days, or roughly 10 posts per day.

There are people that make 10 posts per hour, for hours or days on end ... sometimes well over 100 posts per day.

Most prolific poster was just under 270,000 posts (primarily in game threads) in less than 20 years before vanishing for as yet unknown reasons. Something around 40 posts per day on average.

A still active poster is over 180,000 posts in just over 10 years, around 50 posts per day on average.
I only posted on the How To and BDSM forums for several years. I hit 2500 posts after years (like 6 years) of being a member (I remember well because I made a dorky 2525 post, lol). Then I started posting on the GB. A busy night on the GB could be a couple hundred posts EASY. I hit 10,000 posts faster than I thought ever possible. I wish I still had that account.
I'm curious about the unwritten rules of etiquette here. Two things specifically.

1. Are you supposed to ask someone's permission before following them? I follow people because I think their posts are interesting or witty, but I've received a couple of somewhat hostile reactions.

2, Is there a limit to how much you can post? I have a lot of free time right now, so I post often. A couple of snarks about that too.

I'm just trying to figure out how to avoid stepping on toes. Thanks.
You can post on Y’s Lyrics Emporium all you want
I'm all bout the Darkside
*flirt flirt* lmao
But seriously can I doing the baking and maybe some cooking?

As for this mess... well Sunmaid and myself. We aren't responding to it. We aren't "paid enough"

Another shout out and mad love to you ToPleaseHim ♥ ♥

🖤 Sin. Not sinful
My question for the moderator moderating the moderation of moderatoring the forums....
What is better? Cookies or cake?
Also! What's the meaning of life?
Also! Cupcake wise.. top or bottom?
Also also..... what's the silliest life statement have you ever been told?
(eyebrows make the difference)
My question for the moderator moderating the moderation of moderatoring the forums....
What is better? Cookies or cake?
I like both, but only occasionally. I’m more of a savory person. Or cheesecake. I have to take a Lactaid, but I fucking love cheesecake.
Also! What's the meaning of life?
Fuck if I know. Just try to leave things better than we find them. Do no harm. Be excellent to each other.
Also! Cupcake wise.. top or bottom?
Definitely bottom (I’m no top, lol). I don’t usually care for icing, so I’ll scrape it off to have the cake part.
Also also..... what's the silliest life statement have you ever been told?

I’m just not sure on this one; I’ll have to think on it.
(eyebrows make the difference)
Eyebrows DO make the difference and I’m so glad thicker brows are in! (Not that I have great brows…gingers tend to have invisible brows, but I do appreciate nice brows). :)