ASSHAT AWARDS: Even more of the Best of the Worst PMs & emails received

"Show me your tits" works because I can tell them to go away faster. :p
as I said: win-win situation.

I've advocated for this before. If they tell me right away I won't waste time explaining what I like to cook. Maybe I should just make every space of my profile one big "I don't want to talk to you" message.
I've advocated for this before. If they tell me right away I won't waste time explaining what I like to cook. Maybe I should just make every space of my profile one big "I don't want to talk to you" message.

But you could miss out on an awesome guy who just happens to like tits, too, you know?
Just got a delightful PM from someone with zero posts "domming" me. I never can understand the goal with these. Does the rush come from simply sending the message? I never respond to these.
Just got a delightful PM from someone with zero posts "domming" me. I never can understand the goal with these. Does the rush come from simply sending the message? I never respond to these.

He has little brains
Who attempts to dom a MOD
A suicidal?

He has little brains
Who attempts to dom a MOD
A suicidal?


It's not like we have superpowers or anything. :)

I have just been posting a bit more, and funnily enough posting in the Playground seems to lead to instant PMs. It's very interesting. I just find it really odd when someone sees that you post or frequent the BDSM forums and conclude that you must be down for submitting to anyone. :confused:
Just got a delightful PM from someone with zero posts "domming" me. I never can understand the goal with these. Does the rush come from simply sending the message? I never respond to these.

I see zero posts and it's an Alt.
I see zero posts and it's an Alt.

Not always. Some of my favorite people here on Lit are lurkers. :eek:

It's the ones who send an invite to have an online threesome with her and her shemale lover AND include a picture of them in a sexual act that are asshats.

I hate to close my PMs, but I enjoy not seeing those pics.
It's not like we have superpowers or anything. :)

I have just been posting a bit more, and funnily enough posting in the Playground seems to lead to instant PMs. It's very interesting. I just find it really odd when someone sees that you post or frequent the BDSM forums and conclude that you must be down for submitting to anyone. :confused:

About a year ago, Farawyn, MynameisNO and I were goofing around in some thread, talking about running to the store for more alchohol. I think I threw out something like "grab a couple of enemas, some gum and a candy bar, will ya?" This led to a couple of PM's about my love of enema play. :confused:

Posting in the Fetish and Sexuality forum will prompt a few interesting PMs as well.

I figure it's just a game of numbers -- throw out a wide net, see what you catch. Fingers crossed at least one person will take the bait.
I see zero posts and it's an Alt.

I am leery of those with zero posts, but I don't think that they are always alts or anything along those lines. I am not likely to respond to someone with few posts if they are sending me a personal message (I will pay attention if they're messaging something that I need to be aware of as a mod, of course).
"Care to chat with a married man who is away from home on business"

Sure, take care of business and call your wife, asshat!

Chat over.
Even when I state right away that the conversation will never be sex they say "ok!" And a few messages later give it a try anyway. :rolleyes: Even when I state it up front they still believe that getting a "hello" response to their bullshit message means a woman is interested. Nope. You aren't interesting or special I was just being nice.
For unsolicited dick pics

I'm an asshat PM receiver. Or responder. I have received dick pic requests and have not yet responded. It's been over a week. I know I know, being busy is no excuse. Ok, now where is that ass so I can put it on. I hope it's a 7 3/8 as that is what I wear. I hate for asses to be too snug or too loose.
Zero posts, joined this month ... and apparently he can just tell that I'm going to totally into his thinly veiled incest fantasy.

Oh, hang on ... I'm not into it at all.
I have to say, I really appreciate you ladies not including user names in these, it's saved me a lot of embarrassment.