Ask Your Moderators

Onto a new set of questions!
What's your favorite holiday?
What's one thing you learned bout yourself lit wise?
Favorite book? And which Character...?
Do you like cheese?
And last but not least ..
Is it nap time yet?

(Couldn't figure out the quote part. I gave up 😅)
Onto a new set of questions!
What's your favorite holiday?
My daughters’ birthdays. Or, for official holidays, I guess maybe New Year’s Day. The birth of a new year feels like opportunity, and we are all usually home together on that day which is nice.
What's one thing you learned bout yourself lit wise?
To keep my guard up, sadly. I was much too open here once upon a time.
Favorite book? And which Character...?
Oh, now this is an extremely tough one. Favorite ever? Despite my distaste for recent statements made by JK Rowling, I will always have an incredible fondness for the Harry Potter series. My kids and I, and several friends and I, were all in with this series and I have so many good memories. I’m hard pressed to choose between Hermione Granger and Molly Weasley as all-time favorites, but I think the edge goes to Mrs Weasley for me.
Do you like cheese?
Yes, very much so. It doesn’t like me, however.
And last but not least ..
Is it nap time yet?
I wish! :)
(Couldn't figure out the quote part. I gave up 😅)
It takes practice :)
My daughters’ birthdays. Or, for official holidays, I guess maybe New Year’s Day. The birth of a new year feels like opportunity, and we are all usually home together on that day which is nice.

To keep my guard up, sadly. I was much too open here once upon a time.

Oh, now this is an extremely tough one. Favorite ever? Despite my distaste for recent statements made by JK Rowling, I will always have an incredible fondness for the Harry Potter series. My kids and I, and several friends and I, were all in with this series and I have so many good memories. I’m hard pressed to choose between Hermione Granger and Molly Weasley as all-time favorites, but I think the edge goes to Mrs Weasley for me.

Yes, very much so. It doesn’t like me, however.

I wish! :)

It takes practice :)
Oh my god.. she responded!
*blushes all kawaii like*

It's a whole new year! So onto the new set of questions for the moderators of the forums *cackles evilly then ahems*

I think it's wonderful that your daughters' birthdays are just as important as national holidays. I love that! *insert cheerleaders pompoms*

Harry Potter wise.. who do you think has the biggest growth wise though out the series and also which character do you feel has been over embellished or over loved (does that make sense?) ?

Which teacher was your favorite and what house are you in? Patrons? And what's your wand core and length *wink wink hint hint nudge nudge*

What is something you hope to see this year on the forums or or what's a goal you strive to accomplish this year as a forum moderator?!

What's your favorite dessert and may I make it for you one day if I remember to remind myself that you responded?

And lastly. Is there any questions you would ever ask a live chat moderator?
Is there a way to stop someone from starting private conversations? If I ignore someone is that the same as blocking?
Is there a way to stop someone from starting private conversations? If I ignore someone is that the same as blocking?
Yes, you should have an option to leave a conversation and I believe selecting that will also give you an option to ignore future messages from the sender. Lit does have an ignore option. It’s not like blocking on social media platforms. It will prevent the ignored persons posts from appearing to you when you’re logged in, you won’t see any threads they’ve created, and they won’t be able to PM you (now known as “starting conversations”).

If someone is bothering you, please PM me the details. I’ll pay attention.
Harry Potter wise.. who do you think has the biggest growth wise though out the series and also which character do you feel has been over embellished or over loved (does that make sense?) ?
Neville has the best growth arc, but I’m really having to think about who got too much accolades or credit or love. Maybe Cedric? Although he’s certainly worthy, we just really didn’t get to know him (or any Hufflepuff) well. James Potter seems like he was a bully from the bit of insight we get into him.
Which teacher was your favorite and what house are you in? Patrons? And what's your wand core and length *wink wink hint hint nudge nudge*

I’m all about McGonagall, but I also love me some Lupin.

My wand (get your mind out of the gutter, lol) is cedar wood with a unicorn core 14 ½" and solid flexibility (says Pottermore) and I am Slytherin.
What is something you hope to see this year on the forums or or what's a goal you strive to accomplish this year as a forum moderator?!
I’ve never really made goals here so this is something to think about. There are a few friends I’ve made here that I’d like to get to know better, so that would be a personal goal. As far as the forums go, I’m satisfied with my contributions, lol.
What's your favorite dessert and may I make it for you one day if I remember to remind myself that you responded?

Cheesecake. And sure, lol.
And lastly. Is there any questions you would ever ask a live chat moderator?

Feeling on the spot here. I often shy away from the Ask Me Anything type threads because I don’t come up with great questions, but I love reading the answers. Speaking of reading, though, why kind of books do you like to read? Are you a re-reader? If yes, what book have you read the most?
So I put in for an AV change this evening; how long do you think it will take?
So I put in for an AV change this evening; how long do you think it will take?
Your guess is as good as mine. 🤷‍♀️

I put one in and it was never approved or updated. Then the one I have now? It was approved in one day. I must have just timed it right.
My pic posts have been deleted...seemingly regardless of content.....without notification of wrong doing on my part. I would appreciate an explanation of my status to avoid rules violations in the future. Am I being censored??
My pic posts have been deleted...seemingly regardless of content.....without notification of wrong doing on my part. I would appreciate an explanation of my status to avoid rules violations in the future. Am I being censored??
I have not deleted any of your content. If all of your pics have been deleted, this has been done at the site level. My guess would be due to violating photo posting guidelines regarding copyright or content.
I have not deleted any of your content. If all of your pics have been deleted, this has been done at the site level. My guess would be due to violating photo posting guidelines regarding copyright or content.
Thank you for your quick response. All the photos were my own pics from personal photo files. Would I need to attempt a response from the individual forum moderators?
When I researched the recently posted guidelines, they were closed to any inquiries. I have seen other Lit. members posting that their pics disappeared without explanation. In my recent replies to thread postings, the option to post files no longer exists.
Any ideas for a way forward would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't deleted any picture posts or threads in a few weeks that weren't hosted on Lit.

I'm not sure I even recall seeing any of yours.

In my recent replies to thread postings, the option to post files no longer exists.
THAT is something only Admin can do and only Admin can answer questions about. Mods can't change posting permissions.

And I've only ever seen one other member state having that problem.
I haven't deleted any picture posts or threads in a few weeks that weren't hosted on Lit.

I'm not sure I even recall seeing any of yours.

THAT is something only Admin can do and only Admin can answer questions about. Mods can't change posting permissions.

And I've only ever seen one other member state having that problem.
Thanks for your quick response! How do I contact the appropriate Admin about this?
Thanks for your quick response! How do I contact the appropriate Admin about this?
Your best recourse would be to PM @Laurel. She is the site owner/admin. She can be slower to respond, fyi.
I haven't deleted any picture posts or threads in a few weeks that weren't hosted on Lit.

I'm not sure I even recall seeing any of yours.

THAT is something only Admin can do and only Admin can answer questions about. Mods can't change posting permissions.

And I've only ever seen one other member state having that problem.

I’ve heard from others with the problem. I think it may be an algorithm. 🤷‍♀️